Abdullah, King (of Jordan): Obama (Barack);
Abrams, Creighton W., Jr.: combat; courage; time;
Abrams, Elliott: gambling;
Abramson, Jill: religion; New York Times (The);
Abulafia, David: Aztecs; Empire (The Spanish), history (revisionist); academia;
“Ace of Spades”/Steve McCutcheon: Trump (Donald); truth; lying; reactionaries; Obama Administration (The);
Achorn, Edward: Polk (Pres. James K.);
Acqua, King: colonialism;
Acton, Lord: power; government;
Adams, Douglas: God; Hollywood; candor; ignorance; deadlines; Beatles (The);
Adams, Eric: New York; Haiti;
Adams, Henry: politics; dogmas; South (the U.S.);
Adams, John: ideology; Mohamed; Catholics; political correctness; uselessness; War On Terror (“The Global”, GWOT); New York; tyranny; democracy; Constitution (the US);
Adams, John Quincy: foreign policy; immigration;
Adams, Louisa Johnson: pride;
Adams, Samuel: guns;
Adams, Scott: Trump (Donald); Democrat Party (the U.S.); Kennedy (Robert F. Jr.);
Addison, Joseph: modesty;
Adenauer, Konrad: Germany;
Adès, Robert: sociology; education; discipline; authority; bullies;
Adesnik, David: preemption;
Adichie, Chimamanda Ngozi: (puritanism (the new); freedom of speech;
Adler, Alfred: normality;
Adorno, Theodor: music; culture;
Aeschylus: wisdom; suffering; dictatorship;
Agar, Jerry: immigration;
Agnagna, Marcellin: Africa; France, Empire (the French); colonialism;
Agnelli, Gianni: marriage;
Agnew, Spiro T.: Republicans-Democrats;
Aguilar, Lou: left (the); American Decline;
Aguilera, César Reynel: Democrat Party (The U.S.);
Ahmad Adwan: Palestine;
Ahmad, Omar: Islam In America;
Ahmadinejad, Mahmoud: Iran;
Ahmari, Sohrab: conservative; class; Belgium; academia, political correctness, universities; freedom of speech; gender; compromise; beer; fatherhood; “woke”; ‘Greens, The”;
Ahmed, Omar: Islam;
Ahmed, Qanta: Islamism;
Ai Weiwei: China (Red); dictators/-ship;
Aiken, George: prejudice;
Ailes, Roger: “entitlements”;
Aitken, Jonathan: cricket;
Aiub, Bruno: freedom of speech;
Aixa: Spain; crying; Islam;
Ajami, Fouad: Iraq War (The);
Akram, Mohamed: Islamic Brotherhood (The);
Aksyonov, Vassily: exile/emigration; anti-Americanism; Marxism; New York; accents; names; America; cities; sex in America; equality; generality; communism; utopia; baseball; words; football (American); homosexuality; parties (“party-parties”); Vietnam War (the); socialism (national);
Albanese, Anthony: freedom of speech;
Albers, Josef: art;
Albrechtsen, Janet: Canada;
Aldrich, Debbie: Clintons (The); Soros (George). Ocasio-Cortez (Alexandria); history; education; Trump (Donald); Republicans-Democrats;
Aldrin, Edwin “Buzz”: space (outer); trust;
Alemanno, Gianni: Israel;
Alexander, Gerard: Saddam Hussein;
Alexopoulos, George: “hate crimes”/”hate speech”;
Alinsky, Saul: numbers; persuasion; debate;
Alito, Samuel: “hate speech”; freedom of speech;
Allan, James: freedom of speech;
Allen, Brian T.: blame; envy; victimhood;
Allen, Charlotte: beer;
Allen, Steve: radio; television;
Allen, Tim: conservatives;
Allen, Woody: sex; courage; talent; nature;
Allen-Mills, Tony: France, Great Britain;
Allitt, Patrick: environmentalism;
Al Masri, Abu Hamza: homosexuality;
Almond, Mark: European Union (ex-EEC);
Althouse, Ann: freedom of speech;
Alton, Roger: men;
Altucher, James: negotiation;
Alvarez, Al: age (old);
Alvarez, Mary: children;
al-Bagdadi, Abu Bakr: Islamic “Jihad”; “islamic State” (The);
al-Banna, Hassan: Islam;
al-Hammami, Omar: Islamic “Jihad”;
al-Huwaider, Wajeha: Arabs;
al-Maktoum, Sheikh Rashid: strength;
al-Misri, Ahmad ibn Naqib: Islam, lying(lies); truth;
al-Qaradawi, Yussuf: Islam (doctrine);
al-Rashed, Abdel Rahman: Islam;
al-Thani, Hamab bin Khalifa: Iran;
al-Zawahiri, Ayman: Iraq War (The); Islamic “Jihad”;
Amery, Julian: Albania;
Amery, Leo: Churchill (Winston);
Ames, Fisher: equality (egalitarianism);
Ames, Jonathan: drink; confusion;
Amin, Idi: freedom of speech;
Amis, Kingsley: critics; pessimism; “science fiction”, God; atheism; “workshops”; writing/writers; literature; drink; war; ghosts; women; men-women; explanation; evil; publishing; acting; hedonism; “social work”; race; tolerance; work; military (the); safety; poetry; boys; combat; military (the); London; “English Lit.”; obesity; sex (writing about); Jews (Judaism); Wales; prison; tyranny; Jesus Christ; Lawrence (D.H.); money; debt; free will; crying; noise; insanity/sanity; reality; grammar; sufficiency;
Amis, Louis: Trump (Donald); war;
Amis, Martin: language; literature, writing/writers; America; Florida; Islam; Islamic “Jihad”; Clinton (Hillary); communism; Marxism; Russia; Soviet Union (The); jealousy; nuclear weapons; girls; space (outer); chess; Reagan (Ronald); American exceptionalism; India “Toweled”); music (“rap”); police (the); murder; guns; suicide; men & women; history; religion; political correctness; equality; Utopias; conscience; death; Oxford University; age (old); sex;
Anderson, Bradley: Los Angeles;
Anderson, Brian C.: free markets (free trade); Islam;
Anderson, Bruce: military (women in the); revolution; security; history, Chicago, taxation; drink; nationalism; deception; Christianity; Protestants(Episcopalian/Anglican); law (the); Soviet Union (The); Great Britain; “coronavirus”;
Anderson, Christine: government; “global warming”;
Anderson, Digby: immigration(-nts); activity; European Union (the ex-EEC);
Anderson, Gary: telephones (cell & “smart”);
Anderson, John F.: Carter (Jimmy);
Anderson, Kenneth: religion; media bias; Mormons(-ism);
Anderson, Ryan T.: free markets; language; political correctness;
Andreotti, Giulio: modesty;
Andretti, Mario: control;
Andrew, Prince: women;
Andrews, Helen: political correctness; generations; education; Rhodesia; colonialism; imperialism, Empire (The British);
Andrews, Kate: “coronavirus” (the); economics; wealth and poverty; liberty; smoking; socialism(“Scandinavian Model”);
Andropov, Yuri: Vietnam War (The);
Angelo, David: media (leftist) bias;
Angleton, James Jesus: deception; disinformation; espionage; intelligence; KGB (The); Cold War (The); secrets;
Anka, Paul: sophistication;
Anne, Princess: travel (air);
Anouilh, Jean: hate; spite; life; blame;
Ansari, Aziz: sex in America;
Anthony, David: speed; horses;
Anthony, Saint (The Great): temptation; war (rules of):
Antle, W. James III: libertarianism;
Antonin, Will: freedom of speech, Islam;
Anwar Ibrahim: freedom of speech;
Aoun, Michel: Lebanon;
Apfel, Iris: excess; New York; style;
Appiah, Kwame Anthony: Africa;
Appleton, Josie: legislation;
Appleyard, Bryan: health; snobbery; Facebook;
Aquinas, St. Thomas: faith; Mohammed; prudence; cowardice; debate; opinion; justice; mercy;
Arafat, Yasir: Arab-Israeli Conflict (The);
Araujo, Fabricio: “social democrat”;
Archer, Jeffrey: writers/writing;
Archibald, Steve: sports;
Ardern, Jacinda: truth;
Ardrey, Robert: nature; boredom;
Arendt, Hannah: hypocrisy. America; children;
Aretino, Pietro: self-control;
Arias-King; Fredo: immigration;
Arias, Óscar: Venezuela;
Aristotle: learning; life; anger; Libya; “gun control”; tolerance; law (the); criticism; bravery; age (old); mind (the); hope; insults; boredom; democracy; men-women;
Armey, Dick: liberals(-ism); public opinion;
Armstrong, Ava: Trump (Donald); Obama (Barack); youth, children;
Armstrong, Jesse: corporations; big business;
Armstrong, Lance: France;
Armstrong, Louis: music (folk);
Arnold, Matthew: critics (criticism); argument;
Aron, Raymond: fascism (in America): fascism (in Europe);life, options;
Arpaio, Joe: prison; liberals;
Arthur, Chester A.: Presidency (the US);
Ashe, Arthur: advice (good);
Ashurst, Henry Fountain: politics;
Asiedu, Kaizen: race/”racism”;
Asimov, Isaac: experts; writers; ideas; morality; science;
Aslam, Tasmin: Islam;
Asquith, Dominic: Middle East (The);
Asquith, Margot: women; gossip;
Asness, Clifford: market (the);
Ataturk, Mustapha Kemal: Islam; humanity;
Atherton, Michael: sports;
Atkins, Peter: creation;
Atkins, William: travel (air);
Atkinson, Alex: Texas; philosophy;
Atkinson, Robert D.: trade (international);
Atkinson, Rowan: humor;
Atlas, Scott: America;
Attali, Jacques: business; humanity; population (over-population); Malthusianism;
Atwater, Lee: explanation (explaining); advice (good);
Auden, W.H.: humanity, guns, free will; philanthropy; poetry; death; suffering; Vietnam War (The); London;
Augustine, Saint: prostitution; time; sin; walking;
Auslin, Michael: history; elites; Obama (Barack);
Austen, Jane: compassion; pleasure; sarcasm; approval;
Avedon, Richard: photography;
Awad, Nihad: Palestine(-ians);
Ayad Jamal Al-Din: Islam;
Ayaan Hirsi Ali: culture; Islam; “multiculturalism”; political correctness;
Ayittey, George: Africa;
Aznar, José-Maria: Israel;
Babbin, Jed: War on Terror (The global); Biden Administration (The);
Babin, Leif: tolerance;
Bach, Johann Sebastian: music;
Bach, Thomas: “gender”, science; biology;
Bacon, Edmund N.: architecture;
Bacon, Sir Francis: atheism; truth; self; self-centeredness; travel; hope;
Badawi, Raif: Islam (“moderate”);
Baddiel, David: social media; Twitter; humor;
Badenoch, Kemi: race (-ism); colonialism;
Baer, Robert: C.I.A. (The); Government (Federal); “Deep State (The)”; espionage; counterintelligence; Middle East (The); history; oil; Iran; War On Terror (The Global, GWOT);
Bagehot, Walter: wealth; conservatism (-ives); insanity; God; revolution; magic; privacy;
Bagnall, Nicholas: “political correctness”;
Bahnsen, David: investing;
Bai, Matt: pacifism;
Bailey, Bill: UKIP
Bailey, Roderick: intelligence;
Bailey, Ronald: life, “nature vs. nurture”; Mexico;
Baker, Danny: weather (the); stereotypes; swimming;
Baker, Sir Richard: age (old);
Baker, Russell: sportswriters;
Baker, Simon: life;
Bakshian, Aram Jr.: history; Germany; quotations;
Bakunin, Mikhail: revolution;
Balanchine, Georges: ballet;
Baldwin, Adam: left-right;
Baldwin, Alec: presidency (the U.S.);
Baldwin, James: sentiment(-ality); purity; home; children;
Baldwin, Stanley: totalitarianism;
Balfour, Arthur: seriousness;
Ball, Bobby: humor;
Ball, James: totalitarianism; social media;
Ball, Lucille: regret; men & women;
Ballard, J.G.: reading;
Ballmer, Steve: experts; telephones (“smart”); predictions;
Balzac, Honoré de: coffee; marriage;
Bandow, Doug: envy; guilt (collective);
Bankes, Ariane: charm;
Bankhead, Tallulah: sex;
Bankman-Fried, Sam: “woke”
Banks, Jim: Biden Administration (The); “Trumpism”;
Banks, Joseph: eating; hunger;
Bannister, Ray: homosexuality;
Bannon, Steve: “Trumpism”; Republicans-Democrats: Republican Party “Establishment”, Immigration; capitalism (crony);
Bansi Sharma: Harris (Kamala)
Barak, Ehud: Israel;
Baranowski, Daniel F.: “progressives”;
Barber, Lynn: “gender”; language; political correctness; Hungary;
Barbour, Haley: life; business (big); Obama Administration (The);
Barbour, Scott: Clinton (Hillary);
Barbusse, Henri: war;
Barclay, David: liberty; “cancel culture”; history;
Bardot, Brigitte: animals;
Barker, Ronnie: drink; humor;
Barkley, Charles: celebrity; blacks (American); race; America; stereotypes; slavery;
Barley, Nigel: Africa; bureaucracy; morality; pre-emption; power (“soft”); Great Britain; education; waste; advice (good); sociology; anthropology; academia; English language (the); beer; self-seriousness; self-importance;
Barlow, John Perry: parties (political); Democratic Party (U.S., The);
Barnacle, Nora: adultery; writing/writers;
Barnato, Barney: principle;
Barnes, Fred: Canada;
Barnes, Julian: history, life stories; communism; epochs; men-women;
Barnes, Simon: life, love; golf; friendship, “multiculturalism”, sentiment(-ality); sports; sports writing; Australia; humor; politics; political correctness; boxing; fighting; animals; culture;
Barnhill, John Basil: government; tyranny; liberty;
Baron, Mike: “white privilege” (“white supremacy”); family;
Barone, Michael: “welfare”; labor unions (public sector); Louisiana;
Barrie, J. M.: women writers;
Barro, Josh: Trump (Donald);
Barry, Dave: nature; ice hockey; men; men-women; talk; friendship; beer; risk; safety; words; work-from-home; “organic”; bullshit; crowds;
Barthès, Roland: automobiles; wrestling (professional); sleep;
Bartholomew, James: reactionaries; puritanism (the “new”); human nature; golf; education; elites; indoctrination; socialism; communism; race; Albania; McDonald’s;
Bartlett, Bruce: taxation; equality;
Bartlett, Jamie: internet (the); elections; propaganda;
Baruch, Bernard: self; Civil War (the U.S.); South (the U.S.);
Barzun, Jacques: football (American); baseball; political correctness;
Basinger, Brian K.: Democrat Party (the U.S.);
Bass, Kyle: China (Red); foreign policy;
Bassett, Theron A. II: men - women;
Bast, Joseph: “global warming”;
Bastiat, Frederic: government; socialism; greed; philanthropy; defense;
Batchelor, John: physics; science;
Baudelaire, Charles: Devil (the);
Bauer, (Lord) Peter: foreign aid, Third World (The);
Bauer, Lawrence D.: golf
Bauerlein, Mark: “millennials”;
Baverez, Nicolas: France;
Bawer, Bruce: Brexit; European Union;
Bay, Austin: freedom of speech;
Bayaral, Murat: facial hair; Islam;
Bayley, Stephen: Christmas; wealth; abstention; automobiles; art; art (public); genius; architecture; critids (criticism); Sontag (Susan); motoring (racing); New York Review Of Books (The); automobiles (electric);
Beam, Alex: happiness;
Beard, James: eating; prostitution;
Beaton, Cecil: charity;
Beaufort, Henry: war (and peace);
Beauman, Ned: “social media”; Twitter;
Beaumarchais, Pierre: music; ignorance; argument;
Beck, Chip: “wage gap”; age (old); espionage; fate/fatalism;
Beck, Glenn: culture; predictions; Obama Administration; bureaucracy; Disneyland; Islamism; American decline;
Becker, Howard: art;
Becker, Jasper: communism;
Becker, Kyle: Democratic Party (The U.S.); Trump (Persecution of); media (left-wing) bias; Harris (Kamala);
Beckett, Samuel: failure; life;
Beddington, Emma: Belgium; critics;
Beecham, Sir Thomas: music: music (“Avant-Garde”); dance; sex;
Beecher, Henry Ward: will:
Beerbohm, Max: taste;
Beevor, Antony: Europe (“Old”); Soviet Union (The);
Begala, Paul: Obama Administration (The); Democrat Party (The US);
Begley, Adam: Harvard University;
Behan, Brendan: drink; America; Ireland; communism;
Behar, Joy: arrogance; critics; humor;
Beichman, Arnold: Soviet Union (The); Revolution(the Russian);
Beidas, Yousef: Lebanon;
Bejtman, John: poetry;
Belcher, Mke: Marx (-ism);
Belichik, Bill: “social media”;
Bell, Art: America;
Bell, Buddy: pessimism;
Bell, Jarome: science;
Bellamy, David: “global warming”;
Bellamy, Guy: hindsight; life; relationships; marriage; talk; work; China; honesty; sex; problems; men; lying; memory; time; gambling; hospitals; rowing; banks; childbirth; smiles/smiling; dance; love; risk; fame; facial hair; appearances; suicide; money; wealth; luxury; gender; mothers; religion; manners; class; taxation; intelligence; gossip; rumors; Australia; divorce; drink; boredom; women; confidence; real estate;
Belloc, Hilaire: barbarity(-ism; -ians); culture; friendship; power; Catholic Church (The); men; conflict;
Bellow, Saul: lying, “multiculturalism”, France; Left(The); memory; manners; insanity;
Belushi, Judy: genius;
Benchley, Robert: doctors;
Bendel, John: invention;
Benedict XVI, Pope: truth; democracy;
Benenson, Joyce: men;
Ben Gurion, David: God, Bible (The); experts; military (women in the); Israel; history (“Revisionist”);
Benigno, Joe: Harris (Kamala);
Benjamin, Walter: civilization; fascism; books;
Bennett, Alan: poetry; literature; education;
Bennett, Arnold: soccer; critics;
Bennett, James C.: slavery; imperialism;
Bennett, Joe: nostalgia, art; past (the); cooking; jazz;
Bennett, Stetson: telephones (cell & “smart”);
Bennett, Tony: life;
Bennett, William: education; culture; despair; surrender;
Benson, Guy: Paul (Ron);
Beran, Michael Knox: beauty; art; leadership
Beregovoy, Pierre: inflation;
Berenson, Alex: espionage; South (The U.S.); Iran; yoga; prudence; fear; Navy (The U.S.);
Bergé, Pierre: fashion; Islam;
Beria, Lavrentiy: justice;
Berkelely, Bishop: mountains;
Berkmann, Marcus: music; music (“rap”, “hip-hop”); music (bad); Rolling Stones (The); humor; writing; editors; age (old); social media; internet (the); telephones (“smart”);
Berle, Milton: marriage;
Berlin, Irving: simplicity;
Berlin, Isaiah: blacks (negroes); anti-Semitism;
Berlinski, Claire: intelligence; Middle East (the);
Berlusconi, Silvio: women; homosexuals (-lity); Islam;
Berman, Paul: Islamism; realists (political);
Bernanos, Georges: utopia(-nism);
Bernard, Daniel: Israel;
Bernard, Jeffrey: “relationships”; doctors; smoking; China/Chinese; exercise; “self”; homosexuality(-s); marriage; Italy; political correctness; death; London;
Bernard, Jules: advice (good); women;
Berns, Walter: law (international);
Bernstein, Leonard: hierarchy;
Bernstein, Robert L.: eloquence;
Berra, Yogi: thought; football (American); baseball; funerals;
Berres, Harry: military (homosexuals in the);
Berry, Joel: ”Election” of 2022 (the, & aftermath of);
Best, George: life;
Beston, Paul: WWI; men and women;
Bet-David, Patrick: truth; lying;
Bethell, Tom: environmentalism, men and women, “Third World (The)”; God; evolution; Democratic Party (The U.S.); spending (government); foreign aid; Supreme Court (The U.S.); California; Left-Right; immigration (-nts); communism; Iraq War (The); democracy; human nature; socialism; economics; liberals(-ism); “global warming”; Afghanistan (War in); military (women in the); War on Terror (The global); labor unions; San Francisco; civilization; Islam; God; prosperity; morality; blacks (American); Great Britain; misanthropy; Darwinism; music (black); progress; wishful thinking; scarcity; UN (The); science; wealth; Washington; complexity; deterioration;
Beuve-Mery, Hubert: anti-Americanism;
Bevan, Judi: divorce;
Beveridge, William: eugenics; pessimism;
Bhattacharya, Jay: coronavirus (the); censorship;
Biddlecombe, Peter: Africa; automobiles; public opinion; clergy (the); time; Niger; Nigeria; Congo (The); World War I; Vienna; Finland; Europe (Eastern); Hungary; Poland; ballet; opera; Canada; Quebec; minorities; Miami; Iceland; commerce; names; Lebanon; America; business; Taiwan; Bangladesh; abortion;
Biden, Joe: rights (constitutional); China (Red); Joe Biden; Bidens (The); Biden Administration (The); Obama Administration (The); facts; “Coronavirus”; race; Haiti; voting (voting fraud); Election of 2020; Ireland; abortion; democracy; guns; “gender”; Blacks (American); Palestine (-inians); Trump (the Persecution of);
Biden, Hunter: Bidens (the);
Bieber, Justin: Christianity; religion;
Bierce, Ambrose: patience; America;
Billington, Thomas P.: engineering; technology; science;
Bin Laden, Osama: Jihad; Islamic Jihad; Iraq War (The);
Bine-Bine, Aziz: cowardice;
Bin Zayed, Abdullah: Palestine;
Bion, W. R.: psychiatry (-ists);
Birkett, Norman: quotations;
Birrell, Harry: combat; combat (coming home from) ;
Bischoff, Eric: slogans;
Bishop, Stephen: insults;
Bismark, Otto von: European Union (The) (ex-EEC); foreign policy; principle; wisdom; experience; England; Anglosphere (The); horse racing; history; politics; lying; America; Russia; treaties; Holland; Ireland;
Bissonette, David: marriage;
Bita, Paul: West (the); “multicultural”;
Black, Cofer: Sudan (the);
Black, Conrad: Iraq (War, The); “environmentalism”; “global warming”; United Nations(The); Vietnam War (The); defense spending; law (the); “Guardian, The”); Germany; Trump (Donald); economics; Johnson (Boris);
Black, Michael Ian: political movements; Johnson (Boris);
Black, Simon: Twitter;
Blacke, Colin: public transport;
Blackett, Jamie: Rousseau (Jean-Jacques);
Blackmore, Liliane: hospitals;
Blackwell, Ken: wealth (the redistribution of);
Blair, Dennis: China (Red);
Blair, Tim: Texas;
Blair, Tony: “civil liberties”; popularity; advice (good); prizes;
Blake, William: wisdom; excess;
Bland, Sir Christopher: decisions;
Blankley, Tony: conservatives(-ism);
Blankenhorn, David: fatherhood;
Blaug, Mark: economics;
Blehar, Jeffrey: military (the);
Blocher, Christoph: Switzerland; Italy;
Bloom, Allan: music (rock); education; relativism;
Bloom, Paul: bigotry; parochialism;
Bloomberg, Michael: government; “sub-prime” mortgage mess (the);
Blount, Roy Jr.: motoring (racing);
Boaz, David: left-right; libertarians;
Bobbitt, Philip: Morality (+Ends/Means);
Bodett, Tom: happiness;
Bogarde, Dirk: combat; Berlin (The, Wall);
Bogart, Humphrey: wealth; baseball; manners; fame; celebrity; drink; life; theater (the);
Bohr, Niels: craziness; truth;
Boillon, Boris: Iraq;
Bok, Derek: universities;
Bokassa, Jean-Bedel: oil;
Bolivar, Simon: revolution;
Bolt, Robert: virtue;
Bolton, John R.: negotiation; anti-Americanism;
Bolton, Kerry: banks/bankers:
Bolyai, Farkas: geometry;
Bombeck, Erma: automobiles;
Bonanno, Margaret: wealth; time;
Bongino, Dan: liberalism; coronavirus (the); happiness; Left (The); Republicans-Democrats; “Black Lives Matter”; argument; debate; education; dictators/dictatorship;
Bono: “Capitalism”;
Booker, Christopher: Philip (Prince); good intentions; evolution;
Booker, Cory: Constitution (The U.S.);
Boorstin, Daniel: celebrity; Trump (Donald);
Booth, Nick: immigration;
Booth, Wayne: rhetoric;
Borelli, Deneen: “political correctness”; liberalism;
Borge, Victor: “sociability”; Christmas;
Bork, Robert: modernity (post), liberals (-ism); equality (egalitarianism);
Borland, Tully: voting; relativism;
Borlaug, Norman: environmentalism;
Borrow, George: travel; talk;
Bostrom, Nick: “AI”;
Bostwick-Barnes, Sikisa: podcasts;
Boswell, James: Scotland;
Botha, R.F. “Pik”: South Africa;
Botkin, Daniel: global warming; change;
Bottum, Jody: liberals; self-esteem; “feelings”; argument; fights; understanding;
Boudreaux, Donald J.: protectionism; economics (Keynesian);
Bourdain, Anthony: vegetarianism;
Bowen, Elizabeth: human nature;
Bowie, David: artists;
Bowles, Erskine: deficits;
Bowman, James: honor; cinema; self-pity; fascism; culture; art; sex; “modern (-post)”; humor; men-women; Marx; “progressives”, history; homosexuality; understanding; gossip; past (the); slavery;
Bowyer, Jerry: capitalism (crony);
Boyd, Roy: immigration;
Boyd, William: Washington D.C.; meetings; silence; England; Hollywood; luck; honesty; suicide; names; women; men and women; love; language (translation); truth, lying; life; self-awareness; Africa; fate; stoicism; indifference; suicide; travel; tropics (the); disasters; weather; age (old); mathematics; prodigies (child); limits (& infinity); politics; body (the); nature; obsession; cinema; dreams; work; normality; Germany; architecture; fights (-ing); cheating; ruthlessness; dignity; emotions; adults/adulthood; advice (good); management; leadership. morality; lawyers; reading; cinema; memory;
Boyle, Adrian: health (The British NHS);
Boyles, Denis: Lebanon (The); Left (The, -ists); environmentalism (-ists); France; elections; democracy;
Boyt, Susie: clichés;
Bradbury, Malcolm: music (rock); “liberation”; equality; architecture; liberals; Fascism; conformity; political correctness; writers (-ing); “public”; artists; reform; adultery; West (the “Wild” & the Great Plains); England; America; New York; optimist-pessimist; travel; divorce; problems; eating; diplomacy; Marx (-ism); Freud (Sigmund); uniqueness; “self”;
Bradbury, Ray: reading; culture; insanity;
Braden, Vic: tennis;
Bradley, John R: Islam; democracy; Saudi Arabia; “Islamophobia”;
Bradley, Omar: courage;
Braestrup, Peter: (Vietnam War (The);
Braid, James: science fiction;
Braithwaite, Sir Roderick: Russia;
Brandeis, Louis D.: Constitution (the US); privacy, solitude;
Brandis, George: geography;
Brando, Marlon: life;
Braverman, Suella: race;
Bray, Christopher: race (“racism”);
Brearley, Mike: cricket;
Brecht, Bertold: heroes; democracy;
Breitbart, Andrew: politics; culture; truth; liberty; media (the); journalism; liberalism; universities;
Brennan, John: CIA (the);
Breslin, Jimmy: Catholicism; boxing; elections; media (the);
Brett, Simon: education (private); snobbery; truth (the); friendship; countryside (the); theater (the); homosexuality;
Brewer-Carias, Charles: America (South); tropics (the);
Brezhnev, Leonid: Brezhnev (Leonid);
Brien, Alan: Italy;
Briggs, Raymond: drink;
Bright, John: insults;
Brigstocke, Marcus: jazz;
Brill, Yvonne: marriage; men;
Brimelow, Peter: race;
Brin, Sergey: internet (the);
Brinkley, Alan: conservatives(-ism);
Broadbent, Pete: royalty;
Brock, Pope: behavior; disgrace;
Broder, David: presidency (the U.S.);
Brody, Drew: bullies;
Bromley, Alan: America;
Bromund, Ted: Germany;
Brooker, Charley: basketball;
Brookhiser, Richard: Christmas/(Santa Claus); America; Blacks (American); Hong Kong; progress; Islamofascism; celebrity; age; youth; conservatism; debt; education; totalitarianism; gossip; Jews; wit; art; talent; women; hospitals; men and women; sex; humor; Germany; slavery; Italy; Ireland; Protestants; telephones; sincerity; restaurants; slavery; evil; New York; California; royalty; writing/writers; Washington (George); politics; communism; “studies”; dance; merit (“meritocracy”);
Brooks, Arthur C: immigration; Government (Federal);
Brooks, David: diplomacy(-ats); war; China (Red); Palin (Sarah); politics;
Brooks, Mel: humor; political correctness;
Brooksby, Philip: spending (government); “diversity”;
Brophy, Brigid: opinion; censorship; past (the); history;
Brougham, Henry: jury;
Broughton, Philip Delves: Internet (the); Mormons; economics;
Brouwers, Arnout: Europe (Old); Europe (Western);
Brower, Ray: Atlanta;
Brown, Bertram S.: Clinton (Bill);
Brown, Carol: Obama (Barack);
Brown, Craig: suspicion; space;
Brown, Doug: Democratic Party (The U.S.): intelligence;
Brown, Hank: Biden (Joe);
Brown, Harold: arms race;
Brown-Jackson, Ketanji: pornography;
Brown, James: fights;
Brown, Jim: football (American); patriotism;
Brown, Ketanji Jackson: freedom of speech; Constitution (the U.S.);
Brown, Raymond J.: military (the);
Brown, Roland Elliott: Soviet Union (The);
Brown, Stephanie: equality;
Brown, Warren: blacks (American);
Brown, Willie: Harris (Kamala);
Browne, Anthony: socialism; Left (The); “Left-Right”; wisdom;
Browne, Harry: government;
Brownlow, Kevin: creativity;
Bruce, Lenny: honesty;
Bruckner, Pascal: America, Europe; race (“Critical Race Theory”); guilt (“collective”); dictatorship;
Bruni, Carla (Sarkozy): “relationships”;
Bryson, Bill: Philadelphia; England; Soccer; food; fashion; Sweden; Baltimore; names; consumerism; weapons; Shakespeare; quotes; punctuation; Yorkshire; tourism; Scotland; marriage; shopping; coffee; celebrity; Great Britain; youth; Belgium; geography; London; childbirth; nostalgia; Japan; time; America; noise; meaning;
Brzezinski, Mika: media (left-wing) bias;
Brzezinski, Zbignew: Cold War (The);
Buchan, James: Middle East,
Buchan, John: sea (the); equality (egalitarianism); Canada; democracy;
Buchanan, James, Sr.: humanity;
Buchanan, Patrick J.: Imperialism (American), Imperialism (British), isolationism, Washington Post (The); culture; culture war;
Buchholz, Todd G.: progress; progressives; socialism; Kumbaya;
Buchwald, Art: golf; death;
Buckley, Christopher: Clinton (Hillary); Trump (Donald); Carter (Jimmy);
Buckley, F.H.: “social”; wealth; trust; contracts;
Buckley, James L.: human nature;
Buckley, John: music (rock); Senate (The U.S.); Washington D.C.; inflation; America (South); trouble; explanations; Mafia (The);
Buckley, William F. Jr.: Bush (George W.), war (rules of); taxation; tax evasion/avoidance; Switzerland; France; Africa, colonialism; terrorism; government; democracy; Johnson (Lyndon B.); Clinton (Bill); “diversity”; Bach (J.S.); presidency (the U.S.); anger; motivation, “moral equivalence”; liberals; humility; diplomacy; politics; “open mind”; nationalism; subservience; drugs; writing; idealism; Rhodesia; argument; prizes; despair; fencing; fighting; humanity; conservatism; insults; critics; espionage; environmentalism; “global warming”; computers; business; wishful thinking; Hell; modernity;
Buddha: anger;
Buffett, Warren: prediction; business; environmentalism; truth; Bitcoin/NFT; revelation; advice (good);
Buford, Bill: soccer;
Bui Tin: Vietnam War (the); “anti-war” movement;
Bukele, Nayib: cities;
Bukovsky, Vladimir: communism; terrorism; foreign policy; totalitarianism; judgmentalism; Carter (Jimmy); disarmament; past (the); European Union (The EU);
Bukowski, Charles: reading; misanthropy; regret;
Bulger, William: Ireland; cooking;
Bump, Philip: Florida;
Bunch, Sonny: “social media”; slogans;
Bunting, Josiah: Iraq War (The);
Buppert, Bill: liberty;
Burchill, Julie: stoicism(-ics); revenge; music (rock); “political correctness”; Protestants; past (the); nostalgia; happiness; Left (The); Islamic conversion; Islamic ecumenism; men-women; writing; punctuation; privacy; “social media”; Dubai; immigration; sensitivity; words; sarcasm; spite; appearance; morality; “woke”; “social justice warriors”; lunch/brunch;
Buress, Hannibal: time;
Burge, Dave “Iowahawk”: fashion; “smart”; “Obamacare”; women; Obama Administration (The); Perry (Rick); UN (The); protest; business; Bloomberg (Michael); New York; “New Yorker (The)”; politics (and money); Iowa; feelings; spending (government); fights; California; Texas; prizes; Newsweek; humor; government; talk; Washington D.C.; children; “Washington”; labor unions (public sector); humor; justice (“social”); fame; communism; Congress (The U.S.); Europe; “Eurozone”; universities; university professors; contraception; property; liberals; Middle East (The); jobs; economics; tennis; Holland; left (the); left (the); left-right; golf; work; travel (air); “bi-partisanship”; joining; bachelorhood; baseball; Hitler; Fifth Amendment; words; I.R.S. (The); automobiles; evidence; decades; conformity; race; population; immigration; evolution; “gender”; “global warming”; Illinois; snobbery; FBI (The); Chicago; “schadenfreude”; journalism; blasphemy; Finland; internet (the); puritanism (the “new”); transportation; culture; opera; marriage; “nine-eleven”; political correctness; “public service”; music (bad); offense (taking); Scientology; “hate crime (hate speech)”; freedom of speech; capitalism (“crony”); conscience; generations; Republican Party (the US); Republicans-Democrats; hedonism; poverty; America; violence; hypocrisy; standards (double-standards); Sanders (Bernie); “woke”; controversy; totalitarianism; Cuba; social media; Hollywood; Twitter; “Simpsons (The)”; drugs; food (fast-”junk”); Middle Ages (The); jargon;
Burgess, Anthony: Greene (Graham); collectivism; foreign policy; writing; evil; men; power; loyalty; money; America; art; homosexuality; free will; censorship; bullfighting; England; theater (the); history; happiness; nationalism; immigration; Pakistan; destruction; Italy; lust; business; Hollywood; fascism; Malta; bureaucracy;worry; human nature; “identity politics”; Russia; France; numbers; seriousness; Beatles (The); Rolling Stones (The); dreams; marriage; morality; words; sex in america; failure; music (classical); exile; labor unions; socialism;
Burgess, Liana: life;
Burgh, James: guns;
Burke, Edmund: “civil liberty”; prejudice; Revolution (The French); manners; public opinion; corruption; cynicism; example; curiosity; equality; action/activity; humanity; human nature, politics; conservatism;
Burke, Martyn: problems-solutions;
Burleigh, F. W.: Obama (Barack);
Burleigh, Nina: Clinton (Bill);
Burnett, Carol: childbirth
Burnham, James: power; problems; liberals; civilization; equality; guilt; ideology; options;
Burns, George: public speaking; future (the); marriage; sex;
Burnside, John: Internet (The);
Burstein, Maralyn: money; inflation;
Burton, Bob: espionage;
Burton, Richard: children; fame;
Burton, Sir Richard: slavery; Africa; marriage;
Burton, Robert: “lifestyle”; virtue;
Bury, J. B.: progress;
Bush, Barbara: sex (oral);
Bush, Jeb: government;
Bush, George H. W.: Clintons (The); Cold War (The);
Bush, George W.: morality; terrorism; Islam; Europe; media (left-wing bias in); popularity, public opinion; “nine-eleven”; New Orleans; Queen Elizabeth II;
Butcher, Tim: Congo (The); Africa;
Butler, Dawn: animals; homosexuality;
Butler, Judith: Palestine;
Butler, Samuel: conscience;
Butler, Smedley: pacifism: war (reasons for);
Butler, William F.: military (the);
Butters, Andrew Lee: Lebanon (The);
Byers, Edward C., Jr.: bravery; courage;
Byron, George Gordon (Lord): reason; youth; Italy; alliances; justice;
Byron, Robert: Iraq;
Bywater, Michael: “intelligent design”; music (rock);
Buxadé, Jorge: European Union (The);
Cabell, James Branch: optimist-pessimist;
Cabyuhira, Rene: Rwanda
Caddell, Pat: Democratic Party (The);
Cadogan, Charles: prostitution;
Caesar, Irving: knowledge;
Caesar, Sid: invention;
Cage, Nicolas: sarcasm;
Cahill, Tim: Mongolia; advertising, women; West (“The Wild”); technology; honor; jungle (the); humor; elephants; France; litigation; responsibility;
Cain, Herman: blacks (American);
Cain, Will: conspiracy; censorship;
Caine, Michael, Sir: taxation; age(old); youth; homosexuality; drink; England; communism; acting; freedom; nostalgia; Brexit; European Community (EU); Luxembourg; police (the); Russia;
Caldwell, Christopher: Mexico; “independent (-ce)” (personal); language; football (American); problems; poverty; English-American Relations; revolution; immigration; population; addictions; “yellow vests”; insanity; “Election” of 2022 (The);
Cale, John: suicide;
Calgacus: Empire (The Roman);
Camàra, Christian: Left (The);
Camarota, Steven: agriculture; immigration;
Cameron, David: conservatives; “social media”; Twitter;
Cameron, Roy (“Cam, Roy”): liberty; Establishment (The); idealism; communism; Italy; Pope (The): dance; evil; conformity; Revolution (The French); Soros (George); Argentina; meaning; liberals (-ism); hysteria; authoritarianism; Left (the); slavery; energy; “global warming”; Cultural Marxism; Civilization (Western); saints;
Campbell, Brian: diamonds; age (old); curiosity;
Campbell, Joseph: computers;
Campbell, Ken: insanity;
Campbell, Luther: “nine-eleven”
Campbell, Mrs. Patrick: men;
Campbell, W. Joseph: hurricanes;
Campbell-Bannerman, Sir Henry: independence (national);
Camus, Albert: tyranny; intellectuals; truth; excess; freedom; terrorism; “Coronavirus”; thought; emotion(s); happiness;
Camus, Renaud; “Great Re-Set (The)”; race;
Canaway, Bill: listening;
Canter, Jon: writers; sex; lawyers; children (childhood); contracts; friendship; crying; argument; marriage; religion; men; “authenticity”; political correctness; money;
Canton, Rick: cats;
Cantor, Paul: “sexism”; taboos;
Capellanus, Andreas: love;
Cappelli, Peter: work; individualism;
Caplan, Bryan: democracy; education; public opinion; credentials;
Capone, Al: guns;
Capote, Truman: self-promotion; Rolling Stones (The);
Cardillo, John: “January 6th”;
Carey, George: virtue; constitution (the U.S.);
Carey, Joyce: Africa;
Carl, Jeremy: immigration; Republican “Establishment”;
Carle, Robert: homosexuality;
Carlin, George: stupidities; Christmas; political correctness; fascism (in America); work;
Carlson, Tucker: press (the); imperialism; Empire (The British); Freedom of Speech; Deep State (The); Democrat Party (The US); political correctness; military (the); immigration; anti-Americanism; global warming; Trump (Donald); “Trumpism”; Newsom (Gavin);
Carlyle, Thomas: history; happiness; Koran (The); democracy; agreement; possible/impossible; self-centeredness;
Carafano, James Jay: terrorism;
Carnegie, Andrew: equality (egalitarianism); wealth; wealth and poverty; wealth (the redistribution of);
Carney, Scott: decadence;
Caroe, Sir Olaf: Afghanistan;
Carolla, Adam: Ocasio-Cortez (Alexandra);
Carr, Caleb: sex; problems;
Carr, Howie: immigration;
Carr, Raymond: war; ideology;
Carrington, Henry B.: Indians (Feathered, Wars);
Carrington, Peter (Lord): Thatcher (Margaret); science;
Carroll, James: religion;
Carroll, Lewis: law (the); marriage;
Carroll; Mustafa: Islam;
Carroll, Peter James: life;
Carse, James P.: art;
Carson, Anthony: Spain;
Carson; Ben: America; political correctness; politicians; abortion; blacks (American); liberals; agreement; left (the);
Carson, Johnny: fairness;
Carter, Dominic: “DEI”; Harris (Kamala);
Carter, Dwayne Michael Jr.: race (racism);
Carter, Graydon: Hollywood;
Carter, Gus: prudery;
Carter, Isaiah L.: Race (“Critical Race Theory”)
Carter, Jimmy: dictatorship;
Carter, Joe: Constitution (the U.S.);
Carter, Liliane: Jimmy Carter;
Cartland, Barbara: France; fashion;
Caruso-Cabrera, Michele: China (Red); equality; equality (income);
Carville, James: liberals (-ism); Left (The); Democrat Party (The U.S.); Cruz (Ted); truth;
Cary, Joyce: women;
Caryl, Christian: Russia (-ns);
Casanova, Giacomo: Paris;
Case, Spencer: history;
Casey, Mike: counterintelligence;
Casey, William J.: Cuba; intelligence; intelligence (“oversight”); CIA (The); espionage; talk; secrecy; reading;
Casimir, Vincent: writing;
Cass, Oren: “global warming”;
Cassidy, David: missionaries;
Cassidy, Jon: Republican Party (The U.S.); Republicans-Democrats;
Cassidy, Shaun: Utah;
Castro, Fidel: Cuba; Fascism;
Cather, Willa: Catholics;
Catherine The Great: democracy;
Cato, (The Elder): death; fame; utility; asceticism;
Cato, (The Younger): pre-emption; treason;
Catsimatidis, John: Biden (Joe);
Catto, Jeremy: Banks (-ing);
Catton, Bruce: baseball;
Caute, David: freedom;
Cavanaugh, Tim: Middle East (The);
Cave, George: Iran;
Cave, Nick: “cancel culture”; political correctness;
Ceaser, James W.: Obama (Barack); ideology;
Cecil, Robert: espionage;
Celine: misanthropy;
Cellini, Benvenuto: art;
Cercas, Javier: writers/writing;
Ceren, Omri: Left (The);
Cernovich, Mike: Trumpism; “gender”;
Cervantes, Miguel de: facts;
Chagall, Marc: Marxism;
Chagnon, Napoleon: Indians (“Feathered”);
Chait, Jonathan: Bloomberg (Michael); social engineering; political correctness; “Trump Derangement Syndrome”;
Chakrabarti, Saikat: “global warming”;
Chamberlain, John: equality; equality (income);
Chamberlain, Wilt: perfection;
Chambers, Whittaker: life;
Chamford, Nicolas-Sebastien: crime prevention; government; boredom; wisdom; self;
Chamorel, Patrick: France; Cuba;
Champion, Heather: appearances;
Chancellor, Alexander: internet (the); fairness; rights (human); motivation; age (old); dreams; royalty;
Chandler, “Happy”: statism;
Chandler, Raymond: drink; writers(-ing); England; action/activity;
Chan, Jackie: freedom of speech;
Chanel, Coco: fashion; clothes; luxury; value; wealth; friendship, status, self;
Chang, Gordon G.: “Trumpism”; China (Red); Xi (Jinping);
Chaplin, Charlie: Einstein (Albert);
Chapman, Michael: economics;
Chapman, Steve: enemies;
Chaput, Charles J.: tolerance;
Charen, Mona: feminism; Islamic “Jihad”; Cold War (The); Obama Administration; isolationism;
Charlemagne: languages;
Charles V: royalty; priorities:
Charles, III, King: Great Britain; architecture; infidelity; self-seriousness;
Charles, Ray: music (“rap”);
Chartier, Emile: ideas;
Chaucer, Geoffrey: Bible (The);
Chavez, Hugo: anti-Semitism;
Chekhov, Anton: universities; hate; medicine; marriage; loneliness;
Chemerinsky, Erwin: Constitution (the U.S.);
Cheney, Dick: principles;
Cheney, Liz: “Trumpism”/The Trump Administration; “Spygate”; Harris (Kamala);
Cheong, Ian Miles: “gender”; trans-sexuals;
Cherlin, Andrew J.: marriage;
Cherry-Guarrard, Apsley: exploration;
Chesterton, A. K.: tolerance;
Chesterton, G. K.: tradition; travel; seriousness; patriotism; reason; discovery; “class”; experience; “open minds”; “self”; combat; “capitalism”; socialism; objectivity; conservatism; committees; trouble; poetry; fashion; consensus; blasphemy; Ireland (-ish); humility; humor; men-women; faith; insanity; military (the); work; progress; progressives; “dogmas”; trains; journalism; America; shock; vice; virtue; freedom; rules; ignorance, aristocracy; holiness; right & wrong; wealth; war (and peace); decadence; Christianity; suicide; censorship; divorce; animal “rights”; courage; evil; controversy; nationalism; normality; design; geography; quarrels; left-right; age (old); truth; political correctness; eugenics; children; Empire (the Roman);
Child, Lee: espionage;
Chimero, Frank: social media; Twitter;
Ching, Erin: education; diversity; political correctness;
Chirac, Jacques: France;
Chomsky, Noam: freedom of speech; Republican Party (The US); slogans; propaganda;
Chopel, Gendun: sex;
Chopin, Frederic: music (classical);
Choudary, Anjem: Islam;
Christie, Agatha: love; ridicule; sickness/disease;
Chua, Amy; self-esteem;
Churchill, Randolph: God;
Churchill, Winston: individualism; China; names; persistence; genius; risk; left-right; lying (lies); America; France; Iraq; alliances; Islam; Arabs; India (Toweled); Jews; quotes; history; Hell. Problems; language; Brexit; eternity; success, failure; age (old); temptation; disarmament; capital punishment; immigration; courage; drink; smoking; art; animals; taxation; tax evasion/avoidance; writing; socialism; neutrality; appeasement; optimism; strategy; war; war (“people's”); World War II; equality; Russians (the); enemies; law (the); regulation; contempt; luxury; freedom of speech; free markets (free trade); food; fear; courage; words; fanatics; greatness; religion; Protestantism (Anglican); effort; horses; vice; democracy; government; negotiation; bureaucracy; dreams; reality; mistakes; Gandhi; change, perfection; diplomacy; journalism; Balkans (The); Queen Elizabeth II; “cancel culture”; Egypt; Parliament (The UK); tropics (the); truth; insults; prisoners of war (POWs); communism; architecture; talk;
Cialdini, Robert: Media (left-wing) bias;
Ciardi, John: Freedom of Speech;
Cicero: peace; philosophy; allegiance; loyalty; discrimination; despotism; political correctness; treason; imperialism; law (the); security; tyranny;
Cioran, Emil: rebellion; suicide;
Cisneros, Eddie H.: education;
Clamorgan, Nicolas: slavery; “reparations”; anti-Americanism; “January 6th”;
Clancy, Tom: writing; government;
Clark, Kenneth: civilization;
Clark, Ross: immigration; “social media”; “public opinion”; environmentalism; environmentalism — “Net Zero”; disability; “green jobs”; consumerism; “degrowth”; automobiles (electric);
Clarke, Arthur C.: invention; magic, science; technology;
Clarke, David A.: Blacks (American); Democrat Party (The US); government (reasons for); drugs;
Clarke, Deborah: totalitarianism;
Clarke, Jeremy: cats; Internet (The); civilization; fighting; media (left-wing bias in); hospitals; wealth and poverty; Germany; France; art; art appreciation; depression; Trump (Donald); animals; multiculturalism; World War I; photography; illusion (& disillusion); Africa; education; English-French relations; “diversity”; emotions;
Clarke, Stephen: offices/office-life; Paris; friendship; bureaucracy; France; words;
Clarridge, Duane “Dewey”: Palestine; leadership; espionage; CIA (The); military (the); prejudice; India (“Toweled”); Vietnam War (The); Italy; intelligence; elites; questions;
Clauser, John: “global-warming”;
Clausewitz, Carl von: “peace”;
Cleese, John: acting; critics; hope; humor; offense; genius;
Clegg, Roger: race (“racism); “equality (income)”; poverty;
Clemenceau, Georges: government; America; dance (the, -ing); self-awareness; seriousness; failure;
Clements, Thomas: equality (egalitarianism);
Cleon: imperialism;
Cleveland, Grover: “Laissez-Faire”;
Cliburn, Van: Texas;
Clinton, Bill: Clintons (The); Clinton (Hillary); strength; freedom of speech; Constitution (The US); government (reasons for); rights (civil, human, etc.); anti-Americanism;
Clinton, Hillary: unemployment; work; jobs; wealth (redistribution of); liberals; left (the); Islam; Islam (“moderate”); children; education; Democrat Party (the U.S.); Clinton (Bill); Clinton (Hillary);
Cloud, Daniel: boats; civilization;
Clouthier, Melissa: race (“racism”); “political correctness”;
Cluff, Algy: Thatcher (Margaret);
Clyburn, James: coronavirus (the);
Coase, Ronald: economics;
Cobain, Kurt: Trump (Donald);
Cobb, Frank I.: journalism (-ists); self-importance;
Cobb, Irvin S.: insults;
Cockburn, Claud: totalitarianisl; fascism; communism;
Cockshut, A.O.J.: human nature;
Cocteau, Jean: jealousy; luck; drugs;
Codevilla, Angelo: Revolution (the French); bureaucracy; democracy; Democratic Party (The US); government (“popular”); America; Switzerland; Gulf War (The); treaties; left-right; justice; war; war and peace; “peace process”; War On Terror (The Global); pacifism; totalitarianism; lying; F.B.I. (The); “peace process”; secrecy; Bush (George W.);
Codreanu, Corneliu Zelea: treason;
Coe, Sebastian: inclusivity; fairness;
Coetzee, J.M.: Africa; sports;
Coffin, Shannen: “political correctness”; names;
Cofnas, Nathan: science;
Cogan, Charles: espionage; terrorism; counterterrorism;
Cohen, David: New Zealand;
Cohen, Leonard: surrender; perfection/imperfection; sin (original); imperialism (American);
Cohen, Nick: communism; freedom of speech; consensus; utopias;
Cohen, Richard: America; Left(The);
Cohen, Robert: “anti-war” movement (the); Korean War (the);
Cohen, Roger: internet (the);
Cohn, Roy: judges; law (the);
Cohu, Will: espionage; treason;
Coker, Christopher: war (reasons for);
Colbert, Jean-Baptiste: taxation;
Colby, Elbridge: “globalization”/”globalism”; Hawley (Josh);
Colby, William: Laos (“the secret war in”);
Cole, Ryan L.: anti-Americanism; progressivism;
Coleman, John: “global warming” (“climate change”);
Coleman, Julia: principle;
Coleman, Norm: Fonda (Jane);
Coleman, Ron: immigration; social media;
Coleridge, Samuel Taylor: marriage; “English Lit.”; advice (good);
Colette: food;
Collard, David: philistines (-ism);
Collet, Thomas: government; economics;
Collie, J. Norman: age (old);
Collier, Paul: conflict; trust; left-right; nationalism; Brexit; economic growth;
Collier, Peter: “Sixties (The”); terrorism;
Collingwood, R.G.: deterrence; manners;
Collins, Joan: beauty;
Collins, Marva: education;
Collins, Michael: space;
Collins, Will: Hungary;
Colls, Robert: sports;
Columbus, Christopher: wealth; activity; agreement, unanimity; exploration; discovery;
Colvin, John: Vietnam War (The);
Comer, James: Biden (Joe);
Comey, James: lying;
Comiskey, Stephen W.: responsibility;
Comoro, “Chief”: virtue; weakness;
Compaoré, Blaise: revolution;
Comte, Auguste: rights; duty;
Condell, Pat: “political correctness”;
Condon, Richard: experts/expertise;
Confucius: “political correctness”; language; names, words; action (activity);
Connerly, Ward: race (“-ists”); left (the);
Connolly, Billy: women; survival; elephants;
Connolly, Cressida: memory; dementia;
Connolly, Cyril: behavior; writing/writers; promise; laziness; Africa; memory; life; travel; neutrality; “Third Way (The)”;
Connolly, Gray: populism;
Connolly, Joseph: health; men; women; appearances; drink; restaurants, thought;
Connors, Jimmy: losing;
Conquest, Robert: reactionaries; politics; Cold War (The); bureaucracy; conservatives; knowledge; good intentions; democracy; Europe;
Conrad, Joseph: propaganda; persuasion; sea (the); life; Holland; confession;
Conrad, Paul: cartoons;
Constaniescu, Emil: Soviet Union (The);
Continetti, Matthew: Iraq War (The); Tea Party (The); conservatism; populism; citizenship; disarmament;
Conway, James T.: military (the);
Cook, Peter: God; Bible (The); religion; morality; animals; Shakespeare; England; accents; sex; women; bankruptcy; dating, regret; work; laziness;
Cook, Richard: music (rock);
Cook, William: Belgium; Empire (“The Holy Roman”); Trumpism; Ukraine;
Cooke, Charles C.W.: peace; guns; rebellion; Left (The); West (The); “Anglosphere, The”; Empire (The British); justice (“social”); market (the); health; Biden (Joe); Constitution (The U.S.); democracy; freedom of speech; “hate crimes” (“hate speech”); liberty; libertarianism; government (reasons for); motoring; panic; automobiles; “social media”; Bill of Rights (The US); media (left-wing) bias; institutions; “Trumpism”; socialism; culture; Harvard; action; politics; legislation; emotion; compromise; Harris (Kamala);
Coolidge, Calvin: legislation; honor; problems; work; listening; silence; Coolidge (Calvin); spending (government); patriotism; government (reasons for); education; business (“minding one’s own”); conservatism;
Cooper, Alice: golf; politics (and music); celebrity; Christianity;
Cooper, Becky: facts;
Cooper, James Fenimore: equality;
Cooper, Jeff: guns;
Cooper, Tommy: cannibals;
Cope, Wendy: happiness; poetry;
Copulos, Milt: Vietnam War (the); “anti-war” movement (the); combat;
Coren, Alan: faith; near-death experience; astronomy; degradation; tradition; suicide; jobs; money; marriage;
Corliss, Richard: liberals,
Cornelia, R.W.: fascism;
Cornwell, Bernard: English (Anglo)-American relations;
Cosell, Howard: sports;
Cost, Jay: history; ignorance; politics; patriotism; government (gridlock);
Cotton, Tom: Obama Administration (The); Cuba; immigration; Antifa; military (women in the); Ukraine;
Couch, Matt: Biden (Joe); voting;
Coulter, Ann: Left-Right; political correctness; Gore (Al); Democratic Party (The U.S.); liberals; left (the); names; “diversity”; “health”; Canada; marriage; homosexuals; military (homosexuals in the); government; government (Federal); spending (government); Republican-Democrat; Marx; immigration; California; hell; journalism; education; indoctrination; citizenship; Obamacare; soccer; New York Times (The); language; crime; “woke”; anti-Americanism; offense; guns; Revolution (the French); riots; government (reasons for);
Courtauld, George: cricket; Commonwealth (The British); hunting; children; fishing; Habsbrugs (The); Empire (The Habsbrug); Great Britain; capitalism; communism; Germany; America (Central); race; Asia; buses; food; God; smells; China; trains; golf; Cuba; Mexico; turkey;
Courteline, Georges: youth;
Courtney, Roger: Special Forces;
Covey, Steven R.: planning;
Coward, Noel: writing; humor; acting; television; Italy; Empire (The British); bullfighting; work; fun; photography;
Cowen, Tyler: credentials;
Cowley, Bernard: rights (animal);
Coyne, John R., Jr.: Obama (Barack);
Crace, Jim: nature; life;
Cradock, Sir Percy: socialism; history;
Crane, George W.: language;
Crane, Stephen: writing; nature;
Crawford, Charles: problems;
Crawford, Michael: humor;
Crichton, Michael: environmentalism; history; consensus; science; “coronavirus”; law (the); justice; equality; media (the);
Crichton, Robert: crying;
Crispin, Jessa: technology;
Crocker, H.W. III: British Empire (The);
Crockett, Davy: advice (good); concession (speeches); Texas; principle(s);
Croesus: war (and peace);
Croly, Herbert: liberals;
Crompton, Richmal: facial hair;
Cromwell, Oliver: exasperation; Parliament (The UK):
Crook, Clive: left-right;
Crosby, Bing: friendship;
Crossley-Holland, Dominic: human nature; crisis(-es);
Crouch, J.D.: peace; defense(national);
Crouch, Stanley: music (“rap”, “hip-hop”);
Crow, John: certainty; knowledge;
Cruyff, Johan: confusion; mistakes;
Cruz, Rafael: freedom;
Cruz, Ted: consequences; Obama (Barack); Obama Administration; Islamic Jihad, War (Global War On Terror); history; freedom of speech; military (the); welfare state (the); defense spending; Cuba;
Crystal, Billy: wisdom; age (old); men and women; sex; Jews;
Cudlipp, Hugh: men and women;
Cuff, William F.: Johnson (Lyndon B.);
Cumia, Anthony: political correctness; Clintons (The);
cummings, e.e.: progress
Cummings, Morag: respect; courtesy;
Cummins, Andrew: “Islamophobia”;
Cuomo, Andrew: New York;
Cuomo, Chris: Baltimore; “diversity”; media (left-wing bias in);
Curio, Caius Scribonius: insults;
Curtis, Amy: censorship;
Custer, George A.: combat; Indians (“Feathered”); Indian (“Feathered”) Wars;
Dahl, Roald: travel (air); writing; magic; Empire (the British); combat; Greece; war;
Daisley, Stephen: elites; political correctness; Brexit;
Dakers, Stewart: health; safety;
Dalai Lama, The: Dalai Lama (The); guns; life; advice (good); losing; regulation;
Dali, Salvador: ambition; insanity;
Daley, Richard: critics (-cism);
Daley, Robert: righteousness; flags; marriage;
Dalrymple, Theodore (Anthony Daniels): bureaucracy; tattoos; suicide; suicide; idealism; money; stupidity; students; drink/drugs; Islam; Islamism; Islamic “Jihad”; “education, (sex)”; patriotism; “self-esteem”; crime; juries; hypocrisy; revolution; poetry; modernity; England; appearances; remorse; discrimination; sex “education”; foreign aid; Africa; colonialism; humanity; litigation; misery; minorities (“minorities”); communism; Marxism; socialism; tolerance; misanthropy; race(-ism); government; Italy; euthanasia; compassion; music(“rap”); action/activity; revolution; “peace keeping”; morality; Denmark; “Third World (The)”; Soviet Union (The); culture; fear; drink; France; communication; academia; intellectuals; perfection; language; past (the); “art (modern)”; happiness; hypochondria; unemployment; work; curiosity; insurance; civilization; history; Europe; multiculturalism; terrorism; food (“organic”); feelings; thought; political correctness; debate; guilt; sentimentality; government (reasons for); music (bad); America (South); liberty; civil liberties; religion, freedom, utopia; wealth; discrimination; European Union; democracy; vulgarity; Che Guevara; Pol Pot; homosexuality; marriage (homosexual); “self-expression”; self; marriage 'homosexual); determinism; youth; addiction; youth; ideology; failure; wealth and poverty; depression (mental); doctors; Zimbabwe; Nigeria; blame;
Dalton, Hugh: Germany;
Daly, John: “gender”;
D’Ancona, Matthew: England;
Danelo, Daniel J.: combat; combat (coming home from); superstition; Milwaukee; military (the);
Dangerfield, Rodney: marriage; luck;
Daniels, Anthony: see Dalrymple, Theodore
Daniels, Charlie: critics; perception; presidency (the American); Schiff (Adam);
Daniels, Mitch: government; Illinois;
Dark, Alvin: baseball;
Darkeh, Abena: guns; New York;
Darlin, Damon: journalism;
Darling, Charles John: timidity; confidence;
Darrow, Clarence: death;
Darwin, Charles: science; confidence; change;
Darwin, Leonard: eugenics;
Dass, Ram: death;
Daugherty, Duffy: football (American);
David, Larry: political correctness; humor; lying; hope;
Davidson, Lionel: detail(s); sleep; subconsciousness; Czech Republic (Czechoslovakia); fights (-ing); violence; Balkans (The); totalitarianism; life; experience; style; crime;
Davies, Jessica: “men and women”;
Davies, Norman: democracy,
Davies, Ray: Beatles (The);
Davies, Robertson: Canada;
Davies, Russell: America; sports;
Davies-Jones, Alex: wrestling (professional);
Davis, Bette: age (old); death (speaking ill of the);
Davis, Ginevra: fraternities;
Davis, Gregory: Islamic “Jihad”;
Davis, Mike: justice;
Davis, Miles: jazz;
Davis, Sean: anti-Semitism; Democrat Party (the U.S.);
Davis, Tyron: compromise;
Da Vinci, Leonardo: sophistication; simplicity; self-awareness; public opinion; action;
Davis, John W: taxation;
Daw, Chris: drugs;
Dawkins, Richard: atheism; God; Jews(Judaism); Islam; “Women’s Studies”; “woke”; science; guilt (collective);
Dawnay, Ivo: Coronavirus vaccine (The); countries; advice (good); Men & Women;
Dawson, Christopher: Left (The, -ists);
Day, Bud: Vietnam War (the); “anti-war” movement (the);
Day, Doris: shopping, hunger; advice (good);
Day, Dorothy: poverty;
Day, Jamie: funerals;
Day, Rick: hippies;
Day, Vox: apologies;
Dean, Howard: wealth(redistribution of);
Dean, James: communism;
De Belder, Danny: ignorance; knowledge; opportunity; risk; friendship; equality; thought; “conventional wisdom”; leadership;
De Benoist, Alain: left-right;
De Blasio, Bill: socialism;
De Botton, Alain: homosexuals (-ity); work; television; politicians; sex; religion; Christmas; hope; work;
Debray, Régis: culture;
De Brigarde, Felipe: nostalgia;
De Chazal, Malcolm: sun (the); fear;
Decter, Midge: understanding
De Croisset, Francis: women;
De Custine, Astolphe-Louis-Leonor: Russia(-ns);
Deeble, David: “gender”;
De Gaulle, Charles: Brazil; complication - complexity; work; age (old); youth; action; anger; reality; DeGaulle (Charles); importance; war; treaties;
Deighton, Len: Mexico;
De Jasay, Anthony: government;
Dejevsky, Mary: Soviet Union (The);
De Jouvenel, Bertrand: utopias;
De Kooning, Willem: poverty;
De La Fontaine, Jean: destiny;
De La Mora, Gonzalo Fernandez: envy ;
De La Rochefoucauld, Francois: smut; fashion; fault; confession; facts; passion; pity; compassion; age (old); advice; example; sun (the), death;
Deleuze, Gilles: nomads;
Delillo, Don: crowds, future (the);
Delingpole, James: holidays; women; men; men-women; boys; Israel; hippies; environmentalists(-ism); Empire (the British); socialism; wealth; health; government; language; “global warming”; Lennon (John) and Ono (Yoko); war; Vietnam War (The); liberals; left (the); communism; imperialism (British); Zimbabwe; Africa; foreign aid; pomposity; energy ('renewable”); food; cooking; restaurants; addiction; European Union (The); discovery; fame; mobs; stupidity; children; mistakes; “Simpsons, the”; spontaneity; utopias; parties (non-political); BBC (the); language; political correctness; Marxism; “magical realism”; “gender”; Hong Kong; culture; youth; teenagers; history («revisionist»); science; countryside (the); Malthusianism; media (left-wing bias of); humor;
De Lisle, Leanda: boys and girls;
Dell'olio, Nancy: Italy;
Delp, Michael: art;
Delrio, Martin: defense (self-); evidence;
De Lucovich, Jean-Pierre: England;
De Maistre, Joseph: nationalism;
De Marenches, (Count) Alexandre: Reagan (Ronald); America;
De Marivaux, Pierre Carlet de Chamberlin: kindness;
DeMille, Nelson: Vietnam; Vietnam War (The); Cuba; gambling; survival; memory; age (old); history; universities; Yale University; travel; women; sex; military (the); cities; espionage; sea (the); Middle East (The); futility; time; deadlines; fascism; peace-keeping/peace-making; Korean War (The); “relationships”; affection; life; combat; action/activity; English Language (The); surveillance, police (the); assumption; security, lying; humor; inheritance; advice (good); clothes, New York, politicians, bullshit; CIA (The); jargon telephones; work; men & women; Third World (The); New Jersey; destiny; terrorism; camping; men; marriage;
Demosthenes: defense (national); wishful thinking;
Dempsey, Jack: boxing; persistence;
De Musset, Alfred: life;
De Niro, Robert: men and women;
Denman, Roy: Japan
Denning, (Lord) Tom: slavery;
Dennett, Daniel: university professors;
De Pauw, Cornelius: America;
Depp, Johnny: “cancel culture”;
Derbyshire, John: human nature, science; war; liberals(ism); “liberal fascism”; Middle East (The); geopolitics; immigration; terrorism; men-women; television; free-will; self-delusion; religion; intellectuals; “capitalism”; education; names; mathematics; problems; New York; language; California; government; Buddhism; China; Obama (Barack); pessimism; poetry; 0bama (Barack); culture; “global warming”; life; advice (good); strategy; jobs; bureaucracy; learning; I-Pods; despair; conservatism; wishful thinking; knowledge; “diversity”; thought; inflation; politics; countries; Greece; America; civilization; universities; public opinion; “social media”; internet (the); smoking; weather (the); tropics (the);
Deresiewicz, William: political correctness;
Derrida, Jacques: totalitarianism;
De Rugy, Veronique: spending (government); American exceptionalism; parent (hood); Congress (the US);
Dershowitz, Alan: Cruz (Ted); Standards (double); race; insult; Arab-Israeli conflict (the); Jews;
Descartes, René: free will; time;
De Saint Exupéry, Antoine: words;
DeSantis, Ron: Florida; California; “gender”; “woke”;
De Soto, Hernando: ideas; pragmatism; property; market (the);
De Staël, (Madame) Anne Louise Gérmaine: men; men-women;
De Toqueville, Alexis: Islam; equality; statism; courage; America; Koran (The); totalitarianism; freedom; socialism; victimhood; «Deep State, (The)»; «Coronavirus»; writing; revolution;
Detremerie, Jean-Pierre: Europe;
De Vigny, Alfred: mobs;
DeVore, Chuck: Ukraine (& war in Ukraine); Russia;
De Vries, Peter: writers(-ing); fame; doctors; God; atheism; parenthood; clergy (the); poetry; humor; fame; “moderate/moderation”; dreams; sleep; innovation; English (Anglo)-American relations; English language (the); women; men and women; fate;
Diamos, Nick: lying;
DiAngelo, Robin: humor; race (Critical Race Theory);
Diaz, Itxu: men and women; housing; communism;
Dicey, A.V.: “Brexit”;
Dick, Philip K.: causes (+ lost causes); reality;
Dickens, Charles: quaintness; Washington D.C.. Italy; honessty;
Dickey, Pat: Ireland;
Dickinson, Angie: clothes; men-women;
Dickinson, Emily: hope;
Diderot, Denis: “Baroque”; appearances; wealth and poverty;
Dietrich, Marlene: sex; America;
diGenova, Joe: the Contstitution (the U.S.); Left (the); Democrat Party (The US);
Di Giovanni, Janine: women; war; enemies; war reporting;
Di Lampedusa, Giuseppe: cynicism; progress;
Dilks, David: Keynesianism;
Diller, Phyllis: friendship;
Dilley, Brenden M.: “Trumpism”;
Dillian, Jared: communism;
Dillon, Seth: Twitter;
Dimon, Jamie: China (Red); banks;
DiMucci, Dion: knowledge; wisdom;
Diogenes: dogs;
Dionne, E.J.: left-right;
Disney, Walt: critics; humor;
Disraeli, Benjamin: loyalty; principle; fate; gratitude; Thanksgiving; critics; Russia; paranoia; "deep state, the"; Empire (The British); history;
Ditum, Sarah: opinions;
Dixon, James: France;
Dobbs, Lou: Trump (Donald); Florida;
Dobbs, Michael: politics; leadership;
Dobie, J. Frank: academia;
Dodd, Ken: exercise;
Dodge, Toby: Iraq War (The);
Dohrn, Bernardine: terrorism; cruelty;
Dolan, Mark: Biden (Joe);
Dole, Bob: facts; dreams; Senate (The US); combat;
Dolinar, Lou: EPA (The);
Domitian: conspiracy;
Domenech, Ben: enemies; social media; sex;
Donahoe, John: business (big); China (Red);
Donald, David Herbert: history;
Donalds, Byron: socialism;
Donaldson, Bryan: New York;
Donaldson, William: theater (“Musical”); jargon; bores & boredom; bachelors; television; Sixties (The); parties (“party” parties); editors/editing; trust;
Donleavy, J.P.: Ireland; writing; critics; luck; cities; feminism; South (The U.S.); dedications; political correctness; friendship; death; poverty; real estate; meaning; life; work; New York Subway System (the); Wales; advice (good); competence; London; law (the); silence; women; humility; pessimism; secretaries; relationships; loneliness; marriage; butlers; Rhode Island; show business; Engand; life; insanity; telephones; sex; shopping; men & women; “gender”;
Donne, John: elephants;
Donnelly, Tom: war (“total”);
Donoghue, Denis: clichés;
Donovan, Art: food;
Donovan, David: Vietnam War (The);
Doolittle, James: espionage;
Doran, Mike: “woke”; New York Times (The); fossil fuels;
Dorfman, Jeffrey: money;
Dornbusch, Rüdiger: economics;
Dos Passos, John: morality; American exceptionalism; Marx (-ism);
Dostoevsky, Fyodor: England(-ish, The); drink; beauty; tolerance;
Dostum, Abdul Rashid: sophistication; automobiles; CIA (the), State Department(the);
Dougherty, Michael Brendan: history (“wrong side of”); sportswriters; America; wealth, “Socially Liberal, Economically Conservative”; "Arts (The)"; political correctness; universities; DeSantis (Ron);
Doughty, Charles Montagu: Islam;
Douglas, Christopher: men; food;
Douglas, Norman: World War I;
Douglas, William O.: Freedom of Speech;
Douglas-Fairhurst, Robert: hypocrisy; photography;
Douglass, Frederick: freedom of speech; guns; rights (civil, human, etc.);
Douthat, Ross: Palin (Sarah); order; society; America; stupidity; puritanism, (the “new”);
Dowd, Maureen: government (good); Gore (Al);
Dowden, Richard: Africa; foreign aid;
Downer, Alexander: inflation;
Downey, Robert Jr.: liberals (-ism); prison;
Doyle, Andrew: white people;
Doyle, Arthur Conan: evidence; genius; mediocrity;
Drabble, Margaret: parents; boys and girls;
Drabinski, Emily: education; libraries;
Drašković, Vuk: Yugoslavia (Ex-);
Dre, Dr.: music(“rap”); drink;
Dreher, Rod: “consumerism”; left-right;
Driscoll, Ed: Left(The); labels;
Drischel, Ruediger: “DEI”;
Driver, Adam: military (the);
Drucker, Peter F.: fascism; inflation; corporations; work; progress; efficiency; action/activity:
Drutman, Lee: Republicans-Democrats;
Dryden, John: crowds; self-promotion;
D’Sousa, Dinesh: prejudice; Vietnam War (The); Obama (Barack); history (“revisionist”); Left (The); America; offense (taking); Islam; insults; Putin (Vladimir); New Zealand; race; F.B.I. (The); Election of 2020 (The);
Duboff, Jeremiah: Palin (Sarah);
Dubois, Laurent: Trump (Donald);
DuBois, W.E.B.: art; propaganda; Socialism (National);
Duchesne, Ricardo: diversity;
Dueck, Colin: Obama Administration (The);
Duffy, Chris: “AI”;
Dules, Allen: espionage;
Dumas, Alexandre (Son): Men and Women; marriage;
Duncan, Dennis: books;
Duncan Smith, Iain: government;
Dundy, Elaine: memory;
Dunleavy, Steve: Mafia (The);
Dunn, Daisy: tennis;
Dunphy, Jack: debate;
Durant, Will: “consensus”; public opinion;
Durden, Tyler: Election of 2020 (The);
Durocher, Leo: argument; winning; baseball; beer;
Durrell, Lawrence: cocktail parties; jealousy; truth; music; words; Europe;
Duvall, Robert: CNN;
Dykstra, Lenny: baseball;
Dylan, Bob: peace; devil (the); hypocrisy; Presley (Elvis); protest; “Sixties (The)”; Dylan (Bob);
Eagleton, Terry: religion;
Earhart, Amelia: “men and women”;
Earnest, Paul: “intelligence”;
Easterly, William: foreign aid;
Eastman, Max: humor;
Eastwood, Clint: sensitivity; psychiatry/psychology; guns; Republican Party (The U.S.); Obama (Barack); Trump (Donald); political correctness;
Eaton, Gary: conservatives; libertarianism; California; humor;
Eban, Abba: United Nations (The); Arab-Israeli conflict;
Eberstadt, Mary: “sexual revolution”;
Ecclesiastes: Left-Right;
Eco, Umberto: language (translation);
Edel, Leon: writers/writing;
Eder, Kevin: “fairness”;
Edison, Thomas A.: work; opportunity; happiness; unhappiness; progress; failure; invention; persistence; litigation;
Edmondson, Adrian: humor;
Edsall, Thomas: media (left-wing) bias;
Edward II, King: soccer;
Edwardes, Charles: soccer;
Edwards, Cam: guns;
Edwards, Edwin: corruption;
Edwards, Oliver: philosophy;
Edwards, Peter: Australia;
Egan, Timothy: Wyoming;
Ehring, Dain: disinformation; Italy; goodness; “Modern (-Post)”;
Ehrlich, Everett: names; Revolution (The American); Civil War (American); life; war; planning; houses; logistics; inflation;
Eidson, John: socialism;
Einstein, Albert: insanity; smoking; stupidity; relativism; creativity; happiness; thought; advice (good); memory; clothes; efficiency; “science vs. religion”; wisdom; God; silence; nationalism; miracles; world war; Jesus Christ; reason; Big Bang Theory (Creationism);
Eisenhower, Dwight D.: planning; intellectuals; relativism; problems; mistakes; Supreme Court (The US); logistics; Laos;
Elder, Larry: rights (civil, human, etc.); slavery; Obama (Barack); white people; education; race (“critical race theory”); “reparations”;
Eliot, George: humor;
Eliot, T. S.: socialism, “self-esteem”; humor; causes; virtue; fights(-ing); motivation; exploration; sin; discovery; internet (the); Twitter; knowledge; wisdom; advertising; paganism; Shakespeare; writing; critics; lost causes; England; self-importance; age (old); history;
Elizabeth II: skiing; Brexit; clothes; royalty; Queen Elizabeth II; grief; taste;
Elizabeth, The Queen Mother: work;
Ellington, “Duke”: music (black);
Ellis, Alice Thomas: religion; family; love;
Ellis, Bret Easton: “Social Justice Warriors”;
Ellis, Eric: Singapore;
Ellis, Havelock: progress;
Ellis, H.F.: cooking;
Ellis, John M.: universities; university professors;
Ellis, Walter: bureaucracy;
Elton, Ben: fashion; feminism;
Ely, Michael: Trump (Donald);
Emerson, Ralph Waldo: death; politics; conservatism; courage; history; danger; quotes;
Emerson, Steven: Lebanon;
Emery, Noemie: Clinton (Hillary);
Emhoff, Doug: Harris (Kamala);
Emmons, Libby: “gender”;
Engel, Joel: Sharpton (Al);
Engels, Friedrich: cynicism; politics;
English, David: race (“racism”);
Eno, Brian: culture;
Ensing, Amanda: offense (taking);
Ephron, Nora: humor; Trump (Donald); clichés; crying;
Epictetus: hardness/hardship (difficulty);
Epstein, Joseph: humor; jargon, Renaissance (The); marriage; immigration(immigrants); language; Reagan (Ronald); Hell; New York Times (The); writing; relativism; culture; envy; life; political correctness; punctuation;
Erdogan, Recept Tayyip: Islam; Islam (“moderate); Islamic “Jihad”; Islamic ecumenism; sharia; democracy; Palestine, terrorism; culture;
Erhard, Ludwig: planning;
Erickson, Erick: “bi-partisanship”; liberals; equality; reality; left (the); “entitlements”; Democrat Party (US); economics; marriage (homosexual); foreign policy; conservatism; totalitarianism; “caring”;
Erixon, Fredrik: democracy, “coronavirus” (the);
Ernaux, Annie: age (old);
Erofeyev, Victor: Russia;
Ettelbrick, Paula: marriage;
Evans, Christy: friendship;
Evans, Lloyd: Olympics (The), Africa; poetry; theatre; theatre (“musical”); writers/writing; “health”; feminism; prizes; America; England; English-American relations; psychiatry/psychology; art (“modern”); art (“conceptual”); art (“abstract”); art (subsidized); art (“performance”); architecture; prizes; tourism; universities; Afghanistan; communism; Marxism; critics; advice (good); money; dreams; bars; freedom; slavery; capitalism; fighting, drugs; dance (the); nostalgia; prejudice; meaninglessness; De Gaulle (Charles); humor; welfare state (the); fights; words; bores; immigration; music (rap); censorship; teaching; misanthropy; left (the); Trump (Donald); “global warming”; drama; love; character; men; clothes; soccer hooliganism; clothes; Thunberg (Greta); disapproval; Harris (Kamala); culture; intellectuals; magic; education; health (the British NHS); women; men and women; war (“total”); moderates (-ation); dogs; cats; “Guardian (The)”; environmentalism; environmentalism (“net-zero”); Shakespeare; eating; food; popularity; reading; Catholics (Jesuits); gambling;
Evans, M. Stanton: conservatives; left-right; government; Republican Party (The U.S.); “bi-partisanship”; Nixon (Richard); “Watergate”;
Evans, Michael: war (counterinsurgency);
Evans, Peter: Marxism;
Everett, Kenny: Yugoslavia (ex-); conservatism(s); homosexuality(ls);
Exley, Frederick: women; dreams;
Eyre, Hermione: character; writers (writing);
Fabiano, Nicholas: cats;
Facinelli, Sarah: “gender”;
Fagiolini, Andrea: depression;
Failla, Jimmy: Harry & Meghan;
Faisal, King (Iraqi): Iraq;
Falkland, Third Lord (Lucius Henry Cary): intensity (of opinion); enthusiasm; change; conservative; action/activity;
Fallon, Jimmy: drink; Pope Francis; automobiles;
Fallows, James: Carter (Jimmy);
Fan Gong: China;
Fandy, Mamoun: Islam; Arabs;
Fanshawe, Simon: music (rock);
Farage, Nigel: democracy; smoking; drink; UKIP (& Reform Party); investment; European Union (The); Parliament (the UK); death (“right to die”);
Farley, Ryan: integrity;
Farndale, Nigel: death;
Farrell, Nicholas: fascism; Italy; refugees; socialism; totalitarianism; Berlusconi (Silvio);
Farrelly, Peter: children; writing/writers;
Fatah, Tarek: Islam;
Faulkner, William: drink; past (the); critics;
Faulks, Sebastian: countryside (the);
Fawstin, Bosch: Islamic “Jihad”; West (The); will; Islam (“moderate”); truth (the); Koran (The); political correctness; Trump persecution (the);
Fearnley-Whittingstall, Hugh: good intentions; liberals(-ism);
Feiling, Keith: conservatives;
Feldman, Morgan: China (Red);
Fellini, Federico: life;
Fellowes, Julian: principle; generations; acting; parents(hood);
Ferguson, Andrew: music; reform; knowledge; internet (the); government; media (liberal bias in); marriage; aspiration; relativism; history; Democrat Party (The US); poetry; freedom of speech; ideology; problems; statistics;
Ferguson, Chris: Iraq War (The); war (counterinsurgency);
Ferguson, Craig: America; failure; shopping; violence; addiction; drink; marriage; prizes; Castro (Fidel); poetry; Hollywood;
Ferguson, Niall: banks; regulation; economics; “political correctness”; good intentions; left (the); Brazil; mathematics; Brexit; “hate crimes (hate speech”); “social media”; “coronavirus” (the); Empire (The Roman);”Big Tech”; Cold War (The New); Imperialism (Chinese); “cancel culture”, censorship, totalitarianism; dystopia; universities; Thatcher (Niall);
Ferguson, Steve: Democrat Party (The US);
Ferguson, Will: Canada;
Fermor, Patrick Leigh: wealth;
Fernandez, Catherine: genius;
Fernandez, Richard: prediction; elections; Left (The); socialism; France; “Trumpism”; blame; “Coronavirus”;
Ferrari, Enzo: motoring;
Feynman, Richard: science; certainty; physics; self-deception/self-delusion;
Field, Dawson S.: media (left-wing) bias;
Fields, W. C.: acting, Hollywood. humor; trains; beer; elections; bullshit; sex; compliments; Indians (Feathered); women; orders; threats; drink; dogs; spending (government); “New Deal (The)”; education; advice (good); Japan; fame; celebrity; combat; fights (-ing);
Figes, Orlando: England; Russia;
Fildes, Christopher: business; wealth; action/activity; lying; Wall Street; market (the); human nature;
Filer, Nathan: parents;
Fillmore, Millard: credentials;
Findley, Timothy: Berlin;
Finel, Bernard: counterinsurgency;
Fineman, Stephen: revenge;
Finer, Jonathan: immigration;
Finkielkraut, Alain: race (-ism); “policial correctness”;
Fischer, Dov: Trump (Donald); Harris (Kamala);
Fischer, Tibor: philosophy; writers/writing; success; education; Culture War; Russia;
Fish, Stanley: academics;
Fisher, Admiral Jackie: military (the);
Fishkin, Joseph: “equality”;
Fitton, Tom: “Obamagate”; “Spygate”; voting (voting fraud); election of 2020 (the); race (“Critical Race theory”);
Fitzgerald, F. Scott: Italy; drink; intellect; intelligence (knowledge); communism; punctuation; heroes; success; children; insanity; France; possessions;
Fitzhugh, George: authority; slavery; socialism;
Flanagan, Caitlin: Clinton (Hillary);
“Flanders, Moll”: women;
Flaubert, Gustave: persistence; God;
Fleming, Frank J.: liberty; taxation; “bi-partisanship”; communism; totalitarianism; abortion; fairness; science; ideology; conservatives (-ism);
Fleming, Ian: drink; women; sex; Switzerland; history;
Fleming, Melissa: science; “global warming”; Google; censorship;
Fleming, Peter: travel;
Fletcher, Andrew: “gun control”; music;
Fletcher, Tom: pessimism;
Flicker, Siggy: Israel;
Flowers, Gennifer: truth;
Flynn, Erroll: economics; “lifestyles”;
Flynn, Daniel J.: multiculturalism; Cuomos (The); Justice (“Economic”); Justice (“Social”); left-right
Flynn, James: political correctness;
Flynn, Gen. Michael: Militants;
Flynn, Robert J.: adventure; stoicism;
Foda, Farag: Islam;
Fodor, Jerry: evolution;
Folsom, Burton: “New Deal (The)”;
Fonda, Jane: communism; communism in America; “coronavirus”; Left (The); “global warming”; race-”racism”;
Fonteyn, Margot: ballet;
Foot, Michael: neutrality;
Forbes, Bryan: “political correctness”; talk; gossip; wealth; weather; secrecy; Germany; espionage; intuition; police (the); marriage; relationships; truth; polo; Middle Of The Road;
Forbes, Malcolm: accuracy;
Forbes, Steve: inflation; capitalism; Obamacare;
Ford, Ford Madox: sex;
Ford, G.M.: dating; terror; music (bad);
Ford, Henry: optimism; progress; democracy; public opinion; experts; government; leisure; Indians (Feathered);
Ford, Rob: drugs;
Ford, Tom: fashion (male);
Ford, Whitey: baseball; exercise;
Foreman, Amanda: Napoleon;
Foreman, George: memory;
Foreman, Ken: business; committees;
Forety, Richard: names;
Forns, Alison: pretentiousness;
Forrester, C. S.: nature; human nature;
Forster, E.M.: “fairness”; civilization; Mediterranean (The); Italy; socialism; democracy;
Forsyth, Frederick: bureaucracy; dictatorship; murder (& assassination); plans; KGB (The); mystery; intelligence; wishful thinking; travel (air);
Forsyth, James: Islam (“moderate”); health; money; Brexit; coronavirus; China (Red); gossip; radicalism;
Forsyth, Mark: Kennedy (J.F.); punctuation;
Fortes, Meyer: fatherhood;
Fortini, Amanda: food;
Foster, Charles: vegetarians;
Foster, Daniel: technology; sex; bigotry; evolution; prejudice; eugenics; political correctness; public opinion; social media; “fact-checkers”; "heckler's veto"; freedom of speech;
Foster, Lewis R.: causes (and lost causes);
Foster, Michael: marriage;
Fournier, Ron: capitalism (crony);
Fournier, Ryan: abortion;
Fox, Laurence: Harris (Kamala);
Fox, Marty: justice (“social”); socialism; Biden (Joe);
Foxx, Redd: “health”;
France, Miranda: writing/writers; books;
Francis, Pope: Pope Francis; communism;
Franco, Francisco: talk; silence; Spain;
Fraser, George McDonald: fascism; Afghanistan; combat; Empire (The British);
Frankfurt, Harry: bullshit;
Franklin, Benjamin: democracy; beer; drink; humility; hospitality; poverty; legacy; excuses; ignorance; secrecy; rationalization; New Jersey; religion; imperialism; hope; quotations; negotiations;
Frankovich, Nicholas: atheism; existentialism;
Franzen, Jonathan: golf;
Frazer, Robert: tolerance;
Frayn, Michael: press (the); failure; foolishness; marriage; anger; work; boys; espionage; interrogation; talk; curiosity; life; feelings; “cancel culture”; censorship; weather (the); procrastination; fights (-ing); wruters/writing;
Frechette, Rick: “voodoo”; life; death;
Freddoso, David: travel (air);
Frederick the Great: diplomacy;
Freeberg, Morgan: debate;
Freedman, Adam J.: “eco-tourism”; liberals (-ism);
Freel, Brandon: children;
Freeman, James: fights; “Trumpism”; Democrat Party (The US);
Freeman, Laura: fatherhood; emotions ("emojis"); environmental; houses/housing;
Freeman, Michael W.: worry;
Freeman, Morgan: blacks (American); “political correctness”;
Freeman, Neal B.: football (American); politics; “reality” (political); Palin (Sarah); reading, intelligence; age (old); pre-emption; war (reasons for); business;
French, David: war (councils of); culture (popular); “Benghazigate”; human nature; pacifism; Islamic Jihad; guns; “gender”; Israel; defense (& self-defense); unity; mistakes; negativity; hate; academia; democracy; conservatives;
Freud, Clement: Boer War (The);
Freud, Sigmund: equality (egalitarianism); logic; culture; beauty; insults; civilization; insanity; psychiatry; “social justice”; enemies; humor; mothers;
Frey, Jim: baseball; advice (good);
Fridfinnsson, Bjorn: Iceland;
Friedman, Ann: “social media”;
Friedman, David: Jews; Arab-Israeli Conflict;
Friedman, Kinky: Obama (Barack); Texas; Wayne (John); Israel; God; Perry (Rick);
Friedman, Milton: ideas; immigration; economics; education; taxation; freedom; free markets; liberty; democracy; health; government; government (reasons for); good intentions; public opinion; socialism; collectivization; Reagan (Ronald); property; inflation; jobs; monopolies; equality; bureaucracy; capitalism; rights (Constitutional); market (the); housing; spending (government); money;
Friedman, Thomas L.: China (Red);
Frisch, Max: immigration;
Frommer, Jeremy: “Schadenfreude”
Front, Rebecca: Bach (J. S.);
Frost, Robert: poetry; liberals; juries; middle of the road; commerce; life;
Frum, David: ideology; 9/11; immigration;
Fry, Stephen: marriage; “offense”; Yugoslavia (the war in ex-); work; sex; motoring; hospitality; poetry; countryside (the); nature; Jews; cynicism; photography; pride; drink; pragmatism/practicality; sympathy; morality; bullies;
Frye, Northrop: simplicity;
Fuentes, Nick: sex; feminism; women; rape;
Fuentes, Francisco: Nixon (Richard); Biden (Joe); totalitarianism; Republicans-Democrats; war;
Fulann, Michael: experts;
Fuller, Chris: feminism;
Fuller, Henry Blake: Chicago;
Furet, François: Revolution (The French);
Fussell, Paul: weather (the); snobbery; tourism; class; home; romance; travel; photography; Monaco; publicity; words; universities; China;
Gaidar, Yegor: Russia;
Gabaldon, Diana: Anglosphere (The); English-American Relations;
Gabor, Zsa Zsa: diamonds; home;
Gabriel, Jon: science; humor; liberals; panic;
Gaddafi, Moammar: Obama (Barack); Islam (Jihad);
Gaffigan, Jim: Democrat Party (the U.S.);
Gaffney, Frank J.: Obama Administration (The);
Gage, Christopher: Wales;
Galbraith, John Kenneth: “trickle-down theory”; agriculture; economics; civilization; politics;
Galhotra, Kumar: market (the);
Galileo: science;
Gallagher, Noel: Christmas;
Gallatin, Albert: action/activity;
Gallery, Daniel V.: Asia; insults;
Galeotti, Mark: crime; law (the);
Galsworthy, John: America; women; friendship;
Gandhi, Mohandas K.: persistence; abortion; race;
Gardner, Ken: left (the); fascism; socialism;
Garel-Jones, Tristan: nostalgia;
Garfield, James A.: advice (good); humor;
Garrard, Thomas: “global warming”; weather (the); “woke”;
Garvey, Marcus: blacks;
Garza, Alicia: “Black Lives Matter”;
Gascoigne, Laura: slogans; words;
Gassman, Vittorio: men-women;
Gates, Bill: laziness; Korea (North);
Gates, Henry Louis, Jr.: guilt (“collective”);
Gates, Robert: military (the); Iraq War (The); Afghanistan (War in); Trump Administration (The); CIA (the);
Gaudi, Antoni: architecture;
Gaunt, Genevieve: solitude;
Gayford, Martin: bureaucracy; “gender”;
Geary, James: quotes;
Geisel, Theodor: memory;
Gelernter, David: ideas, computers; race (“racism”); education; Internet (The); judging (“judgmentalism”); history; Obama (Barack); health; beauty; affirmative action; emotionalism; political correctness; Europe; culture, Left-Right; Trump (Donald);
Geller, Pamela: New York;
Gellhorn, Martha: travel writing;
Geluck, Philippe: stupidity;
Genet, Jean: Greece;
Genn, Roman: Russia(-ns);
Genovese, Eugene: Left (The); Obama (Barack); communism;
Geoghegan, Thomas: juries;
George, Prince, 2nd Duke of Cambridge: change;
George, Robert P.: wealth and poverty;
George V, King: homosexuality; aristocracy;
Geraghty, Jim: fights (-ing); Obama (Barack); Obama Administration (The); America; “American Exceptionalism”; materialism; wealth; security; travel (air); Paul (Ron); fairness; protest; war; liberals; left-right; labor unions; Palestinians; children; Democrat Party(The U.S.); Republican Party(The U.S.); “nine-eleven”(“truthers”); bullshit; “progressives”; moderation; “social media”; capitalism (“crony”); foreign affairs; Israel; Korea (South); conspiracy (& conspiracy theories); middle of the road; Harry & Meghan; Harris (Kamala); media (left-wing) bias; elections;
Germain, Karl: magic;
Gerstein, Dan: Democratic Party (The U.S.);
Gertz, Bill: Russia; Putin (Vladimir);
Gervais, Ricky: “virtue signaling”; prizes; “offense”;
Gessen, Marsha: marriage (homosexual);
Ghate, Onkar: freedom of speech;
Ghatourey, Ritu: people;
Giamatti, Bart: baseball;
Giap, Vo Nguyen: Vietnam War (The);
Gibbon, Edward: religion; discipline; Empire (The Roman); military (the); creativity;
Gibson, Jasper: internet (the);
Gibson, Mel: addiction; regret; Harris(Kamala);
Gibson, William: future (the); travel (air);
Gide, André: travel; exploration; insults; talk;
Gigerenzer, Gerd: AI (“Artificial Intelligence”);
Gilbert, Daniel: wealth;
Gilbert, W.S.: celebrity,
Gilder, George: taxation; parties (political); spending (government); environmentalism (-ists); socialism; Jews; development (economic); globalization; jobs; unemployment; wealth; progress; capitalism; creativity; entrepreneurs; Carter (Jimmy); economics (“supply-side”); Darwinism; men-women; AI (“Artificial Intelligence”);
Gilder, Josh: Giuliani(Rudy);
Gill, A.A.: hunting (fox); unemployment; Italy; Spain; Wales; music (rock); America; automobiles; marriage; nature; Europe; reading; ethics; morality; greatness; motoring; reincarnation; flowers; genitalia; men & women; fire; humor; insults; appearance; cocktail parties; Hollywood; England; Hungary;decline; opera; relationships; love; Christianity; Army (The); body (the); past (the); future (the);
Gilliam, Terry: worry;
Gimson, Andrew: upbringing; government; democracy;
Gingrich, Newt: Republican Party (The U.S.); parties (political); press (the); Left (The); “Spygate”; Congress (The U.S.); Biden (Joe); Trump (Donald); “Trumpism”; “Watergate”;
Ginn, Aaron: credentials (-ism);
Ginsburg, Ruth Bader: abortion; “woke”;
Giordano, Paolo: humanity; relationships;
Giraldi, William: critics;
Gitabushi: Democrat Party (the US);
Gitlin, Todd: Left-Right;
Giuliani, Rudolph: truth; relativism; compassion; politics; politics (and money); cynicism; corruption; parties (political); “War on Terror, The Global”(GWOT); crime; Obama (Barack); voting (fraud); Republican-Democrat;
Gladstone, William: Constitution (The U.S.); government (reasons for); Turkey; Koran (the); free markets;
Glaeser, Edward: Denmark; socialism; socialism (“Scandinavian Model”);
Glamorgan, Nicholas: socialism;
Glasser, Samuel M'Cheyne: wisdom; Missouri; women; modernity; wealth; wealth and poverty; “Hamptons, The”; liberals; money; Democrat Party (the U.S.); Republicans-Democrats; “ISIS”; communism; work; coronavirus (the); coronavirus vaccine (the); Election of 2020 (The); mathematics; investment; Bitcoin; laziness; humor; Venezuela; appearances; relationships; science; trains; music (classical); chaos; trade (& international trade); China; corruption; morality; justice; Twitter; Musk (Elon); Google;
Glendinning, Victoria: sleep;
Glenn, John: space;
Glossinger, J. B.: fear; freedom;
Glucksmann, Andre: liberation;
Godard, Jean-Luc: cinema;
Godwin, William: government;
Goebbels, Joseph: foreign policy; democracy; men-women; America; totalitarianism;
Goering, Hermann: Jews;
Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von: women; manners; self-awareness; genius;
Gold, Danny: Philippines (The);
Gold, Herb: family; fatherhood;
Gold, Tanya: McDonald's; humor; judging/judgmentalism; internet (the); sea (the); love; hate; “hate speech”; automobiles; drink; coffee; royalty;
Goldberg, Anna: men; bachelors (bachelorhood);
Goldberg, Jeremy: life;
Goldberg, Jonah: Kerry (John); nationalism; Marx(-ism); United Nations (The); “populism”; rights; “consensus”; conservatives (-ism); Constitution (The U.S.); parents(-hood); hurricanes; moderate(-ion); history; history (“wrong side of”); dogs; politics; America; Hawaii; problems; bureaucracy; government; disappointment; conformity; Canada; ideas; freedom; family; freedom (personal); freedom (economic); freedom of speech; free markets (free trade); clichés; “realists”(political); envy; animals; rights (“animal”); Clinton (Bill); Clinton (Hillary); Clintons (the); wealth (redistribution of); welfare state (the); race; Supreme Court (The U.S.); capitalism; friends; “capitalism (crony)”; poverty; government (reasons for); orthodoxy; reality; law (“International”); abstraction; government (Federal); love; Palin (Sarah); left-right; libertarianism; unity; reason; certainty; action/activity; guilt; food; political correctness; business; Belgium; “community organizing”; Democrat Party (The U.S.); guns; riots; virtue; blame; science; ideology; Puerto Rico; travel (air); nature; culture; multiculturalism; diversity; socialism; nostalgia; immigration; United Nations (The); anti-Americanism; prejudice; McDonald's; Left (the); "sexism"; facts; discrimination; “Third Way(The)”; truth; moderate(-ion); parochialism; civilization; death; drink; Islam; American exceptionalism; liberals; liberty; foreign policy; “concern”; blacks (American); compassion; happiness; fascism; Biden (Joe); space; dogmas, Obama (Barack); decades; Obamacare; Obama Administration (The); marriage; democracy; time; monopolies; progress; “progressives”; judging; wealth; idealism; civilization; crowds, “McCarthyism”; work; humor; Trump (Donald); “Trumpism”; nationalism; utopianism; names; depression (economic); violence; patriotism; philosophy; coffee; reactionaries; sports; presidency (the U.S.); fear; Romney (Mitt); Korea (North); West (The); hypocrisy; clergy (the); Christmas; Afghanistan (War in, Obama's Role In); “global warming”; diplomacy; Europe; generality; standards(and double standards); taboos; Jesus Christ; tradition; energy; narcissism; “post-modern”; market (the); police (the); argument; contraception; compromise; apathy; faith; complication; appeasement; writing; human nature; bigotry; morality; innovation; pragmatism; universities; Cold War (The); electric cars; society; “cultural appropriation”; knowledge; diamonds; “self-esteem”; “Romanticism”; justice (“social”); property; Catholics; self-hatred; citizenship; Puritanism (the “New”); culture war; fatherhood; equality (income); Revolution (the American); Warren (Elizabeth); status; totalitarianism; Bloomberg (Michael); communism; “gender”; language; Scotland; imperialism; censorship; offense; “international opinion”; honor; complication; inflation; words; Russia; anti-Semitism; automobiles (electric); guilt (“collective”); Rousseau (Jean-Jacques); New Year’s Eve; Bill of Rights (the); books; shopping; jargon; Palestine; double standards; China (Red); anger; skiing; Trudeau (Justin);
Goldberg, Lucianne: feminism;
Goldberg, Sidney: friendship; corruption; feminism;
Goldberger, Paul: architecture; baseball; cities;
Golding, William: women;
Goldman, Daniel P.: China;
Goldman, David P.: conservatives (“neo”-);
Goldman Sachs Elevator: lying; Obama (Barack);
Goldman, William: athletes; fame; cinema; knowledge;
Goldsmith, Jack: "deep state, the";
Goldsmith, Sir James: marriage;
Goldsworthy, Adrian: winning (& losing);
Goldwater, Barry: press (the); extremism; libertarianism; law (the); Carter (Jimmy);
Gomaa, Ali: Islamic Jihad;
Gombrich, Ernst: art;
Gompers, Samuel: socialism;
Gondelman, Josh: hate;
Gonzales, Alberto: security;
Gonzales, Christian Alejandro: Venezuela;
Gonzalez, Vicente: socialism; socialism (“Scandinavian Model”);
Goodell, Jeff: environmentalism(-ts);
Goodhart, David: credentials/”credentialism”;
Goodman, Amy: patriotism;
Goodman, Arnold Abraham: stupidity;
Goodman, Len: fights (-ing);
Goodson, G. Ian: Islam;
Goodspeed, Robin: homosexuality;
Goodwin, Michael: Attention Deficit Disorder;
Goralik, Linor: Russia;
Gorbachev, Michail: communism (in Europe); Cold War (The); Beatles (The);
Gordievsky, Oleg: K.G.B. (The);
Gordimer, Nadine: Utopia;
Gordon, Charles (Gen. “Chinese”): Arabs; fear; courage; combat; bravery; Islam;
Gore, Al: Democratic Party (The U.S.); energy (“renewable”);
Gore-Langton, Robert: art;
Gorka, Sebastian: terrorism; isolationism; Trump (Donald); “Trumpism”; foreign policy; boys; men;
Gossage, Rich “Goose”: baseball; Democrat Party (the US);
Gott, Richard: Cambodia;
Gottlieb, Anthony: evolution;
Gottlieb, Carl: Trump (Donald); “Trumpism”; baseball; science; Left (the); stupidity; press (the); “DEI”; left (the); justice (“restorative”);
Gottlieb, Robert: editors/editing;
Gough, Hubert: punctuality;
Gove, Michael: optimism-pessimism; “identity politics”; conservatives; enemies; relativism; anti-Semitism; inertia; Left (the); America;
Gowdy, Trey: political correctness; military (the);
Graeber, David: wealth;
Graham, Katharine: power; men and women;
Graham, Laurie: writing (-ers);
Graham, Lindsey: “Trumpism”; Ukraine (& War in Ukraine);
Graham, Michael: liberals; activity; men-women; action; gambling; taxation; education; “zero-tolerance”; cynicism; men-women; Arab-Israeli Conflict (The);
Graham, Vincent: priorities;
Gramm, Phil: free markets (free trade);
Grammer, Kelsey: New York; Trump (Donald); abortion;
Gramsci, Antonio: subversion; truth; power;
Grandy, Fred: press (the); Iowa;
Gransard, Marie-José: Paris;
Grant, Bob: society;
Grant, Cary: knowledge; mistakes; snobbery; problems; humor; appearance;
Grant, Julia: South (The US);
Grant, Mark: Democrat Party (The US);
Grant, Ulysses S.: music; parties (political);
Grattan, C. Hartley: Great Britain;
Gravano, Sammy “The Bull”: guns
Graves, Robert: fear; lust;
Gray, Cameron: Sanders (Bernie);
Gray, C. Boyden: envy;
Gray, Freddy: Valentine's Day; Republican Party (the U.S.); Republicans-Democrats; Democrat Party (The US); Left-Right; populism; insanity; Philip (Prince); wealth and poverty; Warren (Elizabeth); Biden (Joe); Trumpism; infrastructure; impeachment; Harris (Kamala);
Gray, J. Glenn: combat;
Gray, John: atheism;
Gray, John: human nature; death; self-awareness;
Gray, Sir John: Africa;
Grayling, A. C.: clichés;
Greeley, Horace: journalism; Democratic Party (The U.S.);
Green, Dominic: Revolution (the American); Jews (The); Trump (Donald); Trumpism; Democrat Party (The US); “woke”; tyranny;
Green, Stephen: stupidity; plans;
Greenall, Gilbert: foreign aid;
Greenberg, Daniel: Left (The);
Greene, Chad Felix: “cancel culture”; Democrat Party (the U.S.); left (the);
Greene, Graham: truth; anti-Americanism; “Imperialism, American”; Italy; Vietnam; travel; risk; caution;
Greene, Hugh Carleton: BBC (The);
Greene, Nathaniel: intelligence; war;
Greenfeld, Karl Taro: “social media”;
Greenfield, Daniel: immigration; society; “community”; United Nations (The); America; Europe (Western); war; Afghanistan; war (“Forever”);
Greenspan, Alan: capitalism;
Greenspan, Michael: “nation building”;
Greenwald, Abe: New York;
Greenwald, Glenn: Trump (Donald); “January 6th”; “Russiagate”;
Greenway, John: fights (-ing); Ireland; environmentalism; cricket; Indians (“feathered”); Arabs; New Yorker (The); intellectuals; Puritanism; litigation; politics; fear; equality; California; progress, war; Greece; philosophy; love; military (the); logic; culture; mind (the); reading; conservatism; change;
Greer, Germaine: England; fashion(male); gender (& transgender); age (old);
Grenier, John: liberals(-ism);
Grenier, Richard: Hollywood; statism;
Gretzky, Wayne: opportunity;
Grey, Edward: America;
Griffin, Bryan F.: parenthood;
Griffin, Robert, III: “political correctness”;
Griffith, Andy: parenthood;
Griffith, Todd L.: “coronavirus”; China (Red); “election” of 2020 (and aftermath);
Grimes, William: Mexico;
Grizzard, Lewis: music (rock); journalism; Chicago;
Groening, Matt: offense (taking);
Groseclose, Tim: Media (left-wing bias);
Gross, Gil: Lebanon;
Grossman, Vasily: anti-semitism;
Grove, Andy: paranoia;
Groves, John: “global warming”;
Grund, Francis: Constitution (The U.S.);
Guenniffey, Patrice: Napoleon;
Guevara, Ernesto “Che”: intellectuals; Cuba, Che Guevara; evidence; blacks; revolution; socialism; nuclear weapons; individualism; America;
Gua, Ramachandra: cricket;
Gudkov, Boris: Russia; Putin (Vladimir);
Guindon, Dick: writing;
Guitry, Sacha: marriage; wit; men-women;
Gulliver, Katrina: war (councils of); war (future of);
Gunning, Dennis: math; critics;
Gunther, John: America;
Gup, Ted: CIA (The); espionage; Cold War (The);
Gur, Haviv Rettig: America; Protestants;
Gurdjieff, George: sin;
Gustav, Mark: “Simpsons, The”; Clinton (Hillary);
Gutfeld, Greg: politics; “progressive”(“-s”); “workshops”; pacifism; altruism; New York; liberals; Democrat Party (The U.S.); Republicans; Great Britain; “gender”;
Gutierrez, Rochelle: mathematics; “white privilege”;
Guzman, Sam: left-right;
Hackworth, Col. David: fights(-ing); bravery;
Hadas, Moses: critics;
Hadsell, Sgt. Mark: music (“metal”/”heavy metal”);
Hagege, Gilles: fame; social media;
Hagel, Chuck: foreign policy, “imperialism” (American); isolationism;
Hague, William: conservatives;
Haidt, Jonathan: “identity politics”; safety; social media; girls; telephones (cell & ”smart”);
Haig, Matt: reading;
Hale, Nathan: pragmatism;
Hall, Jonathan: counterterrorism;
Halle, Louis J.: deterrence;
Halliday, John D.: leisure; vice;
Halligan, Liam: inflation; economic growth;
Halper, Stefan: propaganda; war (reporting); history (revisionist);
Halpern, Daniel: books; writing;
Ham, Mary Katharine: subsidies;
Hamato, Imad: anti-Semitism;
Hamburger, Philip: “Deep State (The)”,
Hamdan, Benine Najim: education (sex);
Hamed Ido Hammo: Iraq War (The);
Hamill, Pete: “Nanny State (The)”;
Hamilton, Alexander: government; danger; disgrace; anarchy;
Hamilton, Olenka: Poland;
Hammad, Fathi: Palestine;
Hammond, Samuel: Marxism;
Hancock, Tony: youth; sickness/disease;
Hand, Learned: taxation;
Handey, Jack: fights; strategy;
Handler, Ruth: girls;
Hannan, Daniel: “fracking”; “Anglosphere, The”; slavery; “equality (income)”; flags; wealth; envy;
Hannity, Sean: work;
Hanson, Jim: “entitlements”; flags; Statue of Liberty; race (“Critical Race Theory”); “woke”; revenge; “global warming”; victimhood;
Hanson, Nathan M.: Minnesota;
Hanson, Victor Davis: war; Vietnam War (The); demagoguery; universities; university professors; education; Middle East (the); war; Obama (Barack); Obama Administration (The); history; education; relativism; time; immigration; Islamic Jihad; appeasement; winning (& losing); elites; California; preemption; Democratic Party (the US); football (American); Hollywood; political correctness; “baby-boomers”; Trump (Donald); “Trumpism”; Trump (Persecution of); Europe (Old); Europe (Western); “Black Lives Matter”; citizenship, socialism; “Antifa”; market (the stock); leadershp; perfection; left (the); chaos; Imperialism (British); “Imperialism (American)”; Empire (The British); American decline; left-right;
Happer, William: “global-warming”;
Hapsburg, Count Otto Von: weakness;
Haqqani, Husain: Iraq War (The); war; war (“forever”);
Hardaway, Brant: tolerance; left-right;
Hardy, Oliver: life;
Hardy, Thomas: war;
Hardy, Tom: solitude;
Hare, Augustus: God; religion;
Hargey, Taj: Islamic Jihad;
Harley, Eric: lawyers; conservatives; economics;
Harley, Steve: humor.
Harman, Nicholas: India;
Harmsworth, Alfred (Lord Northcliffe): news;
Harnden, Toby: Afghanistan (War in); espionage; CIA(The);
Harpur, Merrily: drink;
Harries, Chris: hate; communism;
Harris, Dan: China (Red);
Harris, Franklin: Trump (Donald);
Harris, Kamala: revenge; youth; “equity”; terrorism; “political correctness”; Islamic Jihad; collectivization; Harris (Kamala); immigration; freedom of speech; campaigning; truth;
Harris, Lee: civilization;
Harris, Martyn: “self”; psychiatry/psychology; wealth; insanity; women; men and women; love; problems; meetings; words; life; action/activity;
Harris, Robert: Orwell (George); intelligence (knowledge/smartness); Sixties (The); academia; enemies; KGB (The); Soviet Union (The); Russia; clothes; combat; Cold War (“The); Stalin;
Harris, Robin: “listening”;
Harris, Sam: Islam;
Harris, Tristan: social media;
Harrison, Darrel B.: abortion;
Harrison, Roger: Costa Rica;
Harriss, Joseph A.: France;
Harry, Prince, (Duke of Sussex): humanity;
Harsanyi, David: nature; civilization; population; Malthusianism; rights (constitutional; politics; United Nations (The); legislation; taxation; soccer; facial hair; liberals; history; Socialists (National, NAZIs); voting; teenagers; universities; crying;
Hart, David B.: insanity; legislation;
Hart, Ben: peace;
Hart, Jeffrey: “political correctness”;
Hart, Ron: Democrat Party (The); “January 6th”;
Hartley, Aidan: Africa; Mongolia; Haiti; farms (farming); life; white people; sleep; Brexit; London; “coronavirus” (the); hell; trains; foreign aid; Cold War (The); Congo (The); Russia; food (“fast”, “junk”);
Harvey, Paul: Cuba;
Harvey, Peter: boxing;
Harwood, Richard: Germany.
Haslam, Nicky: vulgarity;
Haspel, Aaron: numbers;
Hassan Bin Talal: Middle East (The);
Hastings, Max: Blair (Tony); intelligence; espionage; universities; students; Soviet Union (The); Russia; Italy;
Hatfield, Devil Anse: violence;
Hattersley, Roy: faith;
Havel, Vaclav: government; free market (the); truth; communism;
Hawes, James: Socialism (National); drink; taxation; objectivity; photography; accounting; fashion (male); treason; stress; age (old); dreams; marriage; “closure”; Russia; time; London; real estate; crime; excuses; wealth and poverty; love; drugs;
Hawk, Jim: police (the);
Hawking, Stephen: anger; hope; cosmology; Big Bang Theory; science; AI (“Artificial Intelligence”);
Hawkins, A.W. R.: Vietnam War (The);
Hawkins, Henry: Congress (the U.S.);
Hawkins, John: liberals; patriotism; Trump (Donald);
Hawks, Tony: “have a nice day”; “International Opinion”;
Hawthorne, Nathaniel: utopias;
Hay, John:Cuba; greatness; modesty;
Hayakawa, S.I.: liberals; blacks (American);
Hayden, Michael: air power; espionage; intelligence; intelligence (oversight);
Hayden, Tom: anti-communism;
Hayek, Friedrich von: “social”; socialism; collectivization; America; conservatism; economics; equality; inflation; taxation;
Hayes, Christopher: funerals;
Hayes, Terry: crime; change; espionage; God; 9/11; reputations; food; drink; military (the); speculation; Afghanistan; computers; lying; evidence; Monaco; encryption; intelligence; dreams;
Hayward, John: socialism; “diversity”; guilt (“collective”); totalitarianism; “Deep State”;
Hayward, Steven F.: left-right; human nature;
Hayworth, Nan: Democrat Party (the U.S.);
Hazlitt, Henry: government; spending (government); taxation; Marxism;
Hazlitt, William: hate; countryside (the); critics; “moderate”; human nature; humanity; power; liberty;
Hazony, Yoram: democracy;
Hazzard, Shirley: Italy;
Hearst, William Randolph: news;
Heater, David: police (the);
Hecht, Ben: press (the);
Hedberg, Mitch: protest; children; reading;
Heffer, Simon: Europe; Germany; death; wealth; democracy; “globalism”;
Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich: Africa;
Hegseth, Pete: war; Harris (Kamala);
Heidegger, Martin: “political correctness”;
Heibroner, Robert: economics;
Heilwell, Martin: Islam;
Hein, Piet: problems;
Heine, Heinrich: England; Jews; God. Forgiveness;
Heinemann, Larry: combat; Vietnam; Army (The); military (the); nostalgia;
Heinlein, Robert A.: “gun control”. totalitarianism; education; sincerity; poverty; wealth and poverty; rationalization; government (reasons for); writing; coercion; violence; history; censorship; laziness, magic; progress; left (the); tyranny; insults;
Heinrich, Prince (of Prussia): Europe; racism;
Heinz, Drue: death;
Heisenberg, Werner: God; science;
Heller, Tony: global warming; “Election” of 2020 (The); Democrat Party (the U.S.);
Hellman, Lilian: change;
Helm, Dieter: government; losing;
Helm, Sarah: European Union (The);
Helms, Jesse: enemies; compromise;
Helms, Richard: CIA (The); intelligence; lying; Europe (Eastern);
Helprin, Mark: science vs. religion; 0bama (Barack); culture; Internet (the); fashion; press (the); flags; Staten Island; irony; Brooklyn; New York; California; America; Clinton (Hillary); architecture; animals; women; men-women; feeling; thought; W.A.S.P.s; duty; dance (the); life; fighting; winning; legislation; revolutions; Indians (Feathered); snobbery; parenthood; Massachusetts; talk; advice (good); tactics; war; clergy (the); law (the); “law and order”; vigilantism; language; loyalty; sex; romance; instinct; contradiction. perfection; facial hair; Israel; Jews; marriage; foolishness; wisdom; problems; death; vegetarianism; pride; teachers; WWI; Italy; youth; dignity; decorum; Europe (Central); fear; crowds, army (the); surrender; grammar; imperialism; combat; Germany; cats; God; music; beauty; understanding; war (& peace); “anti-war”; work; politics; life-after-death;
Hemant Joshi: marriage;
Hemingway, Ernest: action/activity; bullfighting; talk; drink; writing; hardness/hardship (difficulty); death; war reporting; age (old); sport(s); sleep; travel; literature; inflation;
Hemingway, Mollie: history (“wrong side of”); internet (the); “social media”; Twitter; humanity; charity; “January 6th”;
Hemphill, Paul: baseball;
Hempleman-Adams, David: English (Anglo)-American relations; failure;
Henahan, Donal: “self”;
Henderson, Archibald: Indian (Feathered) War;
Henderson, Clarence: Trump (Donald);
Henderson, Michael: passion; Lennon (John); Lennon (John and Ono, Yoko); perfection; Left (The);
Hendra, Tony: Kennedy (Ted);
Hendry, Lori: liberals;
Heneghan, Carl: science;
Henninger, Daniel: philanthropy; propaganda; market(the); Internet (The); security (& national security);
Henry, Buck: television;
Henry, Lowman S.: elections;
Henry, O: elections;
Henry, Patrick: liberty;
Henry III, William: multiculturalism;
Hensher, Philip: India(-ns - “towelled”); humor; New York Times (The); gambling; wealth; philanthropy; prizes; writing/writers; patience;
Hentoff, Nat: Left (The);
Hepworth, David: music (rock);
Heraclitus: religion; war;
Herbert, Frank: power;
Herodotus: fate; history;
Herman, Arthur: U.N. (The);
Herron, Mick: age; biology; conspiracies; hospitals; hospitality; sleep; espionage; war; Cold War (The); cats; change; progress; women; strategy; thought; New York; bureaucracy; failure; stress; time; politics; blame; contingency; ambition; paranoia; treason; obsession; past (the); present (the); buses; inflation; lies (-ing); Berlin; guilt; history; human nature; panic; Germany; England; blackmail;
Herzog, Werner: telephones (“smart”); social media; America; violence;
Heston, Charlton: “gun control”; political correctness; freedom of speech;
Hewitt, Hugh: prizes; Trump (Donald); history; Democratic Party (The U.S.);
Heyer, Walt: homosexuality; “gender”;
Heyward, Andrew: media (left-wing) bias:
Hiaasen; Carl: Montana; politics; history; motorcycles; action (activity);
Hibbert, Guy: military (the); war;
Highsmith, Patricia: God; Jews; anti-semitism;
Hilbert, David: mathematics;
Hill, Emily: feminism; books; affection;
Hill, Geoffrey: evil;
Hill, James J.: trains;
Hill, Susan: government; books; internet (the);
Hill, Terri: silence; cowardice;
Hillard, Graham: telephones;
Hillary, Edmund: mountains (& mountain climbing);
Hillel: fatherhood;
Hillen, John: “peace dividend”; Obama (Barack); Obama (Administration, The);
Hillier, Bevis: art (modern);
Hills, Charles Albert Reis: NGOs; charity; philanthropy;
Hillyer, Quin: Democratic Party (the U.S.);
Hilton, Lisa: history;
Hilton, Paris: Kardashian (Kim);
Hilton, Steve: government;
Himmelfarb, Gertrude: crime; Internet (The); truth;
Himmelfarb, Milton: Jews (Judaism);
Hinderaker, John: guns;
Hinton, Geoffrey: “AI”;
Hippocrates: “Global Warming”; skill;
Hirono, Mazie: Democrat Party (the U.S.);
Hirschman, Albert: creativity;
Hirst, Damien: art (conceptual);
Hitchcock, Alfred: Europe; fear; theater; revenge;
Hitchens, Christopher: Revolution (The American); humor; “identity politics”; “racism”; drink; law (the); history; monarchy; Obama (Michelle); W.A.S.P.s; prayer; Egypt; “post-modern”; protest; Christmas; Koran (The); Clinton (Hillary); religion; women; Iran;
Hitchens, Daniel: failure; free will;
Hitchens, Peter: education; sex “education”; Protestants (Episcopalian/Anglican); democracy; atheism; homosexuality; marriage (homosexual); drugs; immigration; World War I; left (the); liberals; diversity; conservatives; internet (the); Blair (Tony); Romania; communism; colors; borders; “globalisation”;
Hitler, Adolph: negotiation; Christianity; politics; children; hunting; Socialism; Socialism (National); anti-Semitism; public opinion; propaganda; Islam; violence; life; health; America;
Hoadly, Benjamin: Supreme Court (The, of the US);
Hobbes, Thomas: Cold War (The);
Hobsbawm, Eric: Enlightenment (The);
Hobson, Theo: Christianity; modernity; Protestant Reformation (The); religion;
Ho Chi Minh: Vietnam; Lenin(-ism); communism; China;
Hochul, Kathy: New York, anti-Americanism;
Hockney, David: technology; communism; death;
Hodgkinson, Thomas W.: writing;
Hodgkinson, Tom: punctuation;
Hoekstra, Pete: security (national); War On Terror (The Global);
Hoffa, Jimmy: fights;
Hoffer, Eric: America; silence; intellectuals; revolution; “movements”; propaganda; “open minds”; corruption; causes; business (minding one's own); freedom; freedom (personal); hate; hope, idealism; boredom; self-esteem; selfishness; Devil (The); understanding;
Hoffmann, Ralph: India (-ians, “Toweled”);
Hoft, Jim: Obama (Barack);
Hoggart, Simon: Sixties (The); Men and Women; snobbery; totalitarianism; fishing; television (“reality”); press (the); media (the);
Holland, Barbara: drink;
Holland, Tom: Trump (Donald); Johnson (Boris);
Hollande, Francois: “finance (international)”;
Holland, Tom: “humanism”; identity;
Hollander, Tom: “gender”;
Holliday, “Doc”: hypocrisy;
Hollis, Christopher: power;
Holloway, John: Africa;
Holloway, Jonathan: names;
Holloway, Richard: Protestants (Anglican/Episcopalian);
Holly, Buddy: wisdom; success; failure;
Holmes, J.D. (The Rev.): God; business (minding one’s own);
Holmes, Oliver Wendell: age (old); “Law, Common”; experience; freedom of speech; history; logic;
Holmes, Stephen: Russia(ns);
Holton, Christopher: War On Terror (The Global);
Holtz, Lou: problems; youth; age (old);
Holtz-Eakin, Douglas: budget;
Homnick, Jay D.: men;
Honnold, Alex: happiness; fear;
Hood, John: education; indoctrination; conservatism, libertarianism; reality;
Hood, John Bell: history;
Hood, William: espionage; intelligence; special forces/special operations; Italy; pragmatism; honesty/dishonesty; combat; combat (coming home from); interrogation;
Hook, Sydney: freedom;
Hooker, John Lee: travel (air);
Hoover, Herbert: politics; corruption;
Hope, Bob: age (old); Israel;
Hope-Wallace: funerals;
Hopkins, Anthony: fame;
Hopkins, Harry: deception (self-); Yalta;
Hopkins, Katie: feminism;
Hopp, Gene: fatherhood;
Horace: generations; travel; advice;
Horacek, Judy: telephone (the); hell;
Horn, Jim: legislation; Obamacare; violence; Nine-Eleven (9-11); tropics (the); “Islamophobia”; Islam In America;
Horner, Chris: environmentalism;
Hornsby, Rogers: baseball;
Hornung, Paul: golf; drink;
Horowitz, Anthony: television vs. movies; dogs;
Horowitz, David: crime (“hate”); liberals (-ism); “liberal fascism”; Egypt; “Anti-War” Movement; Vietnam War (The); Marxism; immigration; Trump (Donald); global warming; Democrat Party (The US);
Horowitz, Michael: conservatism (“compassionate”);
Horsley, Sebastian: fashion;
Horwitz, Steve: economics (“boom and bust”);
Houdini, Harry: children;
Houellebecq, Michel: Holland; civilization; “West” (The);
Household, Geoffrey: cats; danger/safety; Switzerland, leadership, power; emotions; democracy; torture; facial hair; appearance; misery; patriotism; revenge;
Housman, A. E.: self-delusion;
Houston, Sam: Texas;
Howard, Elizabeth Jane: England;
Howard, John: immigration; conservatives;
Howard, Michael: fascism;
Howard, Trevor: drink;
Howe, Edgar Watson: fear; motivation; behavior;
Howe, William: Revolution (The American);
Howells, William Dean: America;
Howerd, Frankie: language;
Howse, Christopher: Internet (The); “blogs”; Spain; apathy;
Hoyer, Steny: “Tea Party (The)”;
Hoyt, Sarah: politics; merit; credentials/-ism; education; experts; “coronavirus”;
Hruska, Roman: mediocrity;
Hubbard, Elbert: bullfighting; football (American); explanation;
Hubbard, Frank “Kin”: music (classical);
Huch, Ricarda: critics/criticism;
Huckabee, Mike: “health”; left (the); left-right; Republicans - Democrats; Democratic Party (the U.S.);
Hudson, Kris: soccer;
Hughes, Coleman: affirmative action;
Hughes, Howard: advice (good);
Hughes, H. Stuart: conservatism;
Hughes, John: New York; children; women; boredom;
Hughes, Robert: fishing,
Hughes, Scottie Nell: Bill of Rights (The US);
Hughes, Thomas: fighting;
Hughes-Hallett, Lucy: character;
Huizinga, Johan: culture; style;
Hull, George: hipsters;
Hulman, John: Conservatives (“Neo-“);
Hume, David: knowledge, foolishness, free will; human nature; religions; passion, reason;
Hume, Mick: phobias; political correctness;
Humphries, Barry: Australia; cooking; restaurants; humor; gender (transgender); Empire (The Habsburg/The Austro-Hungarian); Hungary;
Humphrey, Robert A.: problems;
Humphrys, John: journalism(-ists);
Hunt, E. Howard: espionage; espionage (covert action); Washington; Miami; power; C.I.A. (The); Cold War (The); consensus;
Hunt, H.L.: money;
Hunt, Jeremy: Trump (Donald);
Hunt, Nick: Europe (Eastern);
Hunter, Derek: “progressives”; wealth and poverty; wealth (the redistribution of); race/racism; Biden Administration (The);
Hunter, Ian: English (Anglo) - American relations; suicide;
Hunter, Jim “Catfish”: luck;
Hunter, T. Russell: “gender”;
Huntington, Samuel P.: Islam; Islamic Jihad; immigration; conservatives; flags; American Exceptionalism; history (revisionist); generalities;
Hurston, Zora Neale: race/racism; blacks (American); “reparations”;
Hurt, Charles: Obama (Barack); Washington; Government (Federal);
Husain, Ed: Islamic jihad;
Huston, John: elephants; hunting;
Hussein, King (of Jordan): Palestine; Jordan;
Hussein Massawi: Islamic jihad
Hussein, Saddam: Saddam Hussein;
Hustvedt, Siri: theory;
Hu Xijin: Australia;
Huxley, Aldous: consistency; modernity; mankind; human nature; liberty; solitude; Germany; facts; reality; writing; irony; art; crowds; obedience; hell; public opinion; deep state (the);
Hyde, Henry B.: people;
Hyde, Lisa: New York;
Hyman, Mark: “woke”;
Hyten, John E.: disarmament;
Iacocca, Lee: business;
Ibn Battuta: Afghanistan;
Idov, Michael: Moscow;
Igantieff, Michael: Canada; liberalism;
Iklé, Fred: “political correctness”;
Iley, Chrissie: men and women;
Ilhan Omar: “nine/eleven”;
Ilves, Toomas Hendrik: apology;
Imus, Don: life; defeat;
Inge, William: democracy;
Ingraham, Laura: Bergdahl (Bowe); Democrat Party (The US);
Ings, Simon: gambling; telephones (“smart”); modernity; civilization; Einstein (Albert); mathematics; fatherhood;
Inkster, Nigel: China (Red); “Trumpism”;
Inouye, Daniel: Hawaii; “Deep State, The”;
Innes, Neil: art;
Ionesco, Eugene: reading;
Iqbal, Sir Muhammad: Islam;
Iremashvili, Ioseb: Stalin;
Irving, Washington: virtue; evil; coronavirus; age (old); humanity;
Irwin, Jim: God;
Isidoro, Alex: War on Terror (The Global - GWOT); lawyers;
Ismay, Gen. Hastings: NATO;
Ivanov, Hristo: imperialism;
Izzard, Eddie: royalty;
Jacka, Barton: baseball; history;
Jackson, Andrew: compromise; war; combat; Supreme Court (the US);
Jackson, Jesse: denial; Bill Clinton
Jackson, Jesse Jr.: Barack Obama; blacks (American);
Jackson, John: civilization;
Jackson, Reggie: fame;
Jackson, Robert H.: Constitution (The U.S.); rights (human, civil, etc.); guilt (“collective”);
Jackson, Samuel L.: guns; South (The American);
Jacobs, Eric: normality; boys; fatherhood; eating; food; life;
Jacobs, W. W.: socialism;
Jacobson, Howard: parents; clothes; age (old); humor; political correctness;
Jacobson, William A.: universities; academia;
Jacoby, Jeff: Arab-Israeli Conflict;
Jacomb, Martin: market (the);
Jaffa, Harry: Republican Party (The US);
Jagger, Mick: Beatles (The); fame;
Jähner, Harald: Germany;
James I, (King): smoking; Parliament (The UK);
James, Alex: addictions; fashion; boats;
James, Clive: fitness; Manilow (Barry); writing; art; morality; reading; Schwarzenneger (Arnold); Australia; fame;
James, Henry: advice (good);
James, Lawrence: history (“revisionist”); slavery; fascism (in Europe); power; Empire (The British);
James, Lebron: Trump (Donald);
James, P. D.: goodness; evil;
James, William: democracy; utopia; humor; drink;
Janda, Jacob: Warsaw Pact (The);
Jansson, Tove: men-women; forgiveness;
Jardine, David: Australia;
Jarrell, Randall: poetry; English (Anglo)-American relations; manners;
Jarrett, Valerie: Islam In America;
Javid, Sajid: planning (govt.); statism;
Jay, Sir Antony: reason;
Jay, John: treaties;
Jefferson, Thomas: banks; law (the); “law and order”; equality (egalitarianism); government; pacifism; Europe (“Old”); “Welfare State (The)”; debt; “Nanny State, The”; “gun control”; taxation; ignorance; tyranny; immigration; liberty; history; ridicule; press (the); royalty; cities;
Jeffreys, Henry: “social media”; Twitter;
Jeffries, Ian: defense;
Jeffries, Stuart: smoking; loneliness;
Jenkins, Dan: furniture;
Jenkins, Mark: hotels;
Jenkins, Simon: charity; NGOs; history; war (reasons for);
Jennings, Paul: mathematics; language;
Jennings, Scott: Trump (Donald);
Jeong, Sarah: white people;
Jeremiah: peace;
Jerome, Jerome K.: Germany; work;
Jesus Chrisr: pacifism;
Jiang Shigong: imperialism;
Jiang Zemin: Bible (The); Christianity;
Jillette, Penn: civility;
Jindal, Bobby: Biden (Joe); media (left-wing) bias; immigration; religious liberty; America;
Joad, C.E.M.: money;
Jobim, Antonio Carlos: Brazil;
Jobs, Steve: advice (good);
John, Elton: behavior;
John Paul II, Pope: Clinton (Bill); equality; communism; Jews (The);
Johnson, Boris: bicycles; Yugoslavia(-ex); «lifestyle»; press (the); energy; immigration; cities; Trump (Donald); «Trumpism»; Trump (persecution of); Africa; China; colonialism; teamwork; leadership; time; power; coronavirus; wind (the); confusion/chaos; Commonwealth (The British); drink; optimism/pessimism; fate (fatalism);
Johnson, Daniel: "Anglosphere, The"; Empire (The British);
Johnson, Denis: desertion; Africa; action/activity; war; war (counterinsurgency); Vietnam War (The); facial hair; Cold War (The); strength; beer; intelligence; combat; desire; dreams; sleep; adventure; enemies; solitude; doubt; authority; doctors; health; lying; cooking; drink; writing; critics; «Washington»; hypocrisy; human nature; art; dreams; Afghanistan; Liberia; Nevada; Iraq War (The); War (On Terror, the Global War); Saudi Arabia; America; government;
Johnson, Dr. Samuel: military (the), Scotland; music; action/activity; France., law (the); language; “fairness”; vanity; schadenfreude; boats; enthusiasm; freedom of speech; ideas; conservatism; life; life stories; experience; age; anger; respect; curiosity; writing; tourism; stupidity; food; solitude; conspiracy; reading; revenge; war (and peace); habit; boredom;
Johnson, Frank: history (revisionist); Lenin (-ism); Gulf War (The); problems; ballet; France; socialism;
Johnson, Janie: Obama (Barack); left-right; liberals; Democrat Party (The US); Republicans-Democrats; guns; race; “political correctness”; humor; welfare;
Johnson, Larry: CIA (The);
Johnson, Lyndon Baines: blacks (American); rights (civil); Republicans-Democrats; economics; Wilson (Harold); Presidency (The U.S.); Johnson (Lyndon B.); America (South); politics;
Johnson, Paul: art; Picasso; literature; “political correctness”; intellectuals; Bush, (George W.); Obama (Barack); America; U.N. (The); prizes; individualism; utopias(ism); Marx(-ism); Chirac (Jacques); China (Red); anti-Americanism; anti-Semitism; humor; cartoons; humanity; animals; atheism; Europe; European Union; “Rights, Animal”; homosexuality(-s); smoking; Hollywood; war; environmentalism; complication-complexity; “modern-post”; law (the); geography; prejudice; Russia; intelligence; history; decades; Watergate; Cold War (The);
Johnson, Rachel: Women; men and women; talk (“small”);
Johnson, Sasha: “Black Lives Matter”;
Johnson, Stanley: travel;
Jolie, Mayra: hate;
Jolis, Albert E.: Arab-Israeli Conflict; diamonds; Central African Republic (The); negotiations; market (the “black”); Orwell (George); humanity; neutrality; Boer War (The);
Jolis, Alan: Russia; women; memory;
Jolis, Anne B.: fashion; vice; India (Toweled); Palin (Sarah); Poland; Europe; Italy; Turkey; immigration; journalism; celebrity;
Jolis, Carla Berg: food
Jolis, Jack: Islam; Kerry (John); Obama (Barack); Obama Administration (the); profits; cheating; sports; bullshit; “profiling”; war; curiosity; enemies; law (the); mathematics; France; Germany; Russia; Turkey; Scotland; self-awareness; education; education (private); envy; history; universities; university professors; “black studies”; explanation; New York; New York Times; Olympics (The); “health”; socialism; socialism (national); fascism; Left (The); liberalism; economics; nostalgia; unity; freedom of the press; restaurants; Crusades (The); greed; bravery; equality; “diversity”; royalty; politics; Queen Elizabeth II; Cold War (The); apologies; baseball; religion; immigration; history; censorship; life; "wage gap”; Jews; Revolution (American); revolution; Vietnam War; Hawaii; Dubai; communism; communism (future of); basketball; music; Eastwood (Clint); Hong Kong; Constitution (the U.S.); Democrat Party (the U.S.); Trump (Donald); music (rap); “public”; Buttigieg (Pete); intelligence (knowledge); creativity; imagination; “projection”; laziness; capitalism; hate; anti-Americanism; lying; media (left-wing bias); fights(-ing); race (racism); race (“critical race theory”); “bi-partisan”; “social”; inflation; exercise; revenge; “mercenaries”; prejudice; “privilege”; writing; Putin (Vladimir); truth; Marx; “Cultural Marxism”; beauty, UN (The); photography; “Kwanzaa”; “identity politics”; victimhood; human nature; Cuomos (The); “Deep State, (The)”; fraternities; Qatar; “woke”; pomposity; weakness; minimum wage; Bitcoin/NFT; “Earth Day”; shopping; women; “party” parties; skiing; Libya; “Anglosphere (The); conservatives; Greece; Israel; hospitals; “virtue-signaling”; Africa; shopping; automobiles; ideology; New Zealand; flags; judging; justice; government; Left-Right; Lebanon; Clinton (Hillary); Palin (Sarah); ”The Great Re-Set, The”; Musk (Elon); disinformation; power; colonialism; “global warming”; age (old); birthdays; “Nine-Eleven” (“9/11”); military (the); military (women in the); nuclear; America; energy; environmentalism; “Watergate”; algorithms; wealth and poverty; Kissinger (Henry); “equity”; vigilantism; Election of 2020 (The); democracy; Pakistan; guilt (collective); “reparations”; natural resources; Soros (George); cities; DeSantis (Ron); Google; hysteria; dreams; China (Red); “DEI”; books; war (“forever”); fear; speed; State Department (the U.S.); self-hatred; AI (“artificial intelligence”); Australia; anthropology; guilt; sociology; “gender”; Utopias (-ns); Ireland; Korea; Fonda (Jane); advertising; Nixon (Richard); Harris (Kamala); pride; humor; hobbies; men & women; God; atheism; “zero-budget”; “slippery slope”; stereotypes; bores (boredom); foreign policy; Iran; “public sector”; “hate crime”-(“hate speech”); freedom of speech; conscience; “American Exceptionalism”; Ocasio-Cortez (Alexandria); Japan; trans-sexuals; technology;
Jolis, James: corporations;
Jolis, Jane: India (Toweled); China; photography; Afghanistan (War in); Portugal; winning; failure;
Jolis, Karen: health;
Jolis, Paul: peace; possessions; women; Gurkhas; trouble; myths; profit(s); America; race (“racism”); AIDS; disinformation; KGB (The); survival; morality;
Jolis, Timothy: Middle East; India; efficiency; art (surreal);
Jolly, Alice: dystopia;
Joly, Dom: Canada;
Jonas, George: freedom; terrorism;
Jones, Alan: Biden (Joe); “global warming”;
Jones, Ishmael: bureaucracy;
Jones, James R.: Presidency (the US);
Jones, Kaya: abortion; “Trumpism”;
Jones, Liz: men and women;
Jones, Morgan: “Benghazigate”;
Jones, Peter: complication - complexity; history; imperialism; war; discrimination; Brexit; enemies; Marxism; antiquity; slavery; politics; identity politics; England; exercise; Europe; literature; words; protest;
Jones, Steve: skiing;
Jones, Tobias: Italy;
Jones, Toby: unemployment;
Jones, Van: Democrat Party (the US); anti-Semitism;
Jong, Erica: fame; gossip;
Joseph II, Emperor: music;
Joseph, Sir Keith: “Third Way (The)”, government; wealth (the redistribution of);
Joubert, Joseph: action; advice (good);
Jowett, Benjamin: fun; truth; God; religion;
Joy, Ted: Canada; Navy (The); homosexuality; “diversity”; motoring;
Joyce, Barnaby: “global warming”;
Joyce, James: history;
Judd, Alan: automobiles; Puritanism; government; intelligence; diplomacy; information; lying; espionage; past (the); reputations; secrecy; bureaucracy; capitalism; Cold War (The); New York; anti-Americanism; wishful thinking; complacency; imagination; action; genetics/genealogy; self-awareness; faith; Islam; priorities; value; history; deception; leadership; seriousness; flattery; army (the); military (the); Koran (The); morality; ethics; Utopias; advice (good); happiness; nostalgia; vice; drink; obsession; Soviet Union (The); life; loyalty; truth; “relationships”; Wyoming; God; pretense; body (the); women; success;
Judd, Grady: defense (and personal defense);
Judge, Mike: soccer;
Judt, Tony: communism; socialism;
Julius Caesar: judging/judgment;
Juncker, Jean-Claude: democracy; European Union (The ex-EEC); lying;
Jung, Carl: sentiment(-ality); addiction; idealism; America; Germany; blacks (American); ideas; intent; results;
Jünger, Ernst: combat; prison;
Jünger, Sebastian: combat; combat (coming home from); military (the); Army (The); war; men;
Junor, Penny: dogs;
Jupp, Daniel: Trump (Donald);
Juppé, Alain: crime;
Judt, Tony: Left (The);
Juvenal: poetry; indignation;
Kabila, Laurent-Désiré: war (counterinsurgency/”COIN”);
Kaczynski, Ted: autonomy;
Kadyrov, Ramzan: statesmanship;
Kafka, Franz: love; revolution;
Kagan, Donald: war; trouble;
Kagan, Elena: spending (government);
Kagge, Erlin: Antarctica;
Kahane, David: liberals; left (the); totalitarianism;
Kahn, Herman: tactics;
Kahneman, Daniel: prudence; importance;
Kalashnikov, Mikhail: invention;
Kaling, Mindy: superstition;
Kant, Immanuel: sin (original); human nature;
Kaplan, Robert D.: war (counterinsurgency); Vietnam War (the);
Kaplan, Roger: Arabs (The); Belgium; immigration; greed; Empire (The French);
Karatnycky, Adrian: Islam;
Kardashian, Kim: tattoos;
Karp, Alex: motoring; America; anti-Americanism;
Karunatilaka, Shehan: sports; life after death;
Kaschuta, Alex: Kasdernity (-post);
Kasin, Konstantin: socialism; poverty;
Kasparov, Garry: United Nations (The); humor; dictators; Putin (Vladimir); Cold War (The); nostalgia; technology;
Kass, John: Chicago;
Katz, Amrom H.: deterrence;
Kauffman, Ewing: management;
Kaufman, George S.: America; humor; satire;
Kaus, Mickey: music (rock);
Kavanaugh, Brett: Supreme Court (The U.S.); Democrat Party (The U.S.);
Kay, Alan: future (the); invention; perspective;
Kay, Francesca: weather (the);
Kaye, Sylvia Fine: opera;
Kazan, Elia: liberals; happiness; perfection; risk;
Kazin, Michael: patriotism; Left (The);
Kean, Edmund: death; humor;
Keane, Gen. Jack: intelligence oversight;
Kearns, Madeleine: dreams;
Keates, Jonathan: dreams;
Keating, Frank: Commonwealth (The British);
Keating, Paul: insults;
Keaton, Buster: humor;
Keegan, Sir John: war; defense (national);
Keeler, Christine: Sixties (The);
Keiger, John: Empire (The French);
Keillor, Garrison: political correctness; freedom of speech, Minnesota;
Keller, Jon: “political correctness”;
Kelly, Greg: PTSD; military (the); Trump (Donald); “Black Lives Matter”;
Kelly, Jane: health (the British NHS);
Kelly, Jesse: “Trumpism”; Trump (Persecution of); coronavirus; left-right; Civil War; Libertarianism; Republicans; Hell; military (the); military (homosexuals in the); military (women in the); China (Red); inclusivity; environmentalism; “diversity”; communism;
Kelly, Julie: Carter (Jimmy);
Kelly, Mark: “multiculturalism”;
Kelly, Paul: socialism;
Kemal, Mustapha (“Attaturk”): religion, Islam;
Kemp, Jack: Cold War (The);
Kempton, Murray: press (the); political conventions;
Kendall, Willmoore: liberals; C.I.A. (The);
Kengor, Paul: Minnesota;
Kennedy, Anthony: “hate speech”; freedom of speech;
Kennedy, Brian T.: election of 2020 (the);
Kennedy, Jackie: clothes; Kennedy (John F.);
Kennedy, John: Democrat Party (The US); Harris (Kamala); Senate (The U.S.); oil; liberals (-ism); Biden Administration (The);
Kennedy, John F.: “Affirmative Action”; idealism; economics; envy; “zero-sum”; liberals; life; humor; Washington D.C.; taxation; thought; corruption; rights (human, etc.); myths; lying; conformity; defense (national); war and peace; forgiveness; “Domino Theory, The”; “disinformation”; sea (the); economics (supply-side);
Kennedy, John F. Jr.: Trump (Donald);
Kennedy, Joseph P.: superficiality;
Kennedy, Liam: victimhood;
Kennedy, Nigel: Charles (King);
Kennedy, Robert F. Jr.: totalitarianism; liberals;
Kennedy, Tim: science;
Kenney, Doug: publicity;
Kenning, George: Thailand; conformity; war;
Kenny, Andrew: slavery;
Kenny, Mary: journalism;
Kepler, Johanes: astronomy; religion;
Kerik, Bernard: Bidens (The);
Kermode, Mark: humor;
Kerr, Walter: insults;
Kerrey, Bob: Vietnam War (The); freedom;
Kerry, John: freedom of speech;
Kesler, Charles: “progressives”; education; wisdom;
Kessler, Ronald: Presidency (the US);
Kevoian, Becky: age (old);
Keyes, Alan: equality; marriage (homosexual);
Keyes, Michael: fights (-ing);
Keynes, John Maynard: America; investing; consistency; fate; solitude; inflation; blacks (American); economics; market (the); perfection/imperfection; conventional wisdom; facts;
Khadoura, Ahmad: Islam;
Khalid Sheikh Mohammed: Islamic jihad; War On Terror (The Global, GWOT);
Khan, Ghengis: happiness;
Khan, Kublai: defense, immigration;
Khan, Sadiq: cities;
Khodorkovsky, Mikhail: Russia; Putin (Vladimir);
Khomeini, Ruhollah: Islam; Islam (doctrine); Islamic Jihad; Islamic ecumenism; Islam (doctrine); patriotism; public opinion;
Khrushchev, Nikita: communism; communism in America;
Khruschcheva, Nina: Russia;
Khruschcheva, Nina L.: Russia;
Kierkegaard, Soren: truth; pain; marriage; bores (-dom);
Kidder, Tracy: fear; witches; geography/(maps); police (the); crime; appearances;
Kiley, Kevin: California;
Kilgore, Evan: Election of 2020 (The); evidence;
Killen, Mary: men;
Killebrew, Harmon: fatherhood;
Kilmeade, Brian: Musk (Elon);
Kimball, J. Golden: fashion; women;
Kimball, Roger: Islam; art (modern); islamofascism; tempers; anthropology; culture; relativism; equality; optimism; punctuality; “multiculturalism”; simplicity; complication-complexity; Clinton (Hillary); media (left-wing) bias; Democrat Party (The US); anti-Americanism; Trump (Donald);
Kimes, Arthur: “global warming”;
Kimmel, Jimmy: electricity; Iran;
Kindelberger, Charles: “schadenfreude”;
King, B.B.: Presley (Elvis);
King, Benedict: indecision;
King, Don: violence;
King, Florence: Christianity, human nature; self-delusion; Giuliani (Rudy); leadership; writing; Diana (Princess); language; democracy; class; men-women; Presidency (the US); complication; bureaucracy; modernity;
King, Francis: dogs; risk;
King, Martin Luther, Jr.: extremism;
King, Steve: immigration; marriage (homosexual); contraception; Blacks (American);
Kingsmill, Hugh: shyness; wealth and poverty; Revolution (The French);
Kington, Miles: Saturday; wisdom; South Africa; travel (air); Olympics (The); astronomy; photography; complaining; business; freedom; America; New Jersey; New York; Jazz; Thanksgiving; fashion; Near-Death Experience;
Kinison, Sam: marriage;
Kinnard, Douglas: Vietnam; Vietnam War (The);
Kinnell, Galway: humor;
Kipling, Rudyard: religion; beer; espionage; Ireland; war (ammunition); drink; books; words; journalism;
Kipnis, Laura: drink;
Kirchick, Jamie: war; Cold War (The);
Kirk, Charlie: Trump (Donald); Democrat Party (The US); California; government; American Exceptionalism; anti-Americanism; Giuliani (Rudy);
Kirk, Russell: conservatism; lost causes; compromise;
Kirkpatrick, Jeanne: U.N. (The); feminism; “imperialism, (American)”; America; American (“exceptionalsim”); history (“revistionist”); relativism; dictatorship; foreign policy;
Kirlichik, Lauren: taxation;
Kirn, Walter: travel (air); Musk (Elon); “Trumpism”; Canada;
Kissinger, Henry: Vietnam War (The); “Academia”(Academics); Clinton (Bill); conflict; Iran; “Washington”; Cyprus; Africa; betrayal; men-women; politics; politicians; righteousness; anti-Semitism; self-hatred; Internet (The); information; wisdom; Jews; age (old); “multic-culturalism”; immigration; crisis; imperialism; problems; certainty; celebrity;
Kite, Melissa: manners; government; words; euphemism; writing; political correctness; humor; respect; complication; telephones (“i”- and “smart”); rights (civil, human, etc.); health; health (the British NHS); advertising; fights(-ing); offense; “hate crimes”; “have a nice day”; hospitals; men-women; television; “coronavirus”; safety; “social media”; computers; Johnson (Boris); food (“junk”); vegetarianism; conspiracy(& conspiracy theories); environmentalism;
Klaus, Vaclav: rights (“human”, “civil”, etc.); “Third Way (The)”;
Klavan, Andrew: conservatism (-s); Left (The, -ists, -ism); left-right; race; war on terror (the global); Obama (Barack); Democrats (The US party); sex; political correctness; “coronavirus, the”; “woke”;
Klein, Gary A.: worry;
Klein, Gordon: “Affirmative Action”;
Klein, Philip: conservatism (-s); government;
Klein, Ralph: Gore (Al);
Klepp, Lawrence: optimism/pessimism;
Klingenstein, Thomas D.: Trump (Donald); “Trumpism”; “White Guilt”; “political correctness”;
Klipper, Gage: Biden Administration (the):
Knoller, Mark: prizes;
Knowles, Michael: Trump (Donald);
Knox, Ronald: time; Catholics;
Koa, Kambree Kawahine: history (revisionist); political correctness; social media;
Koch, Charles: incentives; economics;
Koch, Ed: politics; anti-Semitism; terrorism; Democrat Party (The U.S.); Republicans-Democrats; understanding;
Koertge, Noretta: “Women’s Studies”;
Koestler, Arthur: Left (the); science;
Koganzon, Rita: imitation;
Kohl, Helmut: Germany;
Kohl, Johann Georg: Ireland;
Kojeve, Alexandre: snobbery; globalization;
Kok Ksor: Laos; Vietnam;
Kolakowski, Leszek: religion; “lesser of two evils”;
Koops, Roger W.: Coronavirus (The);
Kors, Alan Charles: Cold War (The);
Kosinski, Jerzy: time;
Kossuth, Lajos: peace;
Kotik, Paul: guns; Canada; Left (the);
Kotkin, Stephen: West (The);
Kotzwinkle, William: death;
Kovach, Tom: action;
Kowalski, Leszek: socialism;
Krajicek, Richard: tennis;
Kramer, Jane: “multiculturalism”;
Krasznahorkai, Laszlo: punctuation;
Kraus, Karl: psychiatry;
Kraushaar, Josh: credentials (-ism);
Krauthammer, Charles: Marx(-ism); Cold War (the); “consensus”; America (Central); Atheism. God; Obama (Barack); Obama Administration; Haiti; psychiatry/psychology; learning; left-right; press (the); France; equality; intelligence; Qatar; Europe; anti-Semitism; espionage; immigration; freedom; democracy; civilization; Israel;
Kreeft, Peter: heaven; life;
Krikorian, Mark: Obama (Barack); immigration; spending (government); universities; anti-Americanism;
Kringle, Henry: guilt (collective; race (“racism”); race (“Critical Race Theory”);
Krishnan, Manisha: race/”racism”; white people;
Kriss, Sam: podcasts;
Kristof, Nicholas: diversity; progressives; media (left-wing) bias;
Kristol, Bill: political correctness; holocaust (the); populism; advice; music (classical); progress; baseball; honesty;
Kristol, Irving: “McCarthyism”; children (childhood); culture, liberals(-ism); Marxism; self-delusion; intelligence; political correctness; ideas;
Krok, Chris: automobiles (electric); DeSantis (Ron);
Kronenberger, Louis: seriousness;
Kruiser, Stephen: “Earth Day”; “coronavirus”; Cuomos (The); Ocasio-Cortez (Alexandria);
Krugman, Paul: economics; experts; internet (the); prediction;
Krulak, Chuck: military (the);
Kruse, Todd: “diversity”;
Kudlow, Larry: “capitalism”; failure; money;
Kundera, Milan: writers(-ing); memory; power; Czech Republic; Israel; Europe;
Kuper, Simon: sports; Paris;
Kupfer, Theodore: “progressives”;
Kurtz, Stanley: terrorism; democracy; elections; Democrat Party (The U.S.);
Kushner, Rachel: men & women; trains;
Kutuzov, Mikhail: action/activity;
Kyle, Chris: pain; war; war reporting; combat; combat (coming home from);
L’Amour, Louis: defeat;
Labash, Matt: sports; environmentalism; Haiti; Detroit. Canada; war; New Orleans; “Baby Boomers”; generations; men; future (the);
Laffer, Arthur: government; economics; economics (Keynesian); activity; regulation;
Lafluer, Willem: adultery;
Lagerfeld, Karl: self; clothes; vanity; children; Russia; languages;
Lamar, Hedy: beauty;
Lamb, Charles: gambling;
Lamb, William (Lord Melbourne): government (reasons for); religion; pessimism; predictions;
Lamm, Richard: deficits;
Lamott, Anne: God;
Lanchester, Elsa: babies;
Lancaster, Osbert: sports; rowing;
Landers, Ann: age (old);
Landes, David S.: progress;
Landesman, Cosmo: bores; tolerance; women; marriage; youth; sex; quotes;
Lane, Moe: Left-Right;
Lang, Andrew: statistics;
Langer, Andrew: internet (the);
LaPierre, Wayne: guns; regulation;
Larkin, Philip: travel; death; children; fate; Left (The); sex; youth; life; Christmas; food; poetry;
Larson, Doug: France;
Larson, Gary: animals;
Lasorda, Tommy: problems; empathy;
Last, Jonathan V.: France; snobbery; political conventions; immigration; multiculturalism; democracy; tennis;
Lauda, Niki: death;
Laughland, John: economics; “globalization”; France;
Laughlin, J.L.: socialism;
Laurent, Lawrence: Beatles (The);
Laurie, Hugh: national anthems; argument; America; food; espionage; automobiles; necessity, sex; self-delusion; men & women; patriotism; journalism; Morocco; diplomacy;
Lavner, Lynn: women; sex;
Lavrov, Sergei: anti-Semitism; “Trumpism”; “Russiagate”; foreign policy;
Law, Bonar: politics;
Law, Vernon Sanders: experience;
Lawler, Peter Augustine: niceness;
Lawrence, D.H.: tourism; travel; liberty; writing; race; Aztecs (The); America;
Lawrence, J. Vinton: Laos;
Lawrence, Jennifer: politics;
Lawrence, T. E.: war (counterinsurgency); Arabia; Jerusalem;
Laws, (Sir) John: political correctness;
Lawson, Dominic: opinion;
Lawson, Mark: travel, travel (air); New Zealand, New York; Australia; tourism; names; America; Indians (Feathered); patriotism; Canada; Belgium; art (surreal); Switzerland; Disneyland;
Lawson, Nigel: democracy; “consensus”; England; health (the British NHS); words;
Lawson-Tancred, Hugh: freedom (personal);
Lawton, Frank: Jerusalem; “cosmopolitansim”; travel (air);
Lazareva, Farida: Left (The); Republicans (The US, Party);
Leary, Timothy: women; men & women;
LeBor, Adam: U.N.(The);
Le Bon, Gustav: left-right;
Le Bon, Simon: snobbery;
Lebowitz, Fran: men; humor; gambling; self-expression;
Le Carré, John: communism; intelligence; espionage; marriage; freedom;
Leclerc, Henri: prostitution;
Ledeen, Michael: War (On Terror, The Global, GWOT); war and peace, government; culture; Africa; Sudan (The); terrorism; knowledge; leadership; “stability”;
Ledru-Rollin, Alexandre: leadership;
Lee, Alvin: economics; wealth (redistribution of);
Lee Hsien Loong: Democracy;
Lee, Hsi-min: war;
Lee, Dr. John: coronavirus;
Lee Kuan Yew: race; diversity;
Lee, Sen. Mike: “Antifa”; “Black Lives Matter”; socialism;
Lee, Robert E: press (the); addictions;
Lee, Rosa: “gender”;
Lee, Sam: history;
Lee, Sheila Jackson: Vietnam;
Lee, Stan: behavior; faith;
LeFevre, Robert: government;
Lehman, John: diplomacy;
Lehrman, Lewis: inflation;
Leibniz, Gottfried Willhelm von: mathematics;
Leifer, Carol: military (homosexuals in the);
Leith, Sam: India (-ns, “toweled”); Russia; Moscow; conservatism; Habsburgs, The; Empire (The Habsburg); mothers(-hood); words; opinion; England; croquet; disasters; “coronavirus”; nostalgia; friendship; men;
Leith, William: poverty; stubbornness; self (the); romance; pain;
Lejeune, Anthony: Labour Party (The British); Commonwealth (the British);
Lemann, Nicholas: terrorism; counterterrorism;
LeMay, Curtis: war; morality;
Lenahan, John: Great Britain;
Lendon, J. E.: promise;
Leng, Mary: “cancel culture”;
Lenin, (Vladimir Illych Ulianov): Lenin (-ism); hate; Communism; history; resistance; hypocrisy; propaganda; political correctness; family; socialism; censorship; education; fights (-ing); anti-semitism; tactics; deception; disinformation; peace; time; Christmas; children;
Lenney, Brian: education; education (private);
Lennon, John: Sixties (The), music (rock); life; Presley (Elvis); Beatles (The); children; artists;
Lennon, Sean Ono: race;
Leno, Jay: “social network(ing)”; adultery; danger/safety; Obama (Barack); California;
Leonard, Elmore: writers (-ing); advice (good);
Leonard, John: “post-modern”; bravery;
Leontief, Wassily: economics;
Leopardi, Giacomo: humor;
Le Pen, Jean-Marie: loyalty; homosexuality;
Le Pen, Marine: immigration;
Lepionka, Kristen: espionage;
Leriche, René: medicine;
Lesh, Matthew: advertising; work;
Lette, Kathy: words; women; sex;
Letts, Quentin: business;
Levant, Oscar: humility;
Levenichk, Christopher: America;
Levin, Bernard: Lennon (John); Russia; cities; India; “schadenfreude”; bankruptcy; authority; Brexit; “Trumpism”; totalitarianism; Germany; words; Utopia; science; "Big Bang Theory (The);
Levin, Mark: statism; Obama (Barack); Democrat Party (The U.S.); Republican-Democrat; principle; Constitution (The U.S.); conservatives; tyranny; immigration; history; Delaware; global warming; Biden (Joe); Statue Of Liberty (The); universities; censorship; “equity”; Trump (Persecution of); “middle-of-the-road”; Haley (Nikki); Biden Administration (the); appeasement; Biden Administration (the);
Levin, Yuval: markets; left-right;
Levine, Alex: coffee;
Levine, Jon: Musk (Elon);
Levinson, Barry: existentialism; fighting;
Lévi-Strauss, Claude: travel;
Levitin, Mia: writing;
Lévy, Bernard-Henri: democracy; idealism; coronavirus (the);
Lewandowski, Corey: media (the); lying;
Lewis, Alfred Henry: anarchy; eating;
Lewis, Bernard: history; Arabs; Crusades (The); foreign policy; America; anti-Americanism; war and peace;
Lewis, C.S.: Jesus Christ, treason; progress; values; education; philosophy; courage; honor; tyranny; “progress”; “progressive”; truth; hypocrisy; sex; atheism; objectivity; history; God; defeat; flags; populism; writing; suffering; safety; change; destiny; vision;
Lewis, Jerry: humor;
Lewis, Joe E.: animals; drink;
Lewis, Ray: football (American);
Lewis, Richard: New Jersey;
Lewis, Roger: acting; Wales; France. humor; Left (The); utopia; conflict; society; education; lesbians; “arts (the)”;
Lewis, Wyndham: fashion;
Lewitzky, Bella: dance;
Leys, Simon: Maoism;
Lezard, Nicholas: drink; AI (Artificial Intelligence);
Liddell Hart, Sir Basil: war; will;
Liddle, Rod: disability, security; doctors; basketball; rugby; religion; China; Scotland; Hungary; mobs; Sweden; Romania; left-right; Jerusalem; money; economics; slavery; “social work”; “social media”; decentralization; UN (The); Islam; words; Islam(“Halal”); left(the); sex; Europe; democracy; bureaucracy; dogs; society; political correctness; life; truth; universities; bicycles; internet (the); race; conservatives; history (“wrong side of”); history; “Guardian, The”; Luxembourg; liberals; homosexuality; Saudi Arabia; Ireland; France; “credentialism”; apology; Palestinians; hate; survival; “hate crimes”; immigration; self-esteem; “progressive”; Trump (Donald); terrorism; royalty; marriage; violence; extremism; victimhood; freedom of speech; television; inclusivity; awareness (& “raising” it); “identity politics”; "conversation"; science; duty; “sexual harassment”; slavery;, men and women; colonialism; good intentions; “gender”; Sweden, Canada; fascism; elites; bullying; “Islamophobia”; BBC (The); blacks; “fact-checkers”; equality; insanity; victimhood; Brexit; family; Establishment (The); courage; “intersectionality”; rape (“date”); UKIP (& Nigel Farage); Morocco; wishful thinking; education; “Deep State, The”; “coronavirus” (the); debate; obesity; Thunberg (Greta); protestants; speculation; election of 2020; “Black Lives Matter”; “cancel culture”; explaining(“mansplaining”); poverty; Winfrey (Oprah); “feelings”; children; technology; appeasement; stereotypes; “Big Tech”; white people; “white privilege”; totalitarianism; Marx (-ism); civilization; self-hatred; patriotism; facts; universities; culture war; responsibility; “woke”; government (local); health (the British NHS); “pronouns”; Trudeau (Justin); populism; race - “Critical Race Theory”; television; Ethiopia; Berlin; reality; sociology; music (rock); safety; “global warming”; Trump (Donald); Twitter; “Cultural Marxism”; housing/houses; culture; chivalry; blacks (US); “reparations”;
Liebling, A.J.: Louisiana;
Light, Daniel: mountains;
Lileks, James: tardiness; driving; work; European Union (The); food(fast); arms; Democrat Party; Cuba; history; history (“revisionist”); investment; legislation; art; art ('modern”); trains; transportation; progressives; science; science (“the party of”); hunting; medicine; romance; hell; universities; American exceptionalism; marriage (homosexual); voting; Left (The); left-right; “progressives”; Soviet Union (The); girls; Obama (The Administration); culture; music; youth; art; STEM; animals; Midwest (The American); relativism; insanity; environmentalism; nature; advertising; Protestants (Lutheran); Cold War (The); Cold War (The New); God; New York; beer; freedom of speech; Constitution (The U.S.); vegetarians; coffee; “militants”; dogs; critics; medicine; “Earth Day”; men and women; automobiles; Utopias; disarmament; socialism; “New Deal (The)”; rights (human); “gender”; “global warming”; Carter (Jimmy); Biden (Joe);
Lima, Tony: drugs;
Limbaugh, David: voting fraud;
Limbaugh, Rush: France; War (the Global, on Terror); terrorism; ignorance; feminism; golf; sports; Left-Right; Obama (Barack); Republicans (“moderate”); Democrat Party (the US); military (homosexuals in the); liberals; left (the); Hollywood; Hezbollah; politics; “political correctness”; evidence; universities; education; education (private); slavery; Islamic Jihad; perception; optimism/pessimism; taxation; notoriety; life; Left (the); “Spygate”; capitalism; justice; justice (“economic”); justice (“”social”); profit(s); time; freedom (personal); prizes; “Trumpim”/The Trump Administration;
Lin Yutang: weakness;
Lincoln, Abraham: Supreme Court (The U.S.); education; property; wealth (redistribution of); beauty (ugliness); women; law (the); conservatism; Lincoln; future (the); mankind; character; power; religion; power; “Raison d’Etat”; secrets;
Lind, Michael: patriotism vs. nationalism;
Lindberg, Tod: universities; intelligence (“oversight”); Iraq War (The);
Lindbergh, Anne Morrow: sincerity;
Lindsay, James A.: race (“Critical Race Theory”); “E.S.G.”; “woke”;
Lindzen, Richard: “global warming”;
Lineker, Gary: soccer;
Lingerfelt, Gene: looters; Democrat Party (The U.S.); “gender”;
Lippmann, Walter: disarmament; collectivization;
Lipset, Seymour Martin: Canada;
Lipsky, Seth: journalism;
Lister, Sara: military (the);
Litt, Tony: writing;
Littell, Robert: espionage; coincidence; conspiracy; interrogation; Germany (East); drink; propaganda; russia; possessions; activity; Afghanistan; Cold War (The); Soviet Union (The); time;
Littlejohn, Richard: press (the); “multi-culturalism”; Protestants (Episcopalian/Anglican); the European Union (the EU); democracy; democracy; vigilantism; Gore (Al); A.I.D.S.; food (“organic”); America; royalty; teachers’ colleges; evil; revenge;
Litvinenko, Marina: KGB (The);
Livingstone, David: exploration; understatement;
Livy (Titus Livius): history; inflation;
Lluch, Ada: “gender”;
Locke, John: atheism; children; wisdom; blacks (negroes);
Lodge, David: cunning; life; tactics; success; society; action/activity; hedonism; military (the); sex; obscenity; literature; work; “working class”; boredom, labor; espionage; age; holidays; Hawaii; pessimism; insults; business; God; cinema (the); Christianity; Catholics; women; limits; comparisons; body (the); religion; love; euthanasia; universities; America; doctors; secrecy; self-esteem; perfection; psychiatry; travel (air); exercise; depression (mental); left-right; theater (the); media (the);
Loesch, Dana: guns;
Logan, Sherman: perception; reality;
Lokhvitskaya, Nadezhda: Lenin (V. I.);
Lolich, Mickey: baseball; exercise;
Lombardi, Vince: enthusiasm; losing; exhaustion/fatigue; hate;
London, Jack: men;
Lone, Amina: “Islamophobia”;
Long, Earl: loyalty;
Long, Huey: fascism;
Long, Rob: Democratic Party (The), Hollywood. humor; Gore (Al); Iraq War (The); naiveté; Clinton (Hillary); Russia; France; socialism; Indians (feathered); universities; liberalism; future (the); justice; good intentions; Obama (Barack); Obama Administration (The); Trump (Donald);
Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth: sadness; problems;
Longmore, Zenda: prostitution;
Lopez, Clare: Israel; borders; sovereignty; aggression;
Lopez, Jamie: normality;
Lopez, Kathryn Jean: New York ; Obama (Barack);
Lopez, Leopoldo: stamina;
Lorca, Federico Garcia: death;
Losurdo, Dominico: liberals (-ism);
Loudon, Trevor: Kerry (John); health; Biden Administration (The); China (Red);
Loureiro, Miguel: appeasement;
Loury, Glenn: human nature; conservatives; “affirmative action”;
Lovelock, James: equality;
Lowe, Arthur: humor;
Lowinsky, Edward: leadership;
Lowry, Rich: Clinton (Bill), mothers (single); Carter (Jimmy); propaganda; loyalty; Obama (Barack); Democrat Party (of the US); wealthy(redistribution of); equality; Iraq; liberty; military (the US); counterinsurgency; war (and peace); history (revisionist); “cosmopolitanship”; “Black Lives Matter”; slavery;
Lowry, Suzanne: France;
Loyola, Mario: Chavez (Hugo); Palestine(-ians); vengeance; foreign policy; Obama Administration (The); Obama (Barack); consequences (unintended); history; university professors; freedom of speech; spending (government);
Lu, Rachel: "gender (and "transgender");
Lubbers, Ruud: Holland;
Lubell, Jaeson: “Trumpism”;
Luce, Clare Booth: esthistory; gossip;
Luce, Henry: pacifism; “peace-keepers”;
Luchaire, Corinne: collaboration;
Lucie-Smith, Alexander: Mafia (The);
Lucre, Dom: race;
Ludendorff, Erich: combat;
Lugard, Frederick: Africa; Empire (The British);
Lumley, Joanna: religion; reincarnation;
Lutchman, Mark: slavery;
Luther, Martin: ridicule; Devil (The);
Luttrell, Marcus: terrorism;
Luttwak, Edward: military (the), China (Red); Xi Jinping;
Lutyens, Edwin: architecture;
Lydon, John: ignorance; left-right;
Lynd, Robert: wealth;
Lyndon, Neil: sports;
Lynn, Matthew: Cyprus;
Ma, Jack: China (Red); English Language (The);
Maalouf, Amin: taxation; virtue;
MacArthur, Douglas: age; quitting; war (councils of);
MacArthur, John R.: “woke”;
Macaulay, Lord Thomas Babington: Empire (The British); poetry; civilization; Free Trade;
Macdonald, Andrew: colonialism;
MacDonald, Heather: liberals(-ism);
MacDonnell, Tommy: sport; drink;
MacGavran, James Holt: marriage;
MacIntyre, Alasdair: philosophy;
Mack; Harrison: Obama (Barack);
Mackay, Charles: enemies;
MacKenzie, Kelvin: Fox News; “woke”;
Mackenzie, Melissa: immigration;
Mackowiack, Matt: voting (fraud);
MacLean, Alistair: introductions;
Maclean, Norman: empathy;
Macleod, Ian: left-right;
Machiavelli, Nicolo: pragmatism; morality; property; conformity; plunder; guns; religion; envy;
Macmillan, Harold: politics; socialism; seriousness; economics; Great Britain; DeGaulle (Charles);
Macpherson, Nick: economics;
MacRae, Donald: Great Britain;
Macwhirter, Iain: irony;
Macron, Emmanuel: trains; “modernity-post”; France; blasphemy;
Madden, Mac: South Africa; race (“Critical Race Theory”);
Madden, Thomas F.: Crusades (The); history;
Madeley, Richard: history; “cancel culture”; “gender”;
Madison, James: property; government; government (reasons for); human nature; virtue; ambition; legislation; charity; consensus; guns;
Madsen, Phil: politics;
Magee, Bryan: Beatles (The);
Maginnis, Martin: Indians (“Feathered”, Wars);
Magritte, René: reality;
Mahan, Alfred Thayer: war;
“Mahdi, The”: Islam;
Maher, Bill: political correctness; Islam; coronavirus; Bitcoin/NFT: China (Red); Cold War (The New); social media; telephones (cell & “smart”); “presentism”; Harvard University; gender; Israel;
Maher, Katherine: truth;
Mahfouz, Naguib: questions;
Mahler, Gustav: tradition;
Mahncke, Hans: electiton of 2020 (the);
Mahoney, C. W.: jazz;
Mahoney, Daniel J.: ideology;
Mailer, Norman: boxing; socialism; childbirth; writers (-ing); prostitution;
Maimonides: decisions;
Maitland, F.W.: history;
Malamud, Bernard: life;
Malard, Christian: Iran;
Malcolm, Andrew: eating;
Malcolm, Janet: journalists;
Malice, Michael: “Trumpism”/Trump Administration (The); socialism; left-right;
Malik, Kenan: nature;timidity; global warming;
Malins, Julian: religion;
Malkin, Michelle: “political correctness”; education; racism; liberals;
Mallarmé, Stéphane: poetry;
Malleis, Joe: abortion; persistence; Obama Administration (The); education; sports;
Mallinson, Allan: military (the); army (the); combat; books, appearances; history; present (the);
Mallon, Thomas: books;
Mallory, George: exploration;
Malone, Robert: Coronavirus vaccine (the);
Maloney, Arthur: sympathy;
Malpass, David: economics; austerity;
Malraux, André: America;
Mamet, David: liberals; universities; constitution (the US); gambling; left-right; abortion; foreign policy; morality; pessimism; socialism; market (the); “affirmative action”; legislation; government; Arab-Israeli Conflict; puritanism (The “new”); political correctness; culture; anarchy; New Deal (The); law (the); greed; wealth; boys; ACLU; economics; parenthood; men-women; nature; misery; Obama (Barack); Sarah Palin; intellectuals; equality; knowledge; children; change; jobs; inflation; problems; statism; justice; justice (“economic”); compassion; “Baby-boomers”; Cold War (The); Vietnam War (The); artists; revolution; humanity; reform; writers/writing; sex (phone); psychiatry; theater (the); “woke”; holidays; teachers; unity; race; coronavirus; justice (“social”); fights (-ing); nuclear weapons, Obama Administration (the); Deep State (The); Jews; humor; California; guilt; New York; prosperity; depression (economic); “global warming”; cinema; Trump(Donald); Trump (the Persecution of); free will; human nature; “Election” of 2020; “Election” of 2022; “middle of the road”; press (the); New York Times (the); “Black Lives Matter”; left (the); facts; eugenics; “community”; slavery; conflict;
Manchester, The Earl of: rebellion;
Manchester, William: colonialism; Empire (The British);
Manchin, Joe: Democrat Party (The U.S.);
Mandel, Bethany: guns; feminism;
Mandel, Seth: depression (economic);
Mandela, Nelson: South Africa; communism; negotiation;
Mandelson, Peter: Germany;
Mandeville, Bernard: altruism;
Manekshaw, Field Marshal Sam: Gurkhas;
Manguel, Alberto: possessions; memory;
Manjoo, Farhad: “Silicon Valley”;
Manley, Dexter: football (American);
Mann, George Hiram: appeasement;
Mann, Kyle: fatherhood;
Mann, Ted: insults;
Mann, Thomas: Arts (The); tolerance;
Manning, Bernard: nationalism;
Manning, James: blacks;
Manning, Peyton: pressure;
Mano, D. Keith: music (rock); universities; football (American); Columbia University; liberals; punctuation; Anglo-American relations;
Mansfield, Harvey: life; celebrity; demagoguery;
Manson, Marilyn: television; violence;
Mantel, Hilary: history; history (revisionist); facts; quotes;
Mantle, Mickey: baseball; beauty, attraction, women;
Manzi, Jim: “capitalism”;
Mao Tse-tung: pessimism; war and peace; war; history; Mao Tse-tung; communism; socialism; “ethnic cleansing”;
Maranto, Robert: environmentalism;
Marbury, William: Election of 2020 (The);
Marcus Aurelius: reputation: “conventional wisdom”; time; argument; virtue;
Marcus, Simon: society;
Marcuse, Herbert: freedom (personal); humor;
Marin, Sanna: anti-Americanism;
Markey, Ed (Sen.): Constitution (The U.S.);
Markovits, Benjamin: culture wars;
Markowicz, Karol: America; anti-Americanism; Palestine (-inians);
Marlantes, Karl: combat; fate; gambling; victory; exhaustion/fatigue;
Marlee, Sierra: lesbians; liberals;
Marlowe, Ann: Islamic “Jihad”;
Marnham, Patrick: Africa; India, trains;
Marozzi, Justin: press (the); war; Turkey; Islam (moderate); Niger;
Marquis, Don: procrastination; ideas;
Marr, Andrew: countries; nationalism; anti-Americanism; social media;
Marrin, Minette: A.I.D.S.; “multiculturalism”; homosexuality; liberals (-ism);
Marsano, Bill: Empire (the British);
Marsden, Philip: geology;
Marsh, Henry: hubris; doctors; medecine;
Marshall, John: taxation;
Marshall, S.L.A.: Indians (“Feathered”, wars);
Marshall, Thurgood: law (the);
Marti, José: immigration;
Martial: “cosmopolitanism”;
Martin, Billy: baseball; insults;
Martin, Henry Byam: sea (the);
Martin, Judith: advice (good); kindness;
Martin, L.A. “Bud”: music (folk);
Martin, Steve: men and women; food; Indians (“feathered”); acting;
Martini, Steve: Democrat Party (The US);
Martz, Chris: environmentalism; “Global Warming”;
Marvel, Kate: “Global Warming”;
Marx, Chico: gambling; lost causes; sufficiency:
Marx, Groucho: marriage; divorce; humor; politics; parties (party-parties);
Marx, Karl: taxation; history; compassion; terrorism;
Mason, Jackie: sincerity; opera; humor; Great Britain;
Mason, Mark: golf; internet (the); death; Africa; drink; knowledge; life; games; royalty;
Massie, Alex: cricket;
Massie, Allan: “Anti-war” Movement; military (the);
Massie, Thomas: ‘January 6th”;
Massoud, Ahmad Shah: Afghanistan. Afghanistan (the War in); Al Qaeda;
Masters, Alexander: physics;
Masters, Brian: heroes;
Masters, Robin: leadership; Obama (Barack);
Mathews, Adam: generations; socialism;
Matthew, Christopher: “women’s liberation”;
Matthews, Chris: Pennsylvania;
Matthews, Cerys: Dylan (Bob);
Matthews, Chris: Clinton (Hillary);
Matthews, Owen: Russia; mistakes; democracy;
Mattis, James “Mad Dog”: Afghanistan (War in); war; war (and peace); War on Terror (Global, GWOT); wishful thinking; combat; protest; military (the); Iraq War (The);
Maugham, Robin: youth;
Maugham, W. Somerset: writing/writers; women; love; Monaco; humor; freedom; consistency; travel; happiness; telephone (the);
Maurois, André: France;
May, Clifford D.: democracy; defeat(-ism); diplomacy; State Department (The); pleasure;
May, Theresa: citizenship; Brexit;
Mays, Willie: motivation; assumption;
Maysles, Albert: tyranny;
McAfee, John P.: combat; time; military (the); tropics (the); jungle (the); intelligence;
McArdle, Megan: “social media”; wealth; envy; journalism; Washington;
McCain, John: France; pessimism; Russia; Vietnam War (the); “anti-war” Movement (the);
McCain, Robert Stacy: feminism; truth; political correctness; freedom of speech; Baltimore;
McCarry, Charles: Russia(-ns); intelligence; France; poetry; Vice Presidency (The U.S.); environmentalism; marriage; “progressives”; liberals; CIA (the); KGB (the); love; lying (& lies); espionage; meetings; insanity; paranoia; truth; terrorism; tragedy; treason; irony; anonymity; China; China (Red); Catholics (Jesuits); Christianity; communism; narcissism; acting; Colombia; furniture; intuition; idealism; learning; interest; secrets; money; luck; clichés; Washington D.C.; feelings; anti-Semitism; anti-Americanism; fights; Arabs; voting; manners; appearances; interrogation; Jesus Christ; genius; shame; happiness;
McCarthy, Andrew C.: War (On Terror, The Global); intelligence; Islam; Islam (“moderate”); immigration(-nts); crime; Islamic “Jihad”; “Islamophobia”; “bi-partisanship”; treaties; Afghanistan (War in); war; race; prejudice; political will, law (the); Revolution(The French); government (federal); Obama (Barack); Obama Administration (The); secrecy; ideology; pre-emption; Clintons (The); fights; Republican Party “Establishment”; Constitution (The U.S.); drink; “Spygate”; left (the);
McCarthy, Cormac: women; boredom; pessimism; luck;
McCarthy, Daniel: Democrat Party (The US); race;
McCarthy, Mary: writing (-ers); snobs; socialism;
McCarthy, Patricia: Republicans-Democrats;
McCartney, Jenny: intelligence; travel (air); Queen Elizabeth; coronavirus;
McCartney, Paul: Rolling Stones (The); show business;
McCarver, Tim: baseball;
McCaskill, (Sen) Claire: television;
McCloskey, Deirdre Nansen: prosperity; wealth; socialism; socialism (“Scandinavian Model”); consensus, Sweden; Minnesota; capitalism; ‘Third Way (The)”; family;
McCoy, Drew: principle; reform;
McDermott, Alice: reading;
McDonagh, Melanie: royality; emotions;
McDonald, Greg: interrogation;
McDonald, Forrest: drink; America;
McDougall, James A: America; human nature;
McDougall, William: curiosity;
McEnany, Kayleigh: “white privilege”;
McEwan, Ian: Thatcher (Margaret);
McFarlane, Robert “Bud”: fights (-ing);
McGee, Max: football (American);
McGinnis, John O.: “affirmative action”;
McGlowan, Angela: Democrat Party (The U.S.);
McGoey, Linsey: writing (writers); pomposity;
McGovern, George: Vietnam War (The);
McGraw, “Dr.” Phil: Trump (Persecution of);
McGregor, Conor: success; Trump (Donald);
McGough, Phillip Mark: Biden (Joe); age (old); embarrassment;
McGuire, Thomas: combat; fights;
McGuirk, Bernard: happiness; parenthood;
McGurn, William: progress(“progress”); foreign aid; competition; abortion; science; Biden Administration (The); Afghanistan War (The); Vietnam War (The);
McInerney, Thomas G.: China (Red); Cold War (The New);
McInnes, Gavin: apologies; political correctness, phobias;
McKay, Chris: mathematics, space;
McKay, Scott: “coronavirus” (the);
McKay, Sinclair: espionage; history;
McKellar, Danica: mathematics;
McKenna, Richard: clergy (the); love; women; Navy (the U.S.);
McKew, Molly: Russia;
McKie, Andrew: drink; coffee;
McKinnon, Mark: Palin (Sarah);
McKinstry, Leo: travel;
McLachlin, Beverly: health;
McLaren, Leah: women; England; Canada;
McLean, Don: cancel culture; political correctness;
McLoughlin, Dan: Obama (Barack); race; ideas; “Cold” War (The);
McLuhan, Marshall: morality; argument; offense;
McMullen, John: Steinbrenner (George);
McMurtry, Larry: Clinton (Bill);
McNamara, Gary: Ocasio-Cortez (Alexandra); self-importance;
McQuain, Bruce: tolerance;
McVicar, John: “social work”; government;
McWhorter, John: music (“rap”); race(“racism”); Blacks (American);
Meade, Ryan: vice;
Meades, Jonathan: education;
Means, Walter Russell: Israel; Obama Administration (The); Trump Administration (The);
Medvin, Marina: “gender”;
Mehta, Nitin: minorities;
Meir, Golda: Arab-Israeli Conflict (The); Middle East (The); oil; arrogance; humility; history;
Mellor, David: Sweden; neutrality;
Meloni, Giorgia: borders;
Melonic, Emina: universities;
Melton, H. Keith: intelligence; war;
Meltzer, Allan: capitalism;
Melville, Herman: poverty; God;
Mencken, H.L. : Coolidge (Calvin); presidency (the U.S.); celebrity; Washington (George); golf; love; men-women; women; misogyny; democracy; government; conscience; good intentions; critics; culture; beer; problems; happiness; religion; annoyance; coronavirus (the); freedom; action/activity; power; idealism; football (American);
Mendez, Tony: espionage; action;
Menelik II: Ethiopia;
Mengele, Joseph: gullibility;
Mercer, Ilana: “sociology”; “social science”;
Merchant, Stephen: wrestling (professional);
Meredith, Don: perfection;
Merkel, Angela: European Union (The); market (the); politics;
Méry, Joseph: cats;
Messenger, Robert: Vietnam War (The);
Metaxas, Eric: slavery;
Metzenbaum, Howard: gun control;
Metzger, Franz: architecture;
Meurice, Paul: love;
Meyer, Sir Christopher: Vietnam War (the);
Meyer, Frank: virtue;
Meyer, Tobias: art;
Meyers, John: addictions;
Meyler, Richard: campaigning;
Mfume, Kweisi: Constitution (the US);
Michael, Clinton: weather (the); Democrat Party (The);
Michael, Dawn: Republicans-Democrats;
Michaels, Lorne: humor;
Michelangelo: learning;
Michnik, Adam: revolution; utopia(s);
Mikes, George: England; quotations;
Milei, Javier: equality; collectivism; credentials (-ism); responsibility; hyocrisy;
Mill, John Stuart: happiness; freedom of speech; education; government (reasons for); public opinion; socialism; slavery; bias; argument; satisfaction/dissatisfaction; war;
Millar, Christopher John: music (rock);
Millar, Mark: writers (-ing); “woke”; conservatives;
Millard, Alan: justice;
Millay, Edna St. Vincent: children (childhood);
Miller, Chris: drink; fights(-ing); music (black); men and women; sex; Protestants (Methodist); seriousness; fraternities; sleep; South (The US); drink; emotions; parties (“party” parties);
Miller, Dennis: law (the); Islam; life; liberals; humor; Clintons (the); Obama(Barack); telephones (cell and “smart”); social media; apology; modernity; juries; work;
Miller, John J.: Goldwater (Barry); skating (ice); fascism; sports; Olympics (The);
Miller, Jonathan: health; health (the British NHS); France; humor;
Miller, Lucasta: insanity;
Miller, Stephen: foreign policy, law (international); freedom of speech; justice;
Milligan, Spike: money; China;
Milosz, Czeslaw: generalization;
Milton, John: sleep; force; hell; heaven; hell-heaven; mind (the);
Minogue, Kenneth: military (homosexuals in the); military (women in the); family;
Minow, Newton: television;
Minzey, Jack Devere: civil war; Republicans-Democrats; Trump (Donald), Deep State;
Mirza, Jeff: Islam;
Mirza, Munira: race; political correctness;
Mitchell, Bill: liberals; drugs; Trump (Donald);
Mitchell, Dan: Clinton (Hillary);
Mitchell, David (the comic actor): talk; nuclear (weapons); drama; control. pessimism; equality; equality (income); golf; pre-emption; “identity theft”; fashion, capitalism; totalitarianism; memory; nostalgia; “health”; food; “spirituality”; humor; greed; Christmas; Fascism; espionage; money "(“cashless”);
Mitchell, David (the serious novelist): prison; numbers; Holland; photography; art; charm; hippies; addiction; wisdom; teachers; psychiatry; future (the);
Mitchell, James E.: interrogation; War On Terror (the Global);
Mitchell, Margaret: buses;
Mitford, Jessica: shame;
Mitford, Nancy: hunting; God; children; humor;
Moar, Nick: news;
Moby: New England;
Mohammed: humor; war; deceit;
Moley, Raymond: Minnesota;
Molineux, Stefan: guilt (“collective”);
Molnar, Ferenc: journalism;
Moltke, Helmuth von: war; plans;
Mommsen, Theodore: imperialism;
Monnet, Jean: The European Union;
Monroe, Crystal: Biden (Joe);
Monroe, Marilyn: bores;
Montagu, Edward: rebellion;
Montaigne, Michel De: humility; vanity; “self”; death, fanaticism; “global warming”; fear; grammar; decisions; self-importance; pomposity; ignorance;
Montesquieu, The Baron of: Islam; democracy; monarchy; justice; defense (self-); geography; liberty; happiness;
Montecuccoli, Raimondo: Hungary;
Montherlant, Henri de: women;
Montt, Efrain Rios: anti-communism;
Moody, D. L.: fame; celebrity;
Moon, William Least-Heat: travel;
Moonitz, Nikki: “Trumpism”;
Moore, Brian: adulthood, youth; life;
Moore, Charles: “Global Warming”; conservatives(ism); corruption; values; Islam; human nature; military (the); France; “capitalism”; money; education; Left-Right; history; psychiatry/psychology; trade; socialism; taxation; bureaucracy; markets; “too big to fail”; “environmentalism”; universities; aquality; Khaddafi (Muamar); ideology; politicians; marriage (homosexual); homosexuality; “Eurozone”; monarchy; Jews; men; media (left-wing) bias; Olympics (The); humor; minimum wage; England; Canada; barbecues; intelligence; quotes; poverty; Protestants (Episcopalian/Anglican); rights (human); Queen Elizabeth II; white people; chivalry; lawyers; Fox News; neutrality; BBC (The); age; “Brexit”; voting (voting fraud); robots; strategy; populism; “diversity”; feelings; “affirmative action”; religion; civilization; death; modernity; past (the); health care; Saudi Arabia; free trade; smuggling; “Establishment (The)”; Trump (Donald); economics (“supply-side”); morality; elites; political correctness; “virtue signaling”; meetings; “lawfare”; Johnson (Boris); “coronavirus” (the); crime (“hate”); truth; lowest common denominator; equality; race “critical race theory”; freedom; royalty; freedom of speech; censorship; merit (“meritocracy”); life; Afghanistan (War in); Biden Administration (The); imperialism (American); war (“forever”); Russia; KGB (The); health (the British NHS); myths; parenthood; virtue; ethics; “woke”; intelligence (knowledge/smartness); “AI”; war & peace; pacifism; language; technology; geography; China (Red);
Moore, Charlotte: humor;
Moore, Dudley: Hollywood; opinion;
Moore, Lorrie: death;
Moore, Marianne: boxing;
Moore, Michael: terrorism;
Moore, Patrick: environmentalism; environmentalism (“net-zero”); “global warming”;
Moore, Peter: girls; trust; Albania; Turkey; India; Laos; cities; class; Third World (The); Portugal; Empire (Portuguese, the);
Moore, Stephen: spending (government), Congress (The U.S.); economics; “redistribution”; I.R.S. (The);
Moore, William: appearances; seriousness; animal “rights”;
Moorehead, Alan: colonialism; slavery; bureaucracy; Arabs;
Moran, Brian: marriage;
More, Thomas: ridicule; Devil (The);
Morgan-Giles, Rear-Admiral Sir Morgan: panic;
Morgan, Patricia: crime (prevention);
Morgan, Piers: “Trumpism”; Brexit; Populism;
Morgenbesser, Sidney: atheism;
Morici, Peter: Harvard (University);
Moritz, Monica: “political correctness”;
Morland, Paul: age; war (reasons for);
Morley, Robert: England, English (Anglo) – French relations; tourism; tolerance/intolerance; Great Britain; France; connections; espionage;
Morris, Desmond: “political correctness”; insults;
Morris, Edmund: Clinton (Bill);
Morris, Dick: lying (lies);
Morris, Gouverneur: life;
Morris, Stephen: oil;
Morrissey, Ed: “Green Jobs”; evolution; progress; food;
Morrissey, Helena: Brexit;
Morrissey, Stephen Patrick: race; socialism (“national”); left (the); “multiculturalism”;
Morrison, Herbert: socialism;
Morrison, Isaac: Internet (The);
Morrison, Jim: appearances;
Morrisson, Micah: Lebanon;
Morrisson, Mike: critics (criticism);
Morse, Jennifer Roback: hope; parents; family (the); lost cause;
Mortimer, Gavin: left (the);
Mortimer, Ian: gullibility;
Mosby, John S.: war (unconventional);
Moses, Chief: Indians (“Feathered”);
Moses, Robert: “Ends Justify The Means”;
Mosley, Diana: death;
Moskos, Charles: military (women in the);
Moss, Robert: Soviet Union (The);
Moss, Stirling: courage;
Motshegka, Angie: Africa; South Africa; education;
Mounk, Yascha: “identity politics”; journalism; English (Anglo)-American relations;
Mount, Ferdinand: real estate; pity, understanding;
Mount, Harry: Europe (Eastern); Cold War (the); art; class; fashion (male); clothes; universities; exercise; enemies;
Moutaboungou, Ange: parents (-hood);
Moynihan, Daniel Patrick: culture; debate; Carter (Jimmy); facts; “social science”;
Moynihan, Michael: totalitarianism; heroes; justice;
Moyo, Dambisa: democracy;
Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus: travel;
Mudde, Cas: populism;
Mugabe, Robert: Devil (the); wealth & poverty;
Muggeridge, Malcolm: “Zeitgeist, The”; intelligence;
Muhammad Ali: slavery; race; Pakistan;
Muhammad, Abdul Rachman: “Islamophobia”;
Muhammad, Omar Bakri: Islamic Jihad;
Muir, Frank: engagement; cats; television;
Muir, Jean: England;
Mukasonga, Scholastique: relatives;
Mulhern, J.P.: economics; “social science”; revolution; Left (The);
Mulhern, Peter: Obamacare; problems; “torture”; interrogation;
Mullally, Megan: sarcasm.
Mullen, Peter: poetry;
Mullone, Liam: work; paradoxes;
Mulroney, Brian: history; advice (good);
Mumford, Lewis: architecture; courage; generations; family;
Munby, James: freedom of speech;
Munchau, Wolfgang: Germany;
Munger, Charlie: Bitcoin/NFT; greed; envy; death; advice (good); stupidity;
Murakami, Haruki: memory;
Muravchik, Joshua: war (and peace);
Murchison, William: culture (the); government;
Murdoch, Rupert: teamwork;
Murdock, Deroy: Obama Administration (The);
Murphy, Chris: Democrat Party (The US);
Murphy, Jack: conservatives;
Murphy-O'Connor, Connor: tolerance;
Murray, Al: animals;
Murray, Albert: slavery; Jefferson (Thomas);
Murray, Bill: meetings; politics; lying; arguments;
Murray, Charles: Left (The, -ists); Left-Right; capitalism; poverty; elites;
Murray, Douglas: atheism; freedom; “political correctness”; “hate crime”; money; culture; Europe; EU (The); Korea (North); law (“international”); intelligence (oversight); Obama (Barack); activity; “Attention Deficit Disorder”; immigration; Mohammed; health (the British NHS); Kerry (John); homosexuality; “Big Tech”; sexual harassment; France; “Dhimmitude”; Islamic “Jihad”; communism; Brexit; nationalism; “slippery slope”; privacy; BBC (The); Ireland; Scotland; AIDS; “coronavirus” (the); consensus; risk; “woke”; censorship; pity; Davos; “Trumpism”; life; disappointment; Left (the); Left-Right; Afghanistan (War in); politics; sympathy; “Antifa”; “Silicon Valley”; borders; hippies; “white privilege/white supremacy”; economics; government; government (reasons for); Hungary; anti-Americanism; patriotism; men; men-women; fighting; pederasty; words; “gender”; revolution (the American); reality; conservatives (-ism); pessimism; New York City Subway System (The); environmentalism; “global warming”; individualism; demonstrations/demonstrators; capital punishment; Israel; Palestine; history; “virtue-signaling”; police (the); “DEI”; knowledge; “schadenfreude”, Hezbollah; Lebanon; words;
Murray, Gilbert: barriers (limitations);
Murray, Iain: government;
Murray, John: certainty;
Murray, Patrick: marriage;
Museveni, Yoweri: Trump (Donald);
Musharraf, Pervez: death threats;
Musk, Elon: media (left-wing) bias; socialism; communism; inflation; Biden (Joe); Twitter; fights (-ing); left-right; Orwell (George); offense; political correctness; universities; space (outer); Musk (Elon); “January 6th”; New York Times (The); freedom of speech; “E.S.G.”; “social”; “woke”; humor; psychiatry; Gates (Bill); “DEI”; immigration; legislation; race; slavery; “hate” crimes/speech; law/laws; legislation; conspiracy;
Mussolini, Benito: Italy; fascism; corporations/”corporatism”;
Mussolini, Edda: hedonism; behavior;
Myers, Benjamin: advice (good);
Myers, Kevin: Ireland (+ the Irish); Twitter;
Myler, Mary Frances: rebellion; conservatism; counterculture;
Nabokov, Vladimir: psychiatry/psychologists; government; dictators;
Naipaul, Shiva: culture; “cultural imperialism”; “multiculturalism”; Empire (The Roman); writing; compromise; West Indies (The); blacks; Liverpool; culture (“counter”); Islamofascism; Puerto Rico; Australia; Australian Aborigines; liberation; “reparations”; self-awareness; Left (The); “relationships”; Singapore; Africa; Central African Republic (The); dictators; Iran; Third World (The); revolution; travel; sympathy; weather (the); Tropics (The); existentialism; facts; reality, independence (political); independence (national); government, law (the); appearance; humanity;
Naipaul, V. S.: Africa; anti-Americanism; “Third World (The)”; materialism; India (Toweled); oppression; immigration, independence (national); jungle (the); slavery; clergy; New York; wealth; business; colonialism, law (the); government; peace; war & peace; political correctness; travel (air); civilization; women; Congo (The); morality; options; action/activity; behavior;
Namath, Joe: children(childhood); names;
Nansen, Fridtjof: skiing;
Napier, Gen. Sir Charles: counterinsurgency; fear; colonialism, tradition;
Napoleon: politics; sex; power; “consensus”; defense; defense (national); reputation; English; Revolution (French); self-awareness; perception; propaganda; dictatorship; skepticism; Napoleon; China; logistics;
Napolitano, Andrew: guns;
Naryshkin, Sergey: Russia;
Nash, Ogden: marriage; happiness; conscience; hope; age (old);
Nashe, Thomas: travel;
Nasrallah, Hassan: anti-Semitism;
Nasser, Gamal Abdel: America; foreign policy;
Nau, Henry R.: foreign policy; isolationism; “imperialism” (American); nationalism;
Navalny, Alexei: Twitter; censorship; “Big-Tech”;
Navarrette, Ruben: conservatism (black);
Navratilova, Martina: freedom of the press;
Nawaz, Maajid: Coronavirus;
Nazaryan, Alexander: Utopias; Berkeley;
Neale, Harry: ice hockey; winning;
Negodki, Ivan: taxation;
Negroponte, Dimitri: America; education;
Nelson, Fraser: economics; left-right; banks; eugenics; Johnson (Boris); spending (government);
Nelson, Horatio (Admiral): fights(-ing); bachelorhood;
Nelson, Jacob C.: Obamacare;
Nelson, Lars-Erik: Internet (The);
Nelson, Maggie: loneliness;
Nelson, Willie: failure; fame; drink; doctors;
Netanyahu; Benyamin: “nine/eleven”;
Nettles, Graig: baseball;
Neuhaus, Richard John: Protestants (Methodists); communism; religion; socialism;
Neumayr, George: France; New Orleans; “Trumpism”; sexual “harrasment”; liberals; elites;
Neustadt, Richard: Iran-Contra Affair (The);
Neuville, Frank: standards (and double standards);
Newbold, Gregory: military (women in the);
Newhart, Bob: music (country);
Newman, Cardinal John Henry: religion;
Newman, Catherine: life;
Newman, Ernest: writing/writers; journalism(-ists);
Newman, John Henry: gentlemen;
Newman, Nick: population (over-population); cartoons;
Newman, Randy: New Orleans; political correctness;
Newsom, Gavin: California;
Newton, Sir Isaac: discovery; patience;
Ngo, Andy: Antifa;
Nicholson, William: reading;
Nicks, Stevie: fame;
Niebuhr, Reinhold: morality; risk; orthodoxy;
Nielson, Leslie: golf;
Niesiolowski, Stefan: “capitalism”;
Nietzsche, Friedrich: ideas; Germany; pessimism; lust; wisdom; boredom; insanity; politics; fame; ambition; men; men and women; crowds; philosophy; atheism; opera; F.O.M.O. (“Fear Of Missing Out”); pride; motivation; victimhood; “reparations”; royalty;
Nigel, L.H.: European Union (The);
Nin, Anais: reality;
Nittinger, Karl: Philadelphia;
Niven, David: dependability;
Niven, Larry: causes;
Nixon, Richard M.: blacks; boredom; reality; television; Vietnam War (The); homosexuality; loyalty; friendship; Nixon (Richard M.); impeachment; Middle East (the);
Nixon, Simon: money;
Nizam Al-Mulk: intelligence;
Noah, Trevor: blacks (American);
Nobbs, David: children; sentimentality; humanity; anarchy; life; Protestants (Methodists); education (private); Empire (The Roman); God; sex; philosophy; women; talk; sea (the); friendship; wealth and poverty; selfishness;
Nock; Albert Jay: statism; capitalism (crony); right and wrong; conservatives; realism; advice (good); statism; totalitarianism; laziness;
Nolte, John: Hollywood; homosexuals; “gender”; Trump (Donald); Democrat Party (The US); universities; race; offense; fascism; Left (The);
Noonan, Peggy: Kerry (John), skiing; Spending (Govt.); “Left-Right”; common sense; civility; government; government (reasons for); power; “Academia”(Academics); Mormons (-ism); Freedom of Speech; Obama Administration (The); Obamacare;
Noonan, Mark: Trump (Donald); civil war;
Norberg, Greg: Election of 2020 (The);
Norberg, Johan: economics; “coronavirus”;
Nordlinger, Jay: diplomacy; Marx (Karl, -ism); decline (national); Palestine(-ians); Middle East (The); history (“wrong side of”); “multiculturalism”; war (and peace); conservatives; Gingrich (Newt); Arabs; poverty; peace (keeping); United Nations (The); names; humor; “global warming”; experience; Obama (Barack); Left (The); race; relationships; family; mobs;
Norman, Frank: work; Great Britain;
Norman, Jason: revenge;
Norquist, Grover : Republican Party(The U.S.); wealth; government;
North, Douglass C.: taxation, nations (nation states); progress;
North, Oliver: lying (lies); Vietnam War (The); death;
Norton, Eleanor Holmes: freedom of speech;
Novak, B.J.: humor;
Novak, Michael: Europe; materialism; science ; self-awareness; utopias; envy; left-right;
Novak, Robert: “Bi-Partisanship” ; government; patriotism; Republican Party (The U.S.); taxation;
Nove, Alec: understanding; forgiveness;
Nozick, Robert: socialism;
Nye, Edgar Wilson: music (classical);
Oakeshott, Michael: love; “bourgeoisie”; God; treason; life; “progress”; conservative; politics;
Obama, Barack Hussein: hope; self-delusion; hubris; utopias; bullshit; Islam; Presidency (the US); collectivism; Constitution (The US); Barack Obama; Obama Administration (The); megalomania; Middle East (The); “globalism”; fascism;
Obama, Michelle: “zero sum”;
O’Beirne, Kate: immigration(-nts);
Oborne, Peter: Left (The);
O’Brien, Conan: France; Clinton (Bill); invention;
O’Brien, Conor Cruise: intellectuals; “Sin (Original”);
O’Brien, Flann: fights; love; behavior; friendship;
O'Brien, Tim: combat; combat (coming home from);
O’Callaghan, Conor: happiness, unhappiness;
O’Casey, Sean: life;
Ocasio-Cortez, Alexandria: facts;
O'Connell, Daniel: politics (and music);
O’Connor, Flannery: modernity; America; courage; insanity, fanaticism; children/childhood; automobiles; truth; South (the U.S.);
O’Connor, Frank: writers(-ing);
O'Connor, Larry: automobiles; left-right; feminism; “Kwanzaa”; Trump (Donald); tactics; Bidens (The); “white privilege”; “reparations”;
O’Dowd, George Alan (“Boy George”): sex;
Oelbaum, Alfred (“Freddy”): Arabs;
Ogilvy, David: eccentricity; behavior; committees; public opinion; humor; thought; candor; excess; honesty;
O'Gorman, Francis: lying; human nature;
O’Hagan, Andrew: youth;
O’Hear, Anthony: “education (sex)”;
O’Hanlon, Redmon: drink; sex; advice (good); cooking, happiness; action/activity; faith;
Oliver, Daniel: “Washington”;
Olivier, Sir Laurence: acting;
Olmert, Ehud: Israel;
Olsen, Henry: conservatism; populism;
Olson, Theodore: writing/writers;
Olson, Walter: politics; “activism”;
Onassis, Aristotle: opera; wealth; women;
O'Neill, Brendan: awareness; Islamophobia; students; political correctness; Brexit; drugs;
O’Neill, Kevin: America; imperialism (American);
O'Neill, Robert J.: Mattis (Gen. James); combat; Democrat Party (The US); coronavirus (the); “global warming”; Nine-Eleven (“9/11”); tyranny; appeasement;
Orbach, Jens: Islam; tolerance;
Orbàn, Victor: population; liberals; political correctness;
O'Reilly, Bill: blacks (American); New York,
O’Rourke, P. J.: Clinton (Bill); Clinton (Hillary); Clintons (The); Communism; drink; drugs; Gore (Al); Mideast (The); France; Yugoslavia (ex-); history; environmentalism(-ists); evolution; Somalia; nature; mathematics; justice; politics; knowledge; poverty; music; Third World (The); Korea; earnestness; Jesus Christ; action/activity; Socialism; God; Germany; sin (original); Africa; civilization; reading; government; Government (Federal); deception (self-); Russia; death; liberals; South (the US); automobiles; sex; spoilsports; motoring; smoking; fashion; motorcycles; nature; Nevada; misanthropy; Philippines (The); market (the); free markets; left-right; guns; America; democracy; American exceptionalism; happiness; Turkey; free markets; freedom; fairness; conspiracy theories; conscience; committees; juries; stupidity; morality; war; war (rules of); “health”; price-fixing; money; jobs; economics; Japan; elections; foreign aid; theory; collectivization; conservatives; Rwanda; hypocrisy; socialism; medicine; Obama (Barack); Obama Administration (The); education; success; wealth; rights (civil, fame; human); legislation; journalism; Cold War(The); “Baby-Boomers”; children; summer camp; beer; “self”; parents; leisure; humor; marriage; decades; political science; bullshit; feminism; totalitarianism; “bi-partisanship”; Democrat Party (the US); Republicans-Democrats; “Trump Derangement Syndrome”; patriotism vs. nationalism; Warren (Elizabeth); internet (the); Sanders (Bernie); “coronavirus” (the); bureaucracy; Christmas; travel (air); Marx (-ism); intellectuals; “work from home”; “cancel culture”; Marxism; Arabs; China/Chinese; “woke”; sanitation; legacy; opinion; population;
Ortega y Gasset, Jose: reality; Catalonia; mediocrity;
Orwell, George: language; intellectuals; vegetarians(-ism); utopias(-nism); pessimism; thought; optimism/pessimism; politics; “political correctness”; politicians; smoking; war; totalitarianism; Catholics; Waugh (Evelyn); revolution; dictatorship; names; life; life after death; death; posterity; pacifism; patriotism, obviousness; guns; sports; history; history (revisionist); journalism; music (folk); defeat; future (the); debate; Left (the); knowledge, truth; “non-violence”; fights; nationalism; liberals; freedom of speech; humor; press (the); media (left-wing bias in); socialism; fascism; power; writers; debate; love; liberty; corruption; offense (taking); discrimination; national anthems; language; military (the); legacy; “limousine liberals”; censorship; civility; civilization; BBC (The); Hollywood; cinema (the); obesity; communism; social media; obedience; docility; England; indoctrination; telephones (cell & “smart”); women; orthodoxy;
Orwin, Clifford: compassion; social work;
Osama Bin Laden: war (rules of), Islam (Jihad); Jihad; Islamic ecumenism; Iran;
Osborne, Ian: communication; internet (the);
Osmond, Hugh: assumption;
Ostrander, Gilman: addictions;
O’Sullivan, John: reality, “political correctness”; tactics; Republican Party (The); principles; blacks (American); gentleman; marriage (homosexual); education; Russia; Belgium; nationalization; democracy; ignorance; mistakes; misanthropy; niceness; race; enemies; populism; politics; “Establishment, The”; Europe (“Old'); Anglosphere (The); “Blame America First”;
Oswalt, Patton: social engineering;
Osweda, Carlos: fascism;
Otabil, Mensa: Africa;
O'Toole, Peter: exercise; Hong Kong; courage; World War I;
Ouseley, Herman George: race (racism);
Owens, Bob: guns; conservatives;
Owens, Candace: anti-Americanism; liberals; sex “education”;
Owens, Eric: anthropology;
Owens, Mackubin Thomas: military (women in the); military (homosexuals in the);
Oyeyemi, Helene: Africa;
Pacepa, Ion Mihai: Vietnam War (The); disinformation; anti-Americanism; “antiwar” movement; peace; protest(s); KGB (The);
Packenham, Thomas: Asia; Africa; slavery; imperialism; public opinion; guns;
Packer, George: Orwell (George);
Packer, William: Socialism;
Paglia, Camille: men; men and women; women; “women’s studies”; Clinton (Hillary); political correctness; language; feminism; Democratic Party (the US); biology; “global warming”; gender, science, liberals;
Paige, Satchel: age; exercise; hedonism; fear;
Paine, Thomas: government; tolerance; quotes; offense; reason; argument; religion; royalty;
Paisley, Brad: music;
Palin, Michael: religion; Islam; humor; motorcycles;
Palin, Sarah: government; food (organic); conformity; happiness; enemies; interrogations; Obama Administration (The); socialism; economics; war; multiculturalism; political correctness; immigration; “too big to fail”;
Palmer, Alasdair: slavery; intelligence; espionage; terrorism;
Palmer, Mark: appearances;
Palmerston, Lord (Henry John Temple): Islam; alliances; imperialism;
Palomino, Priscilla: cats,
Paltridge, Garth: “global warming”;
Paltrow, Gwyneth: Obama (Barack);
Panos, A. James: Dubai; Somalia;
Papadopoulos, George: “Obamagate”;
Papineau, David: death;
Paracelsus: travel; Africa;
Parfitt, John: discrimination;
Parker, Dorothy: animals; wit; humor, Los Angeles; children; wealth; violence; aggression; curiosity; activity;
Parker, James E. Jr.: war; Vietnam War, Laos; Laos (“secret war in”); combat;
Parker, Sean: social media;
Parker, Star: Left-Right;
Parker, Trey: Hollywood;
Parkin, Frank: Wales;
Parkinson, C. Northcote: meetings; politics;
Parnell, Sean: Biden Administration (The);
Parris, Matthew: fashion, civilization, lying, politics; politicians; buses; men and women; Africa; Congo (The); Russia; conservatives(-ism); “political correctness”; “AI”; spending (government); race (“racism”); homosexuality (-s), lesbianism (-s); anger; Paris; Christianity; Protestants (Anglicans); Jesus Christ; Yugoslavia (ex-); America; secrecy; empathy; life after death; trains; behaviorism; health (the British NHS); mistakes; Sweden; Protestants (Lutheran); manners; age (old); libertarianism; sickness; internet (the); colonialism; insults; farming; Puritanism (The “New”); entitlement; Boer War (the); South Africa;
Parry, Robert: music;
Parsons, Tony: peace;
Parton, Charles: China (Red);
Parton, Dolly: pretentiousness; luxury; lifestyle;
Pascal, Blaise: silence; unhappiness; mankind; cynicism; reason; emotions;
Pascoe, Elizabeth: bureaucracy;
Pasqua, Charles: Belgium;
Patai, Raphael: Arabs;
Pater, Richard: Israel; nationalism;
Paterson, Don: writers/writing;
Patrick, Philip: Japan;
Patten, Chris: conservatism; China (Red);
Patterson, Buzz: Biden (Joe); Clintons (The);
Patton, George S. Jr.: France; war; combat; conformity; “diversity”; Arabs; Russians; tactics; elites; planning; thought; defeat; success; funerals; universities; Democrat Party (the US); prayer; mediocrity; World War II; totalitarianism;
Paul, Rand: “capitalism, (crony)”; “health”; Obamacare; Constitution (The); Bidens (The);
Paul, Saint: conformity; legislation;
Paxman, Jeremy: theatre; television;
Payne, Charles: “affirmative action”;
Payne, Stanley: fascism;
Payton, Nicholas: jazz;
Pearl, Judea: tolerance;
Pearman, Hugh: architecture;
Pearson, Maryon: men and women;
Peck, M. Scott: expectation;
Peek, C. Dennis: Harris (Kamala); “Election” of 2020 (the); hardness/ (difficulty); energy (& alternate energy); socialism; Trump (Donald);
Peguy; Charles: Left (The, -ists); “progressives”;
Pelecanos, George: work (speaking through “Frank Sobotka”);
Pelling-Bruce, Alexander: automobiles (driverless); race; “cancel culture”;
Pelosi, Nancy: elections; God; Democrat Party (The U.S.);
Pemberton, Claudia: military (the);
Pemberton, Max: obesity; “coronavirus”;
Pena-Alcantara, Josy: age (old); left (the);
Pence, Mike: conservatism (social); family; truth; poverty; left-right;
Pepys, Samuel: marriage;
Pera, Marcello: Europe;
Percy, Walker: Louisiana; abortion; action/activity; decisions; reading; priorities; self-deception; American Decline, Empire (the Roman); enemies; Jews; war (and peace); talk; problems; New York; Germany; advice (good); golf; insanity; violence; suicide; Protestants (Episcopalian/Anglican); God, life (secret of); appearances; anger; life; death; discovery; children; anger; psychiatry; prison; South (the U.S.); automobiles; history; age (old); truth; behavior; education; motoring; Canada;
Peregrine, Anthony: Cannes;
Peres, Shimon: Saudi Arabia;
Peretz, Evgenia: art;
Pericles: courage;
Perle, Richard: diplomacy;
Perren, Jeff: “progressive (-s)”; freedom; economics;
Perry, Louise: revolution; human nature;
Perry, Mark: socialism; human nature;
Perry, Rick: Iraq War (the);
Perry, Sarah: atheism;
Pershing, Ben: generality (-ies);
Pershing, John J.: smoking;
Peston, Robert: collapse; confidence;
Peters, Laurence J.: psychiatry; economics;
Peters, Ralph: Middle East (The); “non-violence”; Bergdahl (Bowe); “Islamic State” (The); “Benghazigate”;
Peters, Svetlana Aliluyeva (née Svetlana Stalina): human nature; Stalin (Joseph);
Peterson, Eugene: crowds;
Peterson, Kyle: Cold War (The);
Peterson, Jordan: meaning; gender; Left (the); discrimination; culture; “multiculturalism”; West (The);
Peterson, Michael: war;
Pethokoukis, James: government; corruption; taxation; Obama (Barack); Left (The); innovation; “capitalism”; women;
Pettie, Jim “Seaweed”: ice hockey;
Peto, Julian: coronavirus;
Petrie, David: Italy;
Pettigrew, Richard F.: Cuba;
Peyton, Mike: war;
Phares, Walid: disappointment;
Philbin, Regis: France;
Philen, Timothy: Trump (Donald);
Philip of Macedon: greed;
Philip, Prince (Duke of Edinburgh, the): manners; architecture; royalty; Paraguay; colonialism; independence (national); television; China; food; etiquette; art; public speaking;
Phillips, Adam: psychiatry/psychology;
Phillips, James W.: politics; reason;
Phillips, Melanie: Obama (Barack); youth; “gender”; race (“CRT”); truth;
Phipps, John: sports writers/reporters; “Sigfried & Roy”; advice; generality (-ies);
Picasso, Pablo: Picasso (Pablo); art; art (modern); computers;
Picou, W.: isolationism;
Picketty, Thomas: economics;
Pickles, Eric: survival;
Pierce, Charles P.: behavior;
Pieresen, James: media (left-wing) bias, universities; science; liberals(-ism);
Pigault-Lebrun, Charles-Antoine: women;
Pike, Francis: Obama Administration (The); European Union (The EU); China (Red); Biden Administraion (The);
Pile, Stephen: countryside (the);
Pinker, Stephen: optimist-pessimist; universities;
Pinkwater, Daniel: automobiles; France;
Pipes, Daniel: “9/11”; victimhood;
Pipes, Richard: “progress”; history; communism; fascism; socialism; socialism (national); Putin (Vladimir);
Piquet, Nelson: motoring (racing);
Pirie, Madsen: “moderate (-ion)”;
Pirro, Jeanine: immigration;
Pitt, Brad: self;
Pitt-Kethley, Fiona: Italy;
Plante, Chris: liberals; guns; race; Democrat Party (the US); 'gender'; treason; Left (the); Left-Right; Canada; universities; immigration; communism; communism in America; Soviet Union (The); New York Times (The); food (fast); journalism; common sense; Cuomos (the); inflation; automobiles (electric); Kennedy (John F.); Romney (Mitt); crime;
Plato: music; God; life; beer; truth; public opinion; stories; writing/writers:
Platt, Jack: military (the);
Plattner, Marc F.: Hong Kong;
Platts, Warren: “woke”; life; war & peace; God; slavery; Pennsylvania;
Player, Gary: luck;
Pleszynski, Wladyslaw: Leningrad; nostalgia; age (old);
Plimer, Ian: “global warming”;
Plimpton, George: fun; football (American); baseball; combat (returning home from); economics (Keynesian); humor;
Pliny, The Elder: doctors; diamonds;
Pliny, The Younger: spending (government);
Plunket, Robert: theater (the); women; work; California; importance; dating; parties (“party” parties); Mexico; yachts; age (old); eating;
Plutarch: politicians; condescension;
Podhoretz, John: populism; Bush (George W.); War on Terror (The Global); golf; Jews; Harvard University; Kennedy (John F.); acting; Hollywood; “peace process”;
Podhoretz, Norman: Iraq War (The); enemies; assimilation; immigration; Trump (Donald); “Trumpism”; skating (ice); communism; anti-communism; totalitarianism;
Poe, Edgar Allan: dreams; women, poetry;
Pöhl, Karl Otto: inflation;
Poitier, Sidney: walking;
Polgar, Tom: intelligence;
Polk, James K.: Presidency (the US);
Pollak, Joel: Obama Administration (The);
Pollak, Noah: Obama Administration (The); Iran;
Polo, Marco: credulity/credibility;
Polonia, Luis: Steinbrenner (George);
Polyakov, Lawrence: Election of 2020 (The);
Pomeranzev, Igor: Russia;
Pomeranzev, Peter: Russia; Putin (Vladimir);
Pompeo, Mike: negotiations; China (Red); Iran; Al-Qaeda; Xi (Jinping); foreign policy; risk; human nature; advice (good); “Trumpism”; Teachers Unions; Saudi Arabia; Obama Administration (the); Middle East (the); law (the); ambiguity; appeasement; Islamic ecumenism; defense (national); asylum; Korea (North); New York Times; NATO; coronavirus (the); European Union (the); “nine/eleven”;
Pompidou, Georges: problems;
Ponnuru, Ramesh: New York; abortion; free markets; Mormons; Romney (Mitt); race; “Trumpism”; libertarians (-ism);
Poole, Patrick: tactics;
Poole, Steven: astronomy;
Poor, Jeff: media (left-wing bias of);
Pope, Alexander: women; words; family;
Pope, Chris: states' rights;
Popper, Karl: Utopias (-nism); tolerance; science; New Zealand; predictions;
Porter, Cole: inspiration;
Porter, Henry: lawyers;
Porter, Katherine Anne: past (the);
Portis, Charles: law (the); justice; money;
Posner, Richard A: “greed”; banks;
Postman, Neil: America; superficiality;
Potter, Dennis: travel (air);
Potter, Stephen: names;
Pottersman, Edna: Belgium;
Pottinger, Matt: China (Red);
Pound, Ezra: Australia;
Powell, Anthony: writing, self-pity;
Powell, Charles: power (“soft”);
Powell, Colin: military (the), Europe (Old), discipline, “Imperialism” (American), war, leadership; Clinton (Hillary);
Powell, Enoch: Welfare State (The); immigration;
Powell, Scott S.: socialism;
Power, Nina: ideology;
Powers, Bill: abortion; liberals;
Powers, Elizabeth: “multiculturalism”;
Powers, J.F.: automobiles;
Powers, Richard: money;
Prager, Dennis: Soviet Union (The); “self-esteem”; freedom of speech; talk; candor; government; youth; wisdom; liberals; Obama Administration; Islamic Jihad; War On Terror (The Global); equality; Blacks (American); slavery; “global warming”; universities; rape; Left (the); Left-Right; standards; hysteria; feminism; “Arts, The”; Constitution (the US); culture; Jews (Judaism); capitalism; truth; environmentalism;
Prasek, Mark: “passion”;
Pratchett, Terry: life;
Prendergast, Lara: information; technology; reserve; internet (the); energy;
Prescott, John: education;
Presley, Elvis: mothers(-hood); ambition;
Price, Jacinta Nampijinpa: Australian Aborigines;
Price, Pamela: crime (prevention);
Price, Tim: inflation;
Prideaux, Sue: humor; Germany; plagiarism;
Priestley, J.B.: art; age; respect;
Prieto, Val: Cuba;
“Prince” (Prince Rogers Nelson): music (rock); critics-criticism;
Prince, Eric: “Geneva Conventions”;
Prince, Matthew: “Big Tech”;
Pritchard, Michael: wealth;
Pritchett, Oliver: behavior;
Pritchett, V.S.: theatre; habit; life;
Proust, Marcel: happiness; unhappiness; grief; morality; heaven;
Prouty, L. Fletcher: oil;
Pruden, Wesley: tolerance; political correctness; Biden (Joe);
Pryce-Jones, David: Arabs; “Arab Spring, Arab-Israeli Conflict; The”. Middle East (The); tolerance; Iraq; politics; Left (The); utopias(-nism): conservatives(-ism); communism; Obama Administration (The); immigration;
Pryor, Richard: drink;
Pugsley, John A.: inflation;
Pulizzi, Joe: advice (good); success;
Puller, Lewis “Chesty”: combat; defiance; innovation; technology; military (the);
Punt, Steve: humor;
Pushkin, Aleksandr: life; argument;
Putin, Vladimir: Putin (Vladimir); K.G.B. (The); socialism; NATO; Obama (Barack); Obama Administration (the); AI (artificial intelligence); borders, Russia, Soviet Union (The); imperialism; Blinken (Antony);
Puzo, Mario: lawyers; honor;
Pythagoras: time;
Queen Mary: World War I; Yugoslavia (ex-); punctuality; royalty; life
Queenan, Joe: God; Hollywood; paranoia; America; secrecy; Baby Boomers; coffee; euphemism; words; past (the); World War II; Jesus Christ; irony; life; dance (the, -ing); emotions; England; Democrat Party (The US); Vermont; survival; decades; lawyers; advice (good); Las Vegas; Baltimore; South (The US);
Quisenberry, Dan: baseball;
Qureshi, Nabeel: Islam; Christianity;
Qutb, Sayyid: jazz;
Rabelais; Francois: humor; evil;
Rabin, Yitzhak: Israel;
Rachel, AlfonZo: “entitlements”, neighbors;
Radosh, Ron: Jews; ”Anti-War”Movement (the); left (the); anti-Americanism; Nicaragua; Spanish Civil War (the);
Rahner, Karl: atheism;
Raine, Craig: boxing;
Raines, Howell: intelligence; lawyers;
Raleigh, Sir Walter: elites (-ism);
Ramachandran, Vilayanur: free will;
Ramadan, Tariq: Islam (Sharia);
Ramaswamy, Vivek: Constitution (the US); “gender”;
Ramirez, Juan: Left (The);
Rampon, Laurent A.: development (economic); poverty;
Ramsay, Alston B.: universities; fame; disgrace;
Ramsey, Archbishop Michael: Hell;
Rand, Ayn: Welfare (State); “Capitalism”; government (reasons for); Indians (Toweled); Arab-Israeli conflict; sacrifice; individualism; fear; mobs; double standards; collectivization; totalitarianism; money;
Randolph, John: action/activity, advice;
Rankin, Ian: reality;
Ransom, John: economics; Marxism;
Raphael, Frederic: tolerance; homosexuality(-s);
Rashid, Ahmed: Iran; Islamic “Jihad”;
Rasmussen, Lars Lokke: Denmark; socialism (“Scandinavian Model”);
Ratay, Rich: Los Angeles;
Ratushinskaya, Irina: English language (the);
Ratzinger, Joseph (Pope Benedict XVI): culture; music (classical);
Ratzenberger, John: drink;
Rauch, Jonathan: terrorism(-ists);
Ray, Jonathan: Missouri;
Rayner, Richard: England; character; passion; Las Vegas;
Razah, Raheel: Islam;
Reaboi, David: Democrat Party (the US); Trump (David); Saudi Arabia;
Read, Piers Paul: Islam; marriage (homosexual);
Reagan, Ronald: communism; fascism; compassion; taxation; freedom; government; reading; Hell; liberals; argument; ego; Republicans-Democrats; “business taxes”; problems; answers; abortion; activity; "Trumpism"; change; Alzheimer's; military (the); leadership; fate; kindness; Vietnam War (the); simplicity; responsibility; Cold War (The); citizenship; immigration; abortion; sleep; Pelosi (Nancy); Biden (Joe); inflation. economics; America;
Reaves, Keanu: argument;
Rectenwald, Michael: left (the); Google;
Reed, Donna: mothers;
Reed, John: Left (the);
Reed, Julia: Louisiana;
Reed, Lou: jazz; music (rock);
Reed, Ralph: money;
Reedy, George: divinity;
Rees, Peter: gossip;
Rees-Mogg, Annunziata: public opinion;
Reeves, Keanu: argument;
Rees-Mogg, William: coronavirus (the);
Regnery, Alfred S.: liberals; constitution (the US);
Reid, Harry: taxation;
Reid, John: politics;
Reid, Keith: confusion; speech;
Reid, Richard: Islamic “Jihad”;
Reinfeldt, Fredrik: Sweden;
Rek, Kelly: immigration;
Remarque, Erich-Maria: animals;
Rembrandt (van Rijn): freedom;
Renan, Ernest: Islam;
Renard, Jules: freedom (personal);
Renoir, Jean: life; leisure; civilization;
Reston, James: golf;
Revel, Jean-Francois: France; anti-Americanism; capitalism; totalitarianism; Europe; democracy; civilization;
Revell, Oliver “Buck”: intelligence;
Reynolds, Glenn: Middle East (The); “self-esteem”; “global warming”; taxation; law (the); oppression; minorities; crisis; “anti-war” movement:
Rhodes, Ben: media (left-wing bias of);
Rhodes, Cecil: England;
Rhys-Davies, John: judgmentalism;
Rhys Jones, Griff: attention;
Rice, Condoleeza: America; history; self-esteem;
Rich, Buddy: pragmatism;
Richards, Jay W.: freedom (economic);
Richards, Keith: friendship; England; drugs; police (the); music (rock);
Richardson, Miranda: acting;
Richardson, Sir Ralph: acting;
Richie, Donald: Japan;
Richler, Mordecai: Canada;
Richter, Andy: admonition;
Rickover, Hyman G.: mistakes;
Ricks, Tom: war (counterinsurgency/COIN);
Ridley, Matt: immigration; Russia; globalization; global warming; “wind power”; intellect; violence; sex; communication; news; sensationalism; ignorance; bureaucracy; “laissez-faire”; coronavirus (“gain of function”); DNA; indecision; politicians; creativity; pessimism; statism;
Ridley, Sir Nicholas: family; power;
Riebling, Marc: human nature; behavior;
Rifkind, Hugo: Hilton (Paris); Russia; political correctness; fashion; generality; conservatives; women; press (the); debt: deficit (the); knowledge; Russia; Hollywood; enemies; Jews; marriage (homosexual); offense; internet (the);
Riley, Jason: immigration; Blacks (American);
Riley, Lynn: E.P.A. (The);
Rilke, Rainer Maria: survival;
Rios Montt, Efrain: anti-communism;
Riskin, Shlomo: genius; innovation;
Ritchie, Robert James: fame; marriage; drink; Bible (The); coronavirus (the);
Rittelmeyer, Helen: jazz; relativism;
Ritz, Charles: luxury;
Rivera, Mariano: advice (good); regret; nostalgia; mistakes;
Rivers, Cloyd: automobiles;
Rivers, Joan: sex; Rolling Stones (The), Obama (Michelle);
Rizzo, Richy: work; bosses;
Robbins, H.C.: music (classical);
Robbins, Tony: judging/judgment;
Roberts, Andrew: anti-Americanism; American decline; military (the); war;
Roberts, Gareth: universities; “political correctness”; cinema;
Roberts, (First Earl) Frederick: Afghanistan;
Roberts, Jack: priorities;
Roberts, (Chief Justice) John: Constitution (The U.S); “affirmative action”; discrimination; Supreme Court (The U.S.);
Roberts, Paul Craig: West (The); immigration;
Roberts, Randy: boxing;
Robertson, (Lord) George: pessimism;
Robertson, Pat: feminism;
Robespierre, Maximilien de: terror; justice; education;
Robinson, Earl: progressives;
Robinson, Emerald: Haley (Nikki); Biden Administration (The); “Trumpism”; Afghanistan War (The);
Robinson, Jackie: life;
Robinson, Joan: economics;
Robinson, John: morality; realativism; right & wrong;
Robinson, William Heath: housing;
Robbins, Christopher: war;
Robbins, James S.: Islam;
Robbins, Tom: magic, writers (-ing); music (rap);
Rocca, Francis X.: slavery;
Roche, John P.: Johnson (Lyndon B.);
Rock, Chris: blacks (American); bullies;
Rockefeller, John D.: wealth;
Rocker, John: liberals/liberalism;
Rodgers, Aaron: science;
Rodin, Auguste: patience;
Rodney, George: obedience; thought; combat;
Rodriguez, Jose A, Jr.: interrogation; War On Terror (The Global); C.I.A. (The); intelligence;
Rodriguez, Michelle: prison;
Rodriguez, Paul: geography; war;
Roemer, Ferdinand: Texas;
Rogers, Adrian: economics; equality; wealth (redistribution of);
Rogers, Byron: news;
Rogers, James: intelligence; teaching (-ers);
Rogers, Will: government; ignorance; congress; age (old); education; spelling; money; investment; economics; women; wisdom; diplomacy; war (ammunition); judging; silence; diplomacy; humor; cruelty; family; age (old); fights; self-importance; Republicans-Democrats; heroes; appearances;
Rollins, Bennie: men & women;
Romano, Ray: children;
Rommel, Erwin: America;
Romney, Mitt: liberation; foreign policy;
Ronson, Jon: power, boredom;
Roosevelt, Franklin D.: politics; Cold War (The); lying; leadership; fate; Empire (The French); alliances;
Roosevelt, Eleanor: mind (the);
Roosevelt, Theodore: money; Democratic Party (The U.S.); citizenship; “multiculturalism”; immigration; patriotism; problems; responsibility; decadence; age (old);
Rosebery, Lord (Archibald Primrose): imperialism;
Roseman, Steve: Election of 2020 (The);
Rosen, Christine: fellowship; men and women;
Rosenberg, Sid: names;
Rosenheim, Andrew: CIA (the);
Rosenthal, A. M. “Abe”: media (left-wing bias in); New York Times (The);
Rosenthal, David: publishing;
Rosenwald, Julius: philanthropy;
Ross, Deborah: zombies; youth; children; meaning; faith;
Ross, (Prof.) Kelly: Republicans;
Rossini, Giaochino: music (bad); criticism;
Rossomando, John: left (the); left-right; Democrat Party (the US); decadence; Biden (Joe); language; Islamism;
Roth, Carol: Harvard University; inflation;
Roth, Joseph: Germany;
Roth, Philip: freedom; “capitalism”; Communism; baseball; “authenticity”; America; life; animals; society; “closure”; Clinton (Hillary); propriety; women; prostitution; labels; political correctness; hatred; marriage; writing;
Rothschild, Amsel Bauer Mayer: money;
Rotten, Johnny: Israel;
Rouhani, Hassan: Iran;
Rous, Ferdie: history;
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques: humanity; facts ; debate; reality; left (the); abstraction;
Rowe, Mike: education; patriotism;
Rowland, Kevin: music (rock);
Rowland, Tiny: gratitude;
Rowling, J.K.: friendship; “gender”;
Roy, Chip: Biden Administration (The);
Roy, Francis: “gender”;
Royko, Mike: crime; running;
Ruberry, John: socialism;
Rubin, Michael : Obama (Barack); Egypt;
Rubinstein, Arthur: Israel;
Rubio, Marco: taxation; conservatism; Clintons (The); media (left-wing bias), Democrat Party (the US); Canada; Vermont; Venezuela; Harris (Kamala);
Rucker, J.D.: Trump (Donald);
Rudin, Sarah: Africa; critics; insults;
Rufin, Jean-Christophe: possessions;
Ruffer, Jonathan: banks; philanthropy; wealth;
Ruffini, Patrick: “Trumpism”;
Rugman, Jonathan: heroes;
Rumbold, Sir Anthony: Austria; Thailand;
Rumsfeld, Donald: defense; critics(criticism); America; anti-Americanism; ignorance; doubt; weakness; provocation; freedom; work; time; Biden (Joe); Vietnam War (The);
Rundgren, Todd: Lennon (John);
Runyon, Damon: life; gambling;
Rushdie, Salman: “political correctness”; Islamic “Jihad”; quotes; blasphemy; freedom of speech; censorship; prizes;
Rusher, William A.: problems; politicians; Vietnam War (The);
Rushton, Willie: travel; tourism;
Russell, Bertrand: work; intellectuals; human nature; common sense; doubt; stupidity; mind (the); gossip; communism; education; experts; self-importance; “Open Mind”;
Russell, Leon: fashion;
Russell, Sam: social media;
Russello, Gerald R.: universities;
Russo, Richard: sin (original);
Ruth, Babe: beer;
Rutherford, Ernest: thought;
Rutler, George: sports writers;
Ryan, Paul: spending (government);
Ryle, Martin: space (outer);
Ryrie, Alec: atheism;
Saaberda, Louis: music (Country);
Saad, Gad: liberals (“limousine”); universities; Harris (Kamala);
Saatchi, Charles: universities; swimming; journalism; men and women;
Saatchi, Maurice: relativism; Thatcher (Margaret);
Sacks, Jonathan: morality; Jews;
Safire, William: neutrality; “Third Way (The)”; middle of the road; “déja-vu”; crisis (-es);
Sagan, Carl: language; bullshit; deception; science; “global warming”; genius; evidence;
Sahl, Mort: Palin (Sarah); Carter (Jimmy);
Sajak, Pat: fame; humility;
Sajer, Guy: war;
Sailer, Steve: press (the); “chutzpah”; “left-right”; fame; political correctness; “social media”; Twitter; crime; blacks (American);
Saint Just, Louis-Antoine: terrorism;
Sakey, Marcus: future (the);
Saki: collaboration; peace; socialism; women; action; “health”; poetry; Jews;
Salam, Reihan: Trump (Donald); white people;
Salaman, Nichlas: computers;
Salazar, Antonio de Oliveira: progress; liberty;
Salinger, J.D.: crying; combat; advice (good); marriage; humor;
Salisbury, Harrison: Korea (North);
Salisbury, Lord (Robert Gascoyne-Cecil): colonialism; pessimism; geography; Afghanistan; theory; experience; England, treason; reform;
Sallust: liberty; submission;
Samadi, David (MD): “coronavirus”;
Samoilenko, Ilia: Ukraine (& War in); combat;
Samuel, Juliet: China (Red);
Samuelson, Paul: knowledge; economics; prediction; investment; market (the stock);
Sanchez, Ilich Ramirez: Islamic ecumenism; anti-Americanism;
Sandburg, Carl: law (the);
Sanders, Bernie: capitalism; America; race (“racism”); Republicans-Democrats;
Sanders, Doug: money; plans; life; “lifestyle”;
Sands, Sarah: effort; zen;
Sanger, Margaret: race; blacks (American);
Sansom, Ian: podcasts;
Santayana, George: history; happiness; Empire (The British); fanaticism; weather (seasons); chaos; tyranny; war;
Santorum, Rick: conviction; New York Times (The);
Sarah, (Cardinal) Robert: “gender”; human nature; totalitarianism; “West (The”);
Sareen, Rick: principles;
Sarkozy, Nicolas: terrorism;
Sarler, Carol: Islam (“moderate”);
Sarrazin, Thilo: welfare;
Sartre, Jean-Paul: God; Jews; communism; anti-communism; homosexuality;
Sasse, Ben: culture; politics and culture; “Obamacare”;
Sasso, Peter: men and women;
Sassoon, Victor: Jews; horses (and horse racing);
Satter, David: Russia;
Sauer, Hanno: humanity, politics; left-right;
Saunders, Dave “Mudcat”: Pennsylvania;
Savile, George: deterrence;
Savimbi, Jonas: Maoism;
Sayers, Dorothy L.: feminism;
Sayet, Evan: left (the); stupidity; socialism;
Sayet, Madeline: Shakespeare;
Sax, Nathan: government;
Scalia, Justice Antonin; Constitution (The U.S.); enemies; rights (Constitutional); feelings; Supreme Court (of the US); change; moderation;
Scaramucci, Anthony: moderation;
Schackle, Samira: Pakistan;
Schaefer, Rick; universities; press (the);
Schaub, Diana: “political correctness”; freedom;
Scheer, Andrew: Left-Right;
Schiff, Dave: love;
Schiff, Peter: banks;
Schiffren, Lisa: Huckabee (Mike);
Schindler, John: security (national); intelligence; espionage; will; deterrence; Obama (Barack); Trump (Donald); Mexico; Russia; Ukraine; appeasement; white people; Afghanistan War (The); disinformation; FBI (The); treaties;
Schlamm, Willi: socialism;
Schlafly, Phyllis: liberals;
Schlatter, George: “Twitter”;
Schlesinger, Arthur Jr.: conservatives (-ism);
Schlichter, Kurt: Ireland; atheism; liberals; “liberal fascism”; conservatives; left (the); left-right; elites; drones; life; advice (good); affection; drink; Mandela (Nelson); women; “progressives”; socialism; communism; fascism; high school; experience; Christie (Chris); feelings; “rape”; stupidity; Clinton (Hillary); dogs; Democrat Party (The US); Republican Party (The US); Washington D.C.; food; social security; sex; fear; defense; soccer; labor; unemployment; Israel, Jews (The); cheerleading; empathy; Protestants (Methodists); war; War (The Iraq); “global warming”; men; determination; university professors; feminism; California; freedom of speech; offense (taking); guns; insult; patriotism; “gender”; Trump (Donald); political correctness; Thanksgiving; civil war (in the US); self-awareness; military (the US); education; Trump (Donald); Texas; “woke”; modesty; Afghanistan (War in); military (the); Sports (US, post-BLM); Springsteen (Bruce); media (the); media (left-wing bias in); “January 6th”; “gender”; editors/-ing; spelling; marijuana; Biden (Joe); credentials/”credentialism”; appearances; Pence (Mike); tolerance; libertarianism; “intersectionality”; revenge; vengeance; “diversity”; colonialism; noise; Vance (J.D.); Obama (Michelle); Musk (Elon); trans-sexuals;
Schlumberg, Harold: drink;
Schmidt, Helmut: UN (The);
Schmidt, Mike: Philadelphia;
Schmidt, Wendy: public opinion;
Schmidtt, Carl: enemies;
Schneider, Ralph: negotiations; business;
Schneider, Tobias: Syrian War;
Schneier, Bruce: euphemism; political correctness; war;
Schoek, Helmut: envy;
Schoenfeld, Bruce: bullfighting;
Schoenstein, Ralph: writing/writers;
Scholz, Hana: idealism, realists (-ism);
Schopenhauer, Arthur: forgiveness; happiness; Islam; Koran (The); free will; truth; life; noise; style;
Schott, Ben: boys and girls; relationships; espionage; jollity; war; knowledge;
Schramm, Peter: America; freedom; immigration;
Schroeder, Peter: universities;
Schulman, Sam: Palin (Sarah);
Schultz, George: pre-emption; losing;
Schumacher, E.F.: complication-complexity;
Schumer, Charles: New York; heaven; Jews (Judaism);
Schumpeter, Joseph: intellectuals; lying; idealism; history; consequences (unintended);
Schuyler, Philip: sexual harassment; immigration; California; Obama (Barack); “Stolen Valor”; Democrat Party (The US); race (Critical Race Theory);
Schwab, Klaus: Globalism; ”Great Re-Set, The”;
Schwartz, Stephen: “Civil Liberty”;
Schwartzkopf, Norman: France; forgiveness; fights (-ing);
Schwarz, Benjamin: self-awareness;
Schwarz, Fred: bureaucracy; loyalty; European Union (The); New York; left-right; economics; Democrat Party (the US);
Schwarzenegger, Arnold: money; wealth;
Schweizer, Peter: Cold War (The);
Schwob, Daniel: Miami;
Scorsese, Martin: Procol Harum;
Scott, George C.: fights; drink;
Scott, Sir Walter: society; misanthropy;
Scully, Vin: football (American – NFL); baseball;
Scruton, Roger: France; Scotland; Islam; freedom; liberty; psychiatry/psychology; UN (The); television; property, liberals (-ism); architecture; Empire (The British); colonialism; Left (The, leftists); left-right; human nature; mistakes; marriage; marriage (homosexual); homosexuality; democracy; beauty; investments; political correctness; equality; “kitsch”; communism; Marxism; Protestants (Anglican); England; art (“Modern”); holidays; multiculturalism; pre-emption; aristocracy; family; conservatives; race; culture; nationalism; education;
Searcy, Nick: abortion; coronavirus (the);
Sebranek, Herbert: argument;
Secombe, Harry: veterans;
Seddon, Mark: Korea (North);
Sedighi, Hojastoeslam Kazem: women; sharia; modesty, Islam;
Seeley, J.R.: Empire (The British);
Seeman, John: humanity; stupidity;
Seferis, George: influence;
Séguéla, Jacques: failure;
Seinfeld, Jerry: marriage; Post Office (The US); literacy; television; men; New York. Christmas; adulthood; boredom; humor; golf; privilege;
Seitz, Blake: fraternities;
Selbourne, David: Islam;
Sellers, Peter: accents;
Seneca: life; death; poverty; fortune/misfortune; stoicism; behavior; appearances; ignorance;
Sennet, Richard: nature;
Serchuk, Vance: foreign policy; Russia;
Severgnini, Beppe: Italy; Great Britain; cunning;
Sewell, Brian: art; women; men and women;
Sexton, Buck: “global warming”; coronavirus (the); New York; Florida;
Shackleton, Ernest: Antarctica;
Shafak, Elif: Turkey; anger; history;
Shaffer, Larry: Congo (The); Africa; students; knowledge;
Shaffer, LTC Tony: advice (good); “party” parties; intelligence;
Shah, Samir: Hinduism;
Shaidle, Kathy: litigation; political correctness;
Shakespeare, Nicholas: men-women; marriage; love; relationships; flattery; patriotism; idealism; telephones; behavior; self-awareness; politicians; communism; Russia; drama; wealth & poverty; vision. Germany (East); education (private); despair; totalitarianism; smells;
Shakespeare, William: news; quotes; politicians;
Shames, Laurence: fishing; airplanes; tropics (the); “Spring Break”; habit; gambling; Indians (“Feathered”); waste; camping;
Shang Yang: work;
Shapiro, Ben: Hollywood; liberals; left-right; political correctness, manners; offense (taking); humor; media (left-wing bias in); facts; feelings; socialism; politicians; Cruz (Ted); “white privilege”; truth; justice; justice (“social”); “Great Re-set (The)”; taxation; government; coercion; freedom; Trudeau (Justin); food; baseball; “gender”;
Shapiro, Josh: Constitution (the U.S.); voting; elections;
Sharma, Bansi: “Coronavirus”; China (Red);
Sharpe, Tom: religion; God;
Sharon, Ariel: New York Times (The);
Sharpton, Al: rights (human, civil);
Shavit, Ari: Obama Administration (The);
Shaw, George Bernard: fame; martyrdom; “diversity”; cynicism; Italy; human nature; democracy; economics; government; disinformation; family; dance; flattery; Hitler-Stalin Pact (The); Heaven; jobs; jargon; questions;
Shaw, Irwin: cigarettes, France;
Shaw, J. M.: foreign aid;
Shaw, Julia: memory;
Shaw, Mark: music (classical);
Shawcross, William: Vietnam War (The); mobs; rights (human); military (the); EU (The);
Shea, Ammon: California; divorce; insult; appearances; hygiene;
Shedd, John A.: safety;
Sheen, Charlie: brotherhood;
Sheen, Fulton J.: conformity;
Shelley, David: “global warming”;
Shelley, Percy Bysshe: poetry; legislation;
Shenfield, Arthur: public sector;
Shepard, Alan B.: space;
Sheppard, J. Reid: liberals; “liberal fascism”; Socialism (National);
Sheridan, J. J.: Bidens (the);
Sheridan, Philip (Gen.): Texas;
Sherlock, M.G.: ageing;
Sherman, Anna: time;
Sherman, John (Sen.): Presidency (the US);
Sherman, William Tecumseh (Gen): press (the); wisdom; fear; journalism; war; fame; Indians (Feathered); Indians (Feathered, Wars); human nature;
Sherr, James: totalitarianism; “Left-Right”;
Shevchuk, Yuri: Switzerland;
Shevtsova, Lilia: Russia;
Shiel, M. P.: sex;
Shiflett, Dave: South (the U.S.);
Shikwati, James: foreign aid;
Shlaes, Amity: depression (economic); decades;
Shoales, Ian: communism;
Shoigu, Sergei: deception; martial law;
Shore, David: plans;
Short, Nick: extremism; ruthlessness; Islamic ecumenism; Left (The); reality; negotiation; media (left-wing bias of); Democrat Party (The US);
Shostakovich, Dmitry: despair;
Shriver, Lionel: history; Civil War (The U.S.); censorship; political correctness; “identity politics”; freedom of speech; “hate speech”; diversity; taxation; inflation; business; bigotry; immigration; statistics; race (“racism”); reading; affirmative action; universities; university professors; white people, “white privilege”; “minorities”; “asylum”; bicycles; Africa; language; homosexuality; Brexit; purity; “identity politics”; safety; mistakes; guilt; “reparations; guilt (collective); shame; ”civil liberty”; health; Left (The); “gender”/“transgender”; internet (the); self-hatred/self-criticism; coronavirus (the); coronavirus “variants”; Harris (Kamala); money; Biden Administration (The); imperialism (American); zero; “woke”; “Black Lives Matter”; hate; rights (“civil”); psychiatry; Sin (Original); guilt (collective); women; publishing; capitalism; cowardice; environmentalism; “global warming”; taboos; behavior; normality; “equity”; resentment; media (left-wing) bias; Democrat Party (the US);
Shrogin, Maxim: atheism; Jews;
Shuler, Liz: inflation;
Shurk, J. B.: Trump (Donald); “Trumpism”;
Shute, Nevil: engineering; truth; fights (-ing); babies; espionage;
Shwartz, Fred: feminism;
Sickert, Walter: insults;
Sicupira, Carlos Alberto: business;
Siegel, Fred: blacks (American); liberals; “affirmative action”;
Siegel, Jacob: coronavirus;
Sikorsky, Radek: socialism;
Silva, Daniel: espionage; intelligence; history; secrecy; interrogation; “War On Terror (The Global)”; War (Nuclear);
Silver,Nate: campaigning; gambling;
Silverman, Sarah: Jews;
Simenon, Georges: writing/writers; clothes;
Simmons, Matty: humor; Hollywood;
Simmons, Tracy Lee: honor; history;
Simon, John: music (rock);
Simon, Neil: hygiene;
Simon, Sion: victory;
Simon, Roger L.: Islam; Obama (Barack); socialism; Democrat Party (The U.S.), Jews. race; “New Yorker (The”);
Simone, Mark: Clinton (Hillary); Schumer (Chuck);
Simpson, Bart: accounting;
Simpson, Marge: France;
Sina, Ali: Koran (The);
Sinatra, Frank: drink;
Sinclair, Leroy W: business; government; litigation;
Sinclair, Upton: politics; conviction; understanding; socialism;
Singer, Isaac Bashevis: writers (-ing); Jews; theory; free will; prayer; Marx (Karl); movements;
Singh, Kamal Preet: health;
Sirisingh, Supa: Thailand;
Sixsmith, Ben: children;
Skelton, Red: hell;
Skinner, B. F.: life; behavior;
Skynner, Robin: aggression;
Slade, Sir Benjamin: Tropics (The); business;
Slick, Grace: drugs;
Slim, Field Marshall William: morale; tradition;
Sliwa, Curtis: prison;
Small, Sherrod: Baltimore; Philadelphia;
Smallwood, Tucker: combat; combat (coming home from);
Smirnoff, Yaacov: Cleveland;
Smith, Adam: spending (government); universities; conspiracy; business; monopolies; government (good); philanthropy; justice; mercy; morality;
Smith, Alice: populism;
Smith, Andrew: morality; utopia;
Smith, (Sir) Christopher Llewellyn: economics, energy;
Smith, Clint: fights; police (the); survival; paranoia; guns;
Smith, John: television;
Smith, Kyle: knowledge; Olympics (The); Paris; automobiles; New Jersey; New York; soccer; guns; Ché Guevara; feminism; fashion; bigamy; childbirth; men; men and women; women; clothes; personality; exercise; friends, wealth; journalism; Brooklyn; Afghanistan (War in); left (the); education; telephones (cell & “smart”); writing; motoring (racing); Clinton (Chelsea); Clinton (Hillary); political correctness; doctors; age (old); future (the); abortion; Halloween; inflation; freedom of speech; inclusivity; parenthood; race: “Spygate”; Warren (Elizabeth); astrology; “Science, The Party Of”; Buttigieg (Pete); liberals (“limousine”); “good intentions”; “Broadway”; CNN; Dylan (Bob); Harry and Meghan; Biden Administration (The); Harris (Kamala); Johnson (Boris); Newsom (Gavin); music (“rap”); self; self-awareness; Belgium; Missouri; beauty; sarcasm, Congress (the US); appearances; Democrat Party (the U.S.); “gender”; “trans-sexual”; luck;
Smith, Lee: baseball; terrorism; Egypt; marriage;
Smith, Liz: gossip;
Smith, Logan Pearsall: death;
Smith, Martin Cruz: Soviet Union (The); Russia; Germany; profit(s); justice; past (the); future (the); Chechnya; Azerbaijan; age (old); wealth; revolutions;
Smith, Rupert: war (“Asymmetrical”);
Smith, Sydney: universities; poverty; Scotland; minorities; critics;
Smith, Wilbur: Africa; America; geography; airplanes; cinema; political correctness; sea (the); words; writing;
Smith, Will: prejudice; race;
Smith, Ulysses H. “Malick”: telephones;
Smyth, Glen: crime;
Snowden, Edward: evil; espionage;
Snowden, Ethel: Soviet Union (The);
Snyder, Timothy: Great Britain, Empire (The British);
Soave, Robby: generalities; sociology;
Sobran, Joe: victimhood; politics; media (left-wing) bias; socialism; liberals; poverty; taxation; Arabs (The); Utopia; impeachment; greed, compassion; democracy; baseball;
Socrates: marriage; names (taxonomy); philosophy; travel;
Solanas, Valerie: men;
Solomon, Andrew: depression;
Solon: happiness;
Solow, Robert: computers; economics;
Solway, David: Obama (Barack); Islam (“Moderate”); socialism; “coronavirus”;
Solzhenitsyn, Alexander: press (the); evil; ideology; truth; propaganda; communism; Soviet Union(The); power, freedom; freedom (personal); lying; good intentions; socialism; press (the); Marxism; history; equality; “equity”; weather (the); God; reactionaries; advice (good); life; memory; “slippery slope”;
Solzhenitsyn, Ignat: political correctness; cancel culture;
Sommers, Christina H.: feminism;
Sontag, Susan: Goldwater (Barry); totalitarianism; communism; fascism; negativism; critics (criticism); quotes; photography; “white guilt”;
Sookhdeo, Patrick: Islam;
Sophocles: future (the);
Sorbo, Kevin: left (the); flags;
Soros, George: anti-Americanism;
Southey, Robert: brevity;
Souvanna Phouma: Laos; communism;
Sowell, Thomas: slavery; diversity; ignorance; Cuba; truth; corruption; Clinton (Hillary); coercion; Palin (Sarah); problems; history;” war on terror (the global, GWOT)”; “McCarthyism”; education; liberals; Iran; argument; India; facts; Obama (Barack); Obama Administration; wealth (the redistribution of); mobs; protest; socialism; decisions; government; government (reasons for); business; economics; voting (voter fraud); justice (“social”); left-right; “fairness”; children; civilization; politics; responsibility; wisdom; intellectuals; “progress”; greed; experience; “entitlements”; race; wishful thinking; military (the); dogmas; thought; welfare state (the); youth; blacks (American); reform; immigration; freedom; reason; toleration; acting; accountability; age (old); politics; good intentions; academia; prejudice; discrimination; global warming; poverty; work; markets; taxation; consequences; age (old); democracy; minimum wage; violence; affirmative action; welfare; meetings; barbarity; telephones (cell & “smart”); emotions; Vietnam War (the); “multiculturalism”; emotions; intelligence (knowledge); conservatism; public service; left (the); “hate crimes”/”hate speech”; totalitarianism; equality; Reality; culture; Possible/Impossible; guilt (collective); American exceptionalism; feelings; guns; action/activity; “activism”; guilt (collective); reparations; envy; political correctness; indoctrination; anti-Americanism; spending (government); inflation; Marxism; communism; individualism; “trickle-down”; pacifism; bureaucracy; mistakes; experts/expertise;
Soyinka, Wole: television;
Spackler, C.: Left (the);
Spahn, Warren: baseball;
Spain, Kara D.: coronavirus (the);
Spalding, Robert: Twitter; Silicon Valley;
Speer, Albert: boredom;
Speight, Johnny: “non-violence”;
Speirs, Ronald: combat;
Spencer, Cal: war;
Spencer, Charles: anger; music (classical); drink;
Spencer, Herbert: France; mistakes;
Spencer, Robert: Islam;
Spengler, Oswald: illusion;
Spinoza, Baruch: free will; excellence; cheerfulness;
Spruiell, Stephen: Clinton (Bill);
Spyer, Jonathan: Egypt; Iran; Middle East (The); Arab-Israeli Conflict (The);
St. Aubyn, Edward: life; men; diplomacy; despair; happiness; obsession, depression (mental); evil; persistence & perseverance; hierarchy (importance); heaven; addiction;
St. Clair, Ashley: psychiatry;
St. Laurent, Yves: elegance; snobbery;
St. Teresa of Avila: disappointment; prayer;
Stace, Walter T.: common sense; truth;
Stackhouse, Ian: coronavirus (the);
Stalin, Joseph: Hollywood; friendship; elections; evidence; death; Devil (The); teaching; women; gratitude; words;
Stamp, Charles: responsibilities;
Stamp, Elizabeth: mathematics;
Standing, Sarah: style;
Stanhope, Philip (Lord Chesterfield): sex; wisdom; knowledge; contempt;
Stanley, Ben: Cuba;
Stanley, Tim: Labour Party (The British); privilege; conservatives; “Trumpism”; Brexit, Johnson (Boris); “globalism”;
Stannard, Dorothy: Egypt;
Stanton, Joshua: Korea (North);
Starbuck, Robbie: censorship; “gender”; sexual perversion; teachers;
Starkey, David: capitalism; “gender”; “multiculturalism”; liberals; Charles III (King; Queen Elizabeth II, royalty; slavery; India;
Starr, Ken: Clinton (Hillary); lying;
Starr, Ringo: Brexit;
Steacy, Dean: freedom of speech;
Steele, Shelby: American exceptionalism; anti-Americanism; Sixties (The);
Stein, Ben: fear; life; equality; love; marriage; sports; New York; Germany; food; food (“fast”, “junk”); Obama (Barack); Obamacare; Obama Administration (The); travel (air); media (liberal bias in); gratitude; “gender”; automobiles; wealth and poverty; political correctness; Trump (Donald); Trump (Ivanka); Left (The); Left-Right; immigration; “Islamophobia”; Democrat Party (the US); Christianity; Christmas; World War I; Churchill (Winston); dignity; socialism; capitalism; human nature; ambition; envy; Biden (Joe); freedom of speech; race (“racism”); abortion; Darwinism; evolution; “Watergate”;
Stein, Gertrude: reading; museums;
Stein, Harry: left-right;
Steinman, Joshua: Canada;
Steinbeck, John: causes (lost); foolishness, human nature, Utopia, writing;
Steinberg, Arnold: conservatives; left-right; left (the), Jews; anti-Semitism;
Steinberg, David: rights (civil, human, etc.);
Steiner, George: modernity;
Steinman, Joshua: communism; Harris (Kamala);
Stendhal: France; deception;
Stengel, Casey: sex; fame; management;
Stephanopoulos, George: elections; conservatives (-ism);
Stephens, Bret: Palestine(-ians); left-right; conferences; Obama (Barack); freedom of speech; Iraq War (the); isolationism; foreign policy; socialism; imperialism (American);
Stephens, Water: writing/writers:
Stevens, Jessi Jezewska: preparation; death;
Stevenson, Adlai: power; leadership; freedom;
Stevenson, Robert Louis: consequences; life;
Stewart, Brian: intelligence;
Stewart, Catherine: “global warming”;
Stewart, Jon: internet (the);
Stewart, Potter: pornography;
Stewart, Robert: baseball;
Stewart, Rod: yoga; marriage;
Stewart, Rory: Afghanistan (War in);
Steyn, Mark: imperialism; America; Empire (British); democracy; “spirituality”; Kerry (John); Africa; UN; ideas; welfare; welfare state (the); education; immigration; security; political correctness; slavery; “Plamegate”; Islam (Wahabbi); Sweden; Australia; government; government (reasons for); government (Federal); Iraq War (The); “moderate(ion)”; Europe; “multiculturalism”; writing(writers); war; “war weariness”; Europe (“Old”); McCain (John); Canada; travel (air); Islam; taxation; New Orleans; ”global warming”; sex; Palestine(-ians); future (the); Bush (George W.); health (“health”); Sudan (The); parties (political); judges; ation”; Left (The); Left-Right; spending (government); tolerance; NATO; England; civilization; labor unions; elections; legislation; environmentalism; Islamo-Leftist alliance; Scotland; freedom of speech; meetings; Reagan (Ronald); Fascism (in Europe); revolution; ideology; conservatism; “nation-building”; “peace-keeping”, foreign aid; population; change; bureaucracy; China (Red); “gender”; Great Britain; “Church and State (Separation of”); “business taxes”; Obama (Barack); “Obamacare”; voting; Obama Administration (The); China; tion; Sweden; “Arab Spring (The)”; culture; culture (“counter”); Jews; law (the); nationalization; statism; equality (income); Afghanistan; Afghanistan War (The); justice; Afghanistan 'War In, Obama's Handling Of); “Obamacare”; freedom; presidency (the US); Clintons (The); elites; American exceptionalism; middle of the road; “Third Way (The”); I.R.S. (the); inevitability/finality; conservatism; progress; hygiene; decades; Vietnam War (The); Middle East (The); diversity; “safe space”; European Union (The); "Islamophobia"; Republican Party (The US); Democrat Party (the US); Republicans-Democrats; “Brexit”; Gulf War (The); moderates/ion; media (the); media (left-wing bias in);“coronavirus”; “Big Tech”; “election” of 2020; Biden Administration (The);
Stiles, Andrew: talk; drink;
Stiller, Ben: race; Jews;
Stiller, Jerry: opera;
Stimson, Henry: espionage;
Stirling, David: Special Forces/Special Operations;
Stocker, Jeremy: fascism; fascism (in Europe); gender; Russia:
Stockman, Steve: “diversity”;
Stone, Matt: Hollywood; ideology; liberals(-ism); Obama (Barack); rights; consensus; censorship;
Stone, Norman: smoking;
Stone, Roger: advice (good); CNN;
Stone, Sharon: Dalai Lama (The); men and women;
Stoppard, Tom: children; nature; love; language; democracy; art (modern); acting/actors; style; class; suicide; truth; interest; writers/writing; quotes;
Stormont, Benjamin Lloyd: economics; marriage; monopolies;
Storr, Anthony: happiness;
Stossel, John: market (the); government; spending (government); government (good);
Stove, David: benevolence; altruism;
Stracher, Cameron: food (“fast”, “junk”);
Strachey, Lytton: death;
Straka, Brandon: liberals; New York Subway System; Trump (persecution of);
Strasburger, Charles: race; liberals;
Stratton, Jordan: police (the);
Straus, Ira: winning; capitalism;
Strauss, Robert: women; money;
Street, John: Philadelphia;
Streiff, Bill: Democrat Party (the US);
Sturgeon, Theodore: science fiction; bullshit;
Sturges, Preston: culture;
Stuttaford, Andrew: Belgium; France; religion; clergy (the); Olympics (the); utopias; European Union (The); tax evasion/avoidance; revolution; Euro (The);
Styron, William: drink; writing; water-polo;
Suderman, Peter: responsibility;
Sullivan, Andrew: conservatives(-ism); Obama (Barack); Democrat Party (The U.S.); “identity politics”; political correctness”; election of 2020 (the); homosexuality; Election of 2020 (The); reason; feelings; “affirmative action”; “woke”; universities;
Sumption, Jonathan: democracy; colonialism; fanaticism; “decolonization”; modernity (“post-”); Europe (Eastern); imperialism (empires); Empire (the British);
Summers, Lawrence: depression (economic); legislation;
Sumner, William Graham: Darwinism; wealth; taxation;
Sun Tzu: challenge; resolve; immigration; war; deception; Left (The); evil; treason;
Sununu, John: Obama (Barack);
Surber, Don: constitution (the U.S.); blasphemy; political correctness; perspective; sports; “Trumpism”; Palin (Sarah); credentials/credentialism; universities; “affirmative action”; normality; freedom; liberals (-ism); FBI (The); clothes; New York; socialism;
Sutherland, Douglas: gentleman;
Sutherland, Rory: pleasure; food; language; English language (the); banks; “capitalism”; zeal; drugs; smoking; “social science”; New York; economics; happiness; conservatism; philanthropy; good intentions; airplanes; travel; travel (air); Wales; telephones (cell & “smart”); television vs. movies; Arabs; Arab-Israeli-Conflict; automobiles; logic; market (the); diamonds; real estate; failure; ideas; advertising; politics; government; democracy; decisions; “schadenfreude”; spite; efficiency; communism; animals; flowers; departures; Indians (Toweled); freedom of speech; free markets; reason; tolerance; anger; marriage; behavior; discrimination; intelligence; instinct; America; Trump (Donald); cynicism; Great Britain; self-righteousness; left-right; France; men and women; perfection/imperfection; Slavery; argument; humor; borders; lawyers; law (the); choice/choosing; bullshit; social media; perfection; objectivity; hospitals; wealth; wealth (the redistribution of); technology; equality (income); intellectuals; self-delusion; business; business (“E-business”); consultants; theory; drink; work; productivity; procrastination; exercise; Belgium; “equality”; credentials/credentialism; “coronavirus; bicycles; intelligence (knowledge); wisdom; propaganda; persuasion; slogans; taxation; signs/semiotics; furniture; “virtue signaling”; modernity; Finland; China; animals; prices & price-fixing; television; action/activity; Olympics (The); “role models”; markets; invention; progress; publicity; “work-from-home”; “consumerism”; populism; media; bureaucracy; insanity; European Union (The E.U.); Silicon Valley; automobiles (driverless); astronomy, space (outer); geography; pretentiousness; humanity; meetings; eating; AI; pre-emption; nostalgia; punctuation; “minimalism”; internet (the); importance; accountants (-cy); journalism; consequences; Europe; importance; news (the);
Sutton, Allen: race; white privilege/white supremacy;
Svensmark, Henrik: mistakes;
Svoboda, M.J.: Russia;
Swain, Dr. Carol M.: “Election” of 2020 (The);
Swanton, E.W.: cricket;
Swayne, Desmond: coro;navirus (the);
Swetnam, Joseph: women;
Swift, Daniel: war (future of);
Swift, Graham: life; pessimism; pride; Navy (The); sea (the); insurance; fights (-ing); pacifism; death; war;
Swift, Jonathan: thought; argument(s); reason; fanaticism; problems; sex; advice; humanity; fame; food;
Swift. Taylor: self-awareness;
Switzer, Tom: China (Red);
Sykes, Courtland: Democratic Party (The US);
Sy-Quia, Stephanie: food;
Syrus, Publilius: plans;
Szasz, Thomas: seriousness; happiness; self-esteem; truth;
Szpilman, Christopher: war and peace;
Tacitus: legislation; government; peace; law (the); censorship; treason; tyranny; corruption;
Taft, William Howard: selfishness;
Taibbi, Matt: censorship; liberals; “Deep State, The”;
Takeyh, Ray: Obama (Barack); Iran;
Taleb, Nassim Nicholas: inflation; insults; intellectuals;
Talent, Jim: Defense (national);
Talleyrand: action/activity; silence; Revolution (The French); diplomacy; women;
Tanizaki, Jun’ichiro: beauty;
Tannenhaus, Sam: intellectuals;
Tanner, Michael: Kierkegaard (Søren);
Tapper, Jake: Harvard University; internet (the);
Taranto, James: “civil liberties”; civility; democracy; crime; War on Terror (The Global); “Global Warming”; “affirmative action”; race (“racism”); media bias; Kerry (John); “Washington”; crying; Obama (Barack); liberals(-ism); spending(government); “law and order”; labor unions (public sector); left-right; government;corporations; sex; feminism; race; “political correctness”; communism; poverty; New York Times; freedom of speech; writing; truth;
Tarczyński, Dominik: Poland; immigration;
Tarkovsky, Andrei: art;
Tate, Andrew: weakness;
Tauzin, Billy: Louisiana;
Taylor, A. J. P.: government; Marx (-ism); writing; opinion; experts; knowledge;
Tchaikovsky, André: music (classical);
Tchaikovsky, Pyotr: inspiration;
Tchakarova, Velina: Holland (& the Dutch);
Teachout, Terry: Hollywood; Marx (Karl, -ism); books; critics;
Tebbit, Norman: crime; death; death (speaking ill of); BBC (The);
Teller, Alice: “white privilege”;
Tejpal, Tarun J.: India;
Temple, Shirley: fame; celebrity;
Temple, William: cricket; Protestants (Anglican);
Templeton, Sir John: progress; markets;
Tenet, George: competition; Hezbollah;
Tennyson, Alfred (Lord): doubt;
Terese, Aimee: “woke”;
Terry, Randall: religion; Islam;
Terry-Thomas: gentleman; humor; rashion (male); names; death;
Tesich, Steve: doctors; lying; revolution; Germany; evil; virtue; habitat (natural); facial hair; memory; life; importance; humor; art; Judgment Day; telephones; restaurants, marriage; travel (air); God; family; combat;
Tesson, Sylvain: hippies; flowers; revolution;
Thackeray, William Makepeace: women; good intentions;
Thalberg, Irving: cinema;
Thaler, Richard: economics;
Thatcher, Margaret: parties (non-political); Germany; Buses; peace; Revolution (the French); regret; conservatives (-ism); society; consensus; men and women; truth; reactionaries; weakness; Europe; equality; criticism; wealth and poverty; regulation; facial hair; facts; “global warming”; power; “consensus”; American Exceptionalism; emotions; Bush (George H.W.); patience; Constitution (The U.S.);
Theisman, Joe: genius;
Theodoracopulos, Taki: selfishness; education; education (private); writing/writers; Blacks (American); television; sex; hate; love; Nixon (Richard); music (rock); “political correctness”; Hollywood; Clinton (Hillary); skiing; snobbery; fights (-ing); travel (air); Greece; secrecy; Left (The, ists); tennis; danger; boats; Switzerland; inflation; “Qatar”; “social media”; Poland; Libya; France; culture; sin; envy; Olympics (the); parenthood; Islam; Islam (Jihad); age (old); truth; Wyoming; music (“rap”); Saudi Arabia; New York; taxation; lunch; martial arts; nostalgia; immigration; Davos; citizenship; “Brexit”; New York Times (The); birthdays; Trump (Donald); restaurants; reading; enemies; men; marriage; race; freedom of speech; multiculturalism; architecture; civilization; universities; crowds; power; death; men and women; “MeToo”; self-centeredness; “coronavirus”; fashion; disasters; certainty; philosophy; safety; New Jersey; European Union (The); Winfrey (Oprah); facial hair; lying; “cancel culture”; “big tech”; hell; manners; imperialism (British); America; tourism; privilege; psychiatry; World War I; Nixon (Richard); royalty;
Theresa, Mother: abortion;
Thernstrom, Abigail: universites;
Thernstrom, Stephan: women;
Theroux, Paul: trains; Australia; travel; Saturday; independence (national); advice (good); Africa; Empire (The British); culture;
Thiel, Peter: democracy; ideas; “identity politics”; modernity; science; disinformation;Twitter; “E.S.G” (“Environmental-Social-Governance”);
Thiessen, Marc: Trump (Donald);
Thody, Philip: friendship; behavior, creativity; “Guardian (The)”; liberals, crime, time; sociology; Wales; ideas; teachers’ colleges; New Zealand, remorse; regret;
Thomas à Kempis: reading;
Thomas, Cal: society;
Thomas, Clarence: Congress (The US);
Thomas, David: feminism; men; “men and women”; fatherhood; espionage;
Thomas, Dylan: drink; boredom;
Thomas, Edward: past (the);
Thomas, Gwyn: walking;
Thomas, Norman: socialism; liberalism;
Thomas, Ross: Colorado; decadence; wealth; democracy; tardiness; Africa;
Thomas, Sean: Antarctica; Iceland; food; culture; hotels; men; sex; pornography;
Thomas-Greenfield, Linda: Constitution (the US); anti-Americanism;
Thompson; Anthony: belief;
Thompson, Bruce: negotiations;
Thompson, Damian: Protestants; addiction; modernity; prizes; “Russiagate”; addiction;
Thompson, David W.: “diversity”;
Thompson, E. P.: “class”;
Thompson, Fred D.: United Nations (The); pessimism; human nature; “green jobs”; spending (government); Obama (Barack); spending (government);
Thompson, Emma: Great Britain;
Thompson, Harry: self-awareness; boredom;
Thompson, (Dr.) Hunter S.: music; sports; sportswriters; plans; weirdness; advice (good); deterrence; war (ammunition); questions; press (the); Puerto Rico; words; Texas; life; drugs; editors/editing; football (American); Laos; Vietnam War (the); Miami; Florida; animals;
Thompson, Luke: Democrat Party (the US); debate; Left (The); Newsom (Gavin); ‘diversity”;
Thompson, Robert (Sir): Vietnam War (The);
Thompson, Venetia: feminism; skiing; anti-Americanism;
Thompson, William Irwin: computers; “global warming”;
Thomson, Graeme: television;
Thomson, Hugh: cavemen;
Thomson, Ian: World War II;
Thoreau, Henry David: wealth; pleasure; evidence; clothes; fishing;
Thornberry, Larry: sports; equality (income); military (homosexuals in the); military (women in the); food; Christmas;
Thorneycroft, Peter: politics;
Thornton, Bruce: Islam;
Thornton, Craig: cooking;
Thorpe, Jeremy: Parliament (the UK — The House Of Lords);
Thubron, Colin: travel writing;
Thucydides: motivation;
Thurber, James: humor; baseball;
Tidyman, Ernest: fear;
Tigori, Ernest: immigration;
Tillerson, Rex: energy;
Timberg, Robert: war; Vietnam War (the); anti-war movement (the); Lebanon;
Tippu Tip: slavery;
Tobin, Jonathan: Iran; Obama Administration (The);
Todd, Olivier: dictatorship; left-right;
Toler, Dan: disinformation;
Tolkien, J.R.R.: Christianity;
Tollett, Kenneth: stereotypes;
Tolstoy, Leo: compassion; humor; self-esteem; meaning/meaninglessness; Russia; medicine; doctors; ignorance; wisdom;
Toltz, Steve: Coronavirus (The);
Tombs, Robert: history; nationalism;
Tomlin, Lily: fame; life; competition;
Tomlinson, David: decades;
Tooley, Mark: refugees;
Tootle, Stephen: Wilson (Woodrow; progressives; ignorance;
Toronyi-Lalic, Igor: beauty (ugliness); France;
Towey, Jim: Bush (George W.);
Toynbee, Arnold: civilization; leisure;
Toynbee, Polly: politics; Left-Right; Queen Elizabeth II;
Tozer, A.W.: apology;
Tracy, Honor: Ireland;
Tran Do: Vietnam War (the);
Treacher, Jim: New York; Bloomberg (Michael); media (left-wing) bias; Thanksgiving; “Earth Day”; environmentalism; journalism; Warren (Elizabeth);
Trevelyan, G. M.: cricket;
Trevino, Joshua: Left (The)(-ists); Africa;
Trevino, Lee: golf;
Trillin, Calvin: food; Texas; Quebec; men and women; action/activity; optimism; New York; talk; rugby; English (Anglo)-American relations;
Trilling, Lionel: ideology; hubris; arrogance; liberals; “liberal fascism”; authoritarianism; left-right;
Trollope, Anthony: grievance; writing;
Trollope, Frances: anti-Americanism;
Trotsky, Leon: war; crisis; politics; New York; faith; pragmatism;
Troughton, Tabitha: age (old);
Troy, Tevi: journalism;
Trudeau, Justin: immigration; demography; “replacement theory”;
Trueblood, Elton: seriousness;
Truman, Harry S.: argument, education, history; farms (-ers); feminism; Presidency (The U.S.); freedom of speech; character; legislation; term limits; prejudice; corruption; politics (and money); C.I.A. (The); censorship; Nixon (Richard); law (the); Constitution (the U.S.);
Trumbo, Dalton: “working class”;
Trump, Donald: Biden (Joe); Biden Administration (the); Palestine (-ians); respect; Iran; common sense;
Truss, Liz: “Trumpism”;
Tuchman, Barbara: World War I;
Tucker, Emma: media (left-wing) bias;
Tucker, Forrest: appearance;
Tucker, William: liberals; sex; humanity; economics; environmentalism; marriage; socialism; market (the); environmentalism;
Turcotte, Merissa: taIndians (“Feathered”); socialism;
Turnbow, Hartman: “non-violence”;
Turnbull, Richard: Empire (The British);
Turley, Jonathan: Nixon (Richard); Obama (Barack); Bidens (The);
Turner, Ted: Cuba;
Tushnet, Eve: police (the);
Tuten, Ernie: combat; military (the);
Tuttle, Ian: academia; Marx; liberals; “liberal fascism”; tyranny; words; politics; Trump Administration (The);
Tversky, Amos: reality;
Twain, Mark: education; public opinion; Europe; truth; France; Germany; music; reality; Islam; advice (good); beauty/(ugliness); “health”; smoking; drink; heaven-hell; history; humor; death; investment; fatherhood; cities; work; animals; expectation; success; motivation; excess; trickery; bicycles; knowledge; Kipling (Rudyard); talk; critics; obituaries; lying; patriotism; over-reaction; Indians (Feathered); death; funerals; insults; evidence; worry;
Twinamasiko, Onesimus: men-women;
Tyler, Alexander: democracy;
Tyler, Steven: women;
Tyrrell, R. Emmett, Jr.: Vietnam War (The); Iraq War (the); Reagan, Ronald; Obama (Barack); liberals; journalism; Left (the); Left-Right; humility; Carter (Jimmy); progress; education; sex; sex education; Clintons (The); Clinton (Chelsea); Democrat Party (The US); Ocasio-Cortez (Alexandria); Spain; fascism; annoyance; conservatives; “nine=eleven” (“9-11”); bureaucracy; universities;
Tyson, Mike: boxing; plans; social media;
Udall, Mo: talk;
Uildriks, John: safety; Internet (the);
Underhill, Frank: Canada;
Updike, John: Christmas/(Santa Claus); writers(-ing); America; Ireland; Italy; Protestant (Lutheran); fame; reading; faith; art; communism; peace; pacifism; Boston; divorce; childhood; stars (the); women; men; talk; life; intimidation; action/activity; death; provincialism; men-women; boys & girls; sleep; golf; hospitals; self; age (old); housing/houses; memory; decades; indecision; music; music (classical); parents; motherhood; liberals (“limousine”); sex; feminism; Florida; New York; New Jersey; marriage; universities; philosophy; history; lying; girls; Presidency (the US); optimism; Jews; psychiatry; Islam; “cyberwar”; adultery; equality; freedom (personal); lawyers; banks (banking); doctors; dance (-ing); advertising; ethics; writing; baseball; happiness; punctuation; health; relationships; Holland; animals; wealth; virtue; wealth and poverty; machines; computers; television; Vietnam War (The); clergy; adults; mediocrity; teaching; love; humanity; physics; humor; language; truth; insanity; Bach (J.S.); self-delusion; wisdom; Republican Party (The US): cosmology; suicide; shopping/shopping malls; skiing; progress; reproduction; fishing; evolution; “schadenfreude”; decadence; time; science; universe (the); astronomy; freedom; Soviet Union (The); Indiana; Cold War (The); war (and peace); obesity; family; blacks (American); boys; fashion; drugs; pacifism; “ ‘anti-war’ movement”; technology; imperialism; foreign affairs; Indians (Feathered); Australia; praise; WASPs; religion; importance; culture;
Ustinov, Peter: humor; friendship; military (the); diplomacy, Soviet Union (the); clothes; appearances; church (-es); subtlety;
Valenti, Jack: Washington;
Valery, Paul: modernity; fashion; art (“modern”); simplicity; logic;
Valiunas, Algis: France, equality (egalitarianism); universities;
Valladares, Armando: Marxism;
Van Beethoven, Ludwig: critics;
Van Buren, Martin: politics;
Vance, David: cynicism;
Vance, J. D.: universities; America; women; feminism;
Vander Weyer, Martin: blame; business; markets; taxation; stupidity;
Vandenburg, Arthur: defiance; enemies;
Vanderbilt, Cornelius: education;
Van De Snepscheut, Johannes: theory;
Van Doren, Mark: gullibility;
Van Fleet, Xi: “woke”, “ESG”;
Van Gogh, Vincent: night and day; art;
Vander Weyer, Martin: market (the); money; age (old); economics; banking; capitalism; France;
Van Gitabushi, Jean-Claude: Democrat Party (the US);
Vaughn, Vince: guns;
Vazirani, Umesh: travel (air);
Veblen, Thorstein: luxury; travel; business;
Veeck, Bill: baseball; taxation;
Vegetius: peace; plans;
Venclova, Tomas: optimism/pessimism;
Veil, Simone: Marxism;
Verbruggen, Robert: feminism;
Verini, James: war; war reporting;
Verlaine, Paul: England (-ish, The); London;
Vermeule, Adrian: liberalism; education;
Verne, Jules: science; mistakes;
Vespa, Matt: anti-Americanism; Left (The);
Vestey, Michael: environmentalism; Great Britain; snobbery; “sociology”; television; radio; America.
Vickers, Sally: equality;
Vickery, Lucy: Australia,
Vidal, Gore: television; “schadenfreude”;
Vieira, Toby: automobiles; motoring;
Villasenor, Salvador: law (the); crime;
Villeneuve, Philippe: “conversation”; debate;
Vincent, Edgar: England;
Vincent, Sally: insanity;
Vine, Jeremy: bicycles; telephones (cell & “smart”); words, language, internet (the);
Vine, Sarah: France;
Virgil: Libya;
Vizinczey, Stephen: lawyers;
Vladimir of Kiev, Prince: Russia; drink;
Voegeli, William: history; humanity; democracy; liberals; consequences; compassion; Clinton (Hillary); relativism; feminism; insults; Medicare; Welfare State (The); immigration;
Vogelin, Eric: totalitarianism; intellectuals;
Voight, Jon: “antiwar” movement (the); Vietnam War (The);
Voltaire: success, England; Great Britain; middle class (the); doubt; certainty; criticism; censorship; “political correctness”; cynicism; philanthropy; gullibility; death (speaking ill of); work; medicine; doctors; coronavirus (the); Scotland; “diversity”; litigation;
Volsky, Victor: Palin (Sarah);
Von Braun, Wernher: space;
Von Capelle, Edward: World War I;
Von Hoffman, Nicholas: “McCarthyism”;
Von Humboldt, Alexander: discovery; travel; “world-view”;
Von Kuehnelt-Leddihn: Switzerland; Africa; modernity; history;
Von Mises, Ludwig: intellectuals; socialism; socialism (national); fascism; economics; dictators;
Von Rompuy, Herman: European Union (The);
Vonnegut, Kurt: High School; smoking; art (modern); leisure; procrastination; acting; pretentiousness; Beatles (the);
Vreeland, Diana: elegance; fashion;
Wade, Nicholas: race;
Wadsworth, Charles: fatherhood;
Wagner, Honus: baseball;
Wainwright, Alfred: weather (the);
Wainwright, Jon: ideas; progress;
Waits, Tom: gentleman;
Wakefield, Mary: seriousness; self-esteem, children; youth; argument; Russia; wealth; Twitter; conflict; Koran (The); offense; rights (human, civil, etc.); sin (original); men and women; “social media”; foreign aid; hypocrisy; complacency; philanthropy; perfection; internet; environmentalism; fantasy; certainty; religion; business; development (human); life; photography; Newsom (Gavin); Protestants (Episcopalian/Anglican); telephones (cell & “smart”); liberals (“limousine”); happiness;
Wald, George: physics;
Waldegrave, William: media (the); politics;
Walden, Celia: writing/writers:
Walesa, Lech: Obama Administration (The);
Walken, Christopher: fame;
Walker, Alice: Barack Obama;
Walker, Jimmy: New York; Chicago;
Walker, John Jr.: security;
Walker, Josh: combat;
Walker, Mort: quotes;
Walker, Richard: Sudan (The);
Walker, Russell: Africa;
Walker, Scott: “Third Way (The)”; moderates;
Wallace, Ben: war (“forever”);
Wallace, Edgar: Los Angeles;
Wallenda, Karl: life; risk;
Waller, J. Michael: FBI (the); Kissinger (Henry); war; war (reasons for); Qatar;
Waller-Bridge, Phoebe: women;
Walpole, Horace: life;
Walpole, Robert: gratitude;
Walsh, Joe: decades; age (old);
Walsh, Matt: civil war (in general, and Civil War II); Left (The);
Walsh, Michael: intelligence; press (the); geometry; revolution; left (the); parades; baseball; political correctness; compassion; Democrat Party (The US); hope; Thatcher (Mrs.); Obama (Barack); sin; war; war (and peace); immigration; psychiatry; media (left-wing bias); sedition; “gender”; European Union (The); writing; abortion; progressives; women; sexual perversion; atheism; Belgium; Trump (Michael); “Black Lives Matter”; trans-sexuals; military (the); military (homosexuals in the); military (women in the); “global warming”; Biden Administration (The); liberals; men-women; “hate crime (hate speech)”; elections; guns; “Trumpism”; China (Red);
Walsingham, Francis: espionage;
Walter, Mary: holidays;
Walter, Matthew: Clinton (Bill);
Walters, Gen. Vernon: Vietnam; communism;
Walther, Matthew: beer;
Walton, Bill: medicine;
Walton, James: conformity; “social work”; combat; combat (coming home from); “Sixties (The”); music (rock); “cyberwar”;
Walz, Tim: socialism; freedom of speech; “hate speech”; Walz (Tim);
Wambaugh, Joseph: sex; Ono (Yoko); Mexico; boys and girls; police (the);
Wargas, Robert: political correctness;
Warhol, Andy: fame; art; America; wealth; value; equality; desire;
Warner, Gerald: “political correctness”; legislation; politics;
Warraq, Ibn: Islam; libertarianism;
Warren, Elizabeth: contracts; guns;
Warren, Robert Penn: West (“The Wild”); geography; history;
Washington, Amina: “privilege”; Left (The);
Washington, Booker T.: blacks (American);
Washington, Denzel: press (the); fatherhood; failure;
Washington, George: government; spending (government); sex; guns; corruption; virtue; espionage; weakness; defense (national); foreign policy;
Waterhouse, Keith: “consultants”; lunch; civilization; behavior; work; women; action/activity; death; bachelors; time; travel (air); hotels; New York; English language (the); photography; tourism; Japan; girls; mistakes; mind (the); adultery; future (the); grammar;
Waters, John: censorship;
Watkins, David: atheism;
Watson, James: blacks;
Watson, Molly: sports;
Watson, Paul Joseph: UKIP; censorship;
Watson, Lyall: socialism;
Watterson, Bill: snow; language;
Watts, Andrew: risk; lawyers;
Watts, Charlie: music (rock);
Watts; Steven: self-help;
Waugh, Alexander: education; seriousness;
Waugh, Auberon: punishment; youth; idealism; legislation; architecture; truth; libel; writing; death;
Waugh, Evelyn: Left-Right; miracles; World War II; World War II (Nazi-Soviet Pact 1939-41); history; writers(-ing); happiness; imperialism; Empire (The British); communism; boredom; “class”; gambling; gentleman(-men); civilization; sex; New York; labor; servants; race; “multiculturalism” education; charm; England; Great Britain; Proust (Marcel); America; France; God; faith; heaven; curiosity; “world-view”; geography; Ireland; Italy; jungle (the); Catholics; crying; marriage; humor; complaint; war; discrimination; genius; individualism; children; logic; advice (good), appearances; “public service”; memory; intellectuals; travel; travel writing; immigration; friendship; Egypt; Islam; humanity; music; ideology; style; totalitarianism; Arabs; family; vice; insults; rudeness; babies; Deep State (The); self; Armenia; tropics (the); Yemen; slavery; colonialism; Anglosphere (the); whites (“white superiority”); Kenya;
Wayne, John: prejudice; courage; stupidity; patriotism; combat; talk; advice (good);
Wead, Doug: Trump (Donald);
Weaver, Luke: superstition;
Weaver, Richard M.: freedom; morality; modernity;
Webb, James: Vietnam War (The); Vietnam; Philippines (The); Asia; beer; Russia; military (the); military (women in the); combat; art; photography; Lebanon; advice; war (reasons for);
Webb, Justin: education; America; medicine;
Webb, Robert: fame;
Weber, Max: ambition; government; violence;
Webster, Daniel: Constitution (the US); good intentions;
Weerasethakul, Apitchatpong: dreams;
Weigel, George: marriage (homosexual);
Weiner, Greg: progress; progressives; politics; America; boredom;
Weingarten, Benjamin: Islamic ecumenism; Biden Administration (The); Coronavirus (The); ”January 6th”;
Weinreich, Max: language;
Weinstein, Bret: Democrat Party (the U.S.);
Weiss, Bari: New York Times (The); words; “Trumpism”/Trump Administration (The);
Weizman, Chaim: Jews;
Welch, Jack: destiny; bureaucracy;
Weld, Isaac: Princeton University;
Weldon, Fay: Norway; desire; expectation; exhaustion/fatigue; Islam (doctrine); childbirth; sin; talk; censorship; awareness; New Zealand; men and women; children; rugby;
Welles, Orson: Switzerland; travel (air); happiness;
Wellington, The Duke of: religion; military (the); France; Spain; combat; war; knowledge; genetics;
Wells, Bob: government (Federal);
Wells, H.G.: socialism;
Wells, Paul: Canada;
Welsh, Irvine: stupidity; certainty; “identity politics”;
Wendt, George: women;
Werleman, C. J.: Left-Right;
Wesbury, Brian: “capitalism”;
Wessels, Hannes: combat;
West, Allen: Blacks (American); war on terror (“GWOT”); fights; health; conservatives;
West, August: “Election” of 2020 (The);
West, Bing: Iraq War (the); Afghanistan; Afghanistan (War in); war; Vietnam War; combat; blame; failure; life; courage; Pakistan; military (the); Islam (Doctrine);
West, Ed: Syria; tolerance; “progressives”;
West, Edmund: autism; podcasts;
West, Kanye: ”Trumpism”/Trump Administration (The);
West, Mae: life; language; choice; shock;
West, Rebecca: truth; God;
West, Richard: jungle (the); Vietnam. Vietnam War (The); Laos; Cambodia; race; Asia; Empire (The French); English (Anglo)-French Relations; Mao Tse-tung; “Communism Has Never Been Tried”; revolution;
Westlake, Donald: publishing; lawyers; fashion; problems; clergy (the); reality; business (big); New York; excuses; morality; sex; cowardice; coincidence; crime; New York City Subway; geography; children, Staten Island; automobiles; motoring; truth; medicine; violence; marriage; South Dakota; walking; fate; mathematics; men and women; appearances; homosexuality; relationships; life; money; drugs; trans-sexuals; restaurants; science; security;
Westmoreland, William: military (women in the);
Wharton, Michael: Tibet;
Wharton, William: military (the); combat; World War II; prayer;
Whatley, Richard: truth;
Wheatcroft, Geoffrey: colonialism; left-right; language;
Whelan, Charles: fame;
Wheeler, Derek: homosexuality; “gender”;
Wheeler, Sara: quotations; writing (-ers);
Wheldon, Wynn: narcissism; self-esteem; Belgium;
Whistler, James A.N.: Great Britain; talk;
White, Andrew: Islam; Koran (The);
White, E.B.: optimism; life; humor; drink; women; men and women; complication-complexity; dogs;
White, Edmund: homosexuals (-ity);
White, Paul Dudley: exercise;
White, Robin: perfection; Russia; Soviet Union (The); history; nature; cats; animals; politicians;
White, Roland: Norway;
Whitehead, Alfred North: Bible (The); humor;
Whitehorn, Katharine: cooking;
Whitehouse, David: math;
Whitlock, Jason: Liberals/Liberalism;
Whitty, Stephen: New Jersey;
Whyte, Jamie: motivation;
Wickramasinghe, Prof. Chandra: “Big Bang Theory”;
Wictor, Thomas: Iran; dictatorship; Obama (Barack); California;
Wielicki, Matthew: “global warming”;
Wiesel, Elie: love; evil; neutrality; threats;
Wieseltier, Leon: Obama (Barack); Obama Administration (The); fashion, conformity; individualism; “identity politics”; political correctness;
Wiesenthal, Simon: Jews; anti-Semitism;
Wilberforce, William: crime;
Wildasin, David: economics;
Wildavsky, Aaron: anecdotes; information;
Wilde, Oscar: writing/writers; work; sentimentality; socialism; experience; press (the); self; advice (good); behavior; marriage; death; vulgarity; soccer; men-women; Catholicism; art; lying; friendship; happiness; fashion; America; youth;
Wilder, Billy: truth; humor; life; insults; capitalism;
Wilders, Geert: Islam; Islam (“Moderate”); Islamic “Jihad”;
Wilensky, David: internet (the);
Wiles, Will: hotels; buses; data; information; zeal/zealots; trust; treason/treachery; nostalgia; tourism;
Wilhelm, Heather: critics; Malthusianism;
Wilkes, John: sex; life;
Will, George: Clinton (Bill); global warming; World War II; government; government (federal); boys; government (reasons for); politics; “war toys”; merit; America; “proportionality”; trains; automobiles; “global warming”; economics; corruption; European Union (The); Goldwater (Barry); “appropriate”;; human nature; totalitarianism; “progressives”; education; Carter (Jimmy);
Willets, David: government;
Willey, Kathleen: Clinton (Hillary); “War on Women”;
Williams, Armstrong: banks; government (Federal);
Williams, Billie: Democrat Party (The U.S.);
Williams, Brian: Democrat Party (the U.S.);
Williams, Hugo: men and women;
Williams, Hywel: conservatives (-ism);
Williams, Ian: “AI”;
Williams, Kenneth: humor;
Williams, Nigel: feminism; memory; labor unions; men; men and women; women; travel; travel (air); action; Clinton (Bill); America; names; Indians (Feathered); Nevada; boats; countryside; hotels; ideas; San Francisco; manufacturing; Europe; Great Britain; Revolution (The American); California; New England; sea (the); life; death; children; time; age (old); suburbs (the); insanity; selfishness, opinion; fatherhood, Europe (Eastern); squash (the sport, not the vegetable); clothes; family; wealth; gardens; marriage; sex; Catholics; banks; Islam; Mohammed; Koran (The); public speaking; fame; celebrity; behavior; attraction; games; equality; love; automobiles; England-(Anglo)-American relations; sex education; psychiatry; England; emotions; speech; relationships; China; parents (-hood); solitude; words; work; telephones; camping; pleasure; rules; rowing; home; truth: happiness; geography; meetings; problems; crowds;
Williams, Robbie: childbirth;
Williams, Robin: divorce; men; drugs; police; England;
Williams, Ted: baseball;
Williams, Tennessee: memory;
Williams, Terrence K.: Democrat Party (the US);
Williams, Walter E.: property; “capitalism”; democracy, wealth; wealth (redistribution of); poverty; human nature; taxation; race; liberals; justice (“social”); market (the); teachers;
Williamson, Anthony Douglas: religion;
Williamson, Chilton: Hellman (Lillian);
Williamson, Kevin D.: Philadelphia; “Washington”; Singapore; profit(s); government; government (Federal); government (reasons for); labor; banks (-ing); capitalism; capitalism (anti-); corporations; “nine/eleven”(“9/11”); culture; civilization; conservatism; drugs; homosexuality; Canada; “GDP”; left-right; Democrat Party (The US); poetry; Republicans-Democrats; Republican Party (The US); IQ; “globalization”; feminism; Christianity; market (the); market (the “black”); Springsteen (Bruce); travel (air); empathy; left (the); population; liberals; “progressives”; guns; Post Office (the US); socialism; fascism; “collective will”; elitism; religion; “political correctness”; subsidies; Cruz (Ted); agriculture; New York; Boston; adultery; Hollywood; bureaucracy; Clinton (Bill); Clinton (Hillary); Clinton (Chelsea); Clintons (the); Obama (Barack); Obama Administration (The); Olympics (The); Obamacare; “public”; corruption; fairness; counterinsurgency; Al Qaeda; espionage; generalities; indoctrination; libertarianism; freedom of speech; principle; property; Connecticut; stupidity; committees; fundamentalism; wealth; law (the); death; equality (income); “Church and State, (Separation of”); environmentalism; France; nostalgia, fashion; bullshit; human nature; Trump (Donald); treason; planning (government); Warren (Elizabeth); Afghanistan; Constitution (The U.S.); rights; business; wealth and poverty; guns; universities; Texas; Norway; summer; democracy; confidence; “Iran-Contra Affair”; negotiations; mind (the); economics; race; women; men & women; welfare; prices; gender; hypocrisy; communism; “relationships”; popularity; science; Socialism (National – NAZIs); tolerance; protests; unhappiness; atheism; “identity politics”; royalty; knowledge; complexity; Biden (Joe); humor; manners; public sector; Hollywood; poverty; Revolution (The French); bi-partisanship; censorship; Russia; power; compromise; Utopianism; Kennedys (The); “sexual revolution”; boats (& ships); California; immigration; "white privilege/supremacy"; talk; words; “Antifa”; “Trumpism” (Trump Administration, The); marriage; telephones (“smart”); trains; pragmatism; multiculturalism; “Establishment, The”; energy; pessimism; apology; reactionaries; modernity, civilization; mobs; China (Red); ignorance; fracking; Sanders (Bernie); anti-Americanism; Nevada; Lennon (John); minorities; Washington D.C.; healthcare; presidency (the US); “centrism”; time; Supreme Court (The US); America; destruction; history; laziness; Justice (“social”); judges; revolution; Senate (The U.S.); Congress (The US); Indians (”Feathered”); anti-Semitism; Biden (Joe); Biden Administration (The); Bidens (The); totalitarianism; Journalism school; bullshit; “cosmopolitanism”; health (The British NHS); taxation; social media; “lifestyle”; Florida; “diversity”;
Williford, Tricia Lott: women; men and women;
Willis, Bruce: childbirth; men and women;
Willson, Quentin: failure;
Wilson, A.N.: marriage; myths; Darwinism; eugenics; coronavirus (the); books; writing (-ers);
Wilson, Brian; cities; Cleveland;
Wilson, Cody: guns;
Wilson, Edmund; progressives;
Wilson, Edward O.: Marx (-ism); genetics;
Wilson, Harold: Marx (-ism); Labour Party (The British);
Wilson, Pete: immigration (-nts);
Wilson, Scott: Gingrich (Newt); Olympics (The); freedom of speech; marriage (homosexual); left-right;
Wilson, Woodrow: America (South); automobiles; “checks and balances”;
Winants, Alain: Belgium;
Winchell, Walter: California;
Winner, Michael: cinema;
Winnicott, Donald: babies; abortion;
Winsemious, Albert: communism;
Winters, Jonathan: success;
Winterson, Jeanette: past (the);
Wirathu, Ashin: Islamic “Jihad”;
Wirth, Timothey E.; “global warming”;
Witherow, John: Cold War (The);
Witt, Will: offense;
Wittgenstein, Ludwig: creation(ism); Idealism; heroes; death; religion; questions; animals; language; quotations;
Wodehouse, P.G.: dogs; Los Angeles; Hollywood; New York; France; Belgium; bureaucracy; quotes; Scotland; horse racing; art (African); life; trickery; children; insurance; death; dedications; fate; Cannes; travel; Italy; war; Germany, punctuation; fashion; writing; humor, political correctness; Shakespeare; denial; England; police (the); family; boredom; music; music (folk); dance; class;
Wogan, Terry: departures;
Wojtyla, Karol (Pope John-Paul II): communism;
Wolf, Daniel: internet (the); censorship; free speech; political correctness;
Wolf, Milton: media (left-wing) bias; Republicans-Democrats;
Wolf, Naomi: Trump (Donald);
Wolfe, Alan: Scandinavia; welfare state (the);
Wolfe, Tom: intellectuals; fascism; communism; guilt; art; cults; religion; America; anti-Americanism; youth; fashion; heresy; conservatism; hotels/motels; music (rap, hip-hop); baseball; New York; parties (party-parties); internet (the); World War I; IQ; Marxism; universities; Vietnam War (The); humiliation; bullshit, boundaries; words; real estate; action/activity; marriage; leadership; explanation; women; education (private); charisma; Georgia (US state); hesitation;
Wolfe, Thomas: America;
Wolfowitz, Paul: surprise;
Wolmar, Christian: trains;
Wolpert, Lewis: depression;
Womack, Philip: knowledge;
Womerseley, Kate: sickness/disease;
Wood, Natalie: men-women;
Wooden, John: character;
Woods, James: Obama (Barack); “sanctuary”; immigration; voting; “Election” of 2020 (The); Biden (Joe) “coronavirus”; Trump (Donald); Republicans-Democrats; Walz (Tim);
Woods, Tiger: golf;
Woodward, Joanne: humor; men & women;
Woolsey, James: democracy;
Wootton, David: “AI”; religion; self-delusion/self-deception;
Wordsworth, Dot: Internet (The); Indians (“Feathered”); “peace process”; development (“sustainable”); language; generalities; “social media”; words; “gender”; quotes; knowledge; BBC (The);
Worstall, Tim: work; spending (government);
Worsthorne, Peregrine: government (secrets/secrecy); New Zealand; morality; freedom;
Wrangham, Richard: capital punishment;
Wright, Frank Lloyd: propaganda; weapons;
Wright, James C. Jr.: animals;
Wright, Ronald: America (South);
Wright, Steven: lawyers; conscience; depression; ambition; work; laziness; thought;
Wrong, Michela: girls;
Wyand, Jared: Kasich (John);
Wyatt, Petronella: drink; patriotism; Harry and Meghan;
Wyche, Cyril: Iran;
Wyplosz, Charles: economics;
X, Malcolm: education; blacks (negroes); blacks (American); advice (good); fighting; liberals;
Xenophanes: religion;
Xenophon: fear;
Yago, Glenn: Palestine (-ians);
Yamamoto, Adm. Isoruku: guns; defense (national); America;
Yang, Wesley: lying; progressives;
Yates, David: Afghanistan; reputation;
Yates, Dornford: modernity;
Yeager, Chuck: age; airplanes;
Yeats, W.B.: civilization;
Yeffet, Isaac: “profiling”;
Yeltsin, Boris: Soviet Union (The)
Yeonmi, Park: universities; Columbia University; anti-Americanism; equality;
Yermolov, Alexei: Chechnya;
Yevtushenko, Evgeny: language translation;
Yew, Lee Kuan: multiculturalism; tribalism; China (Red);
Yiannopoulos, Milo: Islamic ecumenism;
Yoo, John: “torture”;
York, Byron: “Trumpism”;
Young, James: music (rock);
Young, John: space;
Young, Mark: work; Obama Administration (The);
Young, Tim: “Election” of 2022 (the, & Aftermath);
Young, Toby: children; education; “self-esteem”; environmentalism (-ists); fashion; America; political correctness; press(the); Great Britain; English-American relations; Christmas; snobbery; “class”; equality; fatherhood; Left (The); Left-Right; socialism; culture; puritanism (“the new”); ideology; discipline; prizes; feminism; business; Utopias; nationalism; neutrality; Johnson (Boris); university professors; “social justice warriors”; IQ; intelligence (knowledge); teachers; teacher’s unions; “global warming”; coronavirus; fights; “Zeitgeist, The”; “white privilege”; science; women; safety; freedom of speech; “disinformation” (& “misinformation”);
Young, William P.: religion; god;
Youngman, Henny: marriage;
Younggren, Jeffrey: animals;
Ypi, Léa: revolution;
Yudlowsky, Eliezer: “AI”;
Zamoyski, Adam: Sweden,
Zappa, Frank: jazz; America; law (the); communism; property; beer; countries; education; music; Marx (Karl); intelligence (knowledge);
Zed, Tyler: Obama (Michelle); prizes;
Zeik, J.D.: espionage;
Zelensky, Volodymyr: Ukraine (& war in Ukraine);
Zell, Sam: real estate;
Zemmour, Eric: Fascism; Stalin; immigration; English (Anglo) - French Relation;
Zevon, Warren: problems; parenthood;
Zhang Youxia: China (Red);
Ziegler, Anna James: Obama Administration (The);
Zill, Nicholas: bullshit; propaganda;
Zingales, Luigi: government (reasons for);
Zink, Nell: “Big Tech”;
Zinke, Ryan: hunting;
Zito, Salena: Trump (Donald);
Žižek, Slavoj: museums; Left-Right; Indians (“Feathered”); happiness;
Zozzora, Carmine: wealth and poverty; wealth (redistribution of); progressives; guns;
Zubrin, Robert: population; Malthusianism; fusion; “global warming”;
Zuckerberg, Mark: social media;
Zuker, Danny: children;
Zuma, Jacob: South Africa; corruption;
Zycher, Benjamin: socialism;